Sentences with phrase «against gay marriage how»

@Todd «if you ask someone who is vehemently against gay marriage how a gay marriage would affect his or her personal life, you will never get a true answer.»
Honestly, if you ask someone who is vehemently against gay marriage how a gay marriage would affect his or her personal life, you will never get a true answer.

Not exact matches

God is against homosexuality — if this is so «evident» as you think — how come many facets of Judaism are allowing gay marriage?
You've seen how religious individuals prayed against gay marriage.
Please explain to me how a law against gay marriage can lead to the betterment of society.
How can any business that is divided against itself survive, it CA N'T, yet we have the APA that ones that in 73 approved gays off the DSM deeply divided on gay marriage.
I get top billing not you LOL How can any business that is divided against itself survive, it CA N'T, yet we have the APA that ones that in 73 approved gays off the DSM deeply divided on gay marriage.
Maybe if the Catholics just kept their mouths shut, didn't protest against gay marriage, didn't protest against Obama's health insurance bill, didn't protest against women's rights, and didn't try to tell everyone how wrong they are, maybe everyone wouldn't hate them so much.
The fact that you can't figure out how to write «psychiatrists» or even «shrinks», but have to use the pathetic «physic», which doesn't make any sense at all, is evidence that you're not bright enough to make a cogent argument against gay marriage.
It's insane how often the same people that want to legislate morality (i.e. forbid gay marriage, abortion, pot) are the same against legislating other behaviors (i.e. what size soda you can sell, Obamacare).
how come «defense of marriage» only applies against gay marriage and not against «adultery»?
How can they say «We have no agenda against anyone» when they clearly have an agenda, i.e. not supporting gay marriage.
How dare she be against marriage for gays and lesbians!?!
The Bible also speaks against fornication (sex out of marriage) between straight people how much more for the gays who God DID NOT create marriage for.
Dean Skelos, the new majority leader, is against gay marriage, but had previously instructed his caucus to vote how they pleased on the issue.
Regardless, he's making a strong case for how unlikely it is there would be a legal challenge against churches for not conducting gay marriages.
Addabbo has said he never discussed his personal beliefs or how he would vote on gay marriage in the Senate during his campaign against then Sen. Serphin Maltese (R - Glendale).
As long as gay marriage passes, I doubt that gays will care about how Shelly voted even if he votes against the bill when it finally.
The smooth telling of Russo's story juxtaposed against the present day, when gay marriage is sanctioned in some states and gay characters are all over prime - time television, drives home how different the cultural landscape is from the one Russo knew.
The conservatives (denialists) in a society see themselves as being near the top of the heap, mechanisms that bring about major social changes are likely to be bad for their position, in comparison the liberals (alarmists) see such mechanisms as an opportunity to bring about social change to their advantage, examples of how conservatives fight against such changes can be seen all over the place, from giving women the vote, to civil rights legislation, to gay marriage, etc..
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