Sentences with phrase «against gay marriage in»

The controversial case against gay marriage in California gets the spotlight in this engaging documentary.
The majority of CA voted against gay marriage in the prop8 vote.
Earlier today before I departed for work, I pointed out the Biblical truths regarding the prohibitions against gay marriage in the BIble.
«The Mormons successfully lobbied against gay marriage in California.
Yes, except for the fact that a majority of blacks voted against gay marriage in California.

Not exact matches

In case you don't remember, at the pageant, Hilton asked Prejean about her thoughts on gay marriage, to which she responded that she was against it.
«Although I strongly disagree with Ashers stance against gay marriage, that is their right in a free and democratic society,» Tatchell said.
New Democrats feel their best shot at re-election cuts a straight path through Kenney's social values, policies and past comments against same - sex marriage and abortion, as well as his more recent comments that parents ought to be informed that their kids are in school gay - straight alliances.
If Sarah Palin really believed in God and in God's creations all being equal, she would not be against gay marriage and the rights of all humans to be equal.
im glad no - one believes in demons - the devil or god — and they try to rationalise everything — and discredit the bible — just shows me where we are at in the holy book — see if i remember, the end times come when «scorners and scoffers abound» when — wrong is called right and right is called wrong — and people would be married and given in marriage as in the daysd of noah --- sodom and gammorah had gay issues badly - im just gonna laugh and alaugh and laugh when ya «ll burn - do me a favor — at least read the bible once — see what it says before you — go against it.
(i) a woman's right to choose; (ii) teaching evolution in school; (iii) medical immunization of teen girls against HPV; (iv) assisted suicide; (v) gay marriage; (vi) my right to view art and theatre deemed «offensive,» «blasphemous» or «obscene» by theists (vii) basic $ ex education for older school children; (viii) treating drug abuse as principally a medical issue; (xi) population control; (x) buying alcohol on a Sunday; (xi) use of condoms and other contraceptives (xii) stem cell research.
But his comments on the «gay lobby» are likely to gain the most attention, especially in the West, where Catholic leaders have been mounting a fierce fight against same - sex marriage.
Were religious people promoting peace when they voted down gay marriage (a civil rights issue, opponents of which will be viewed in the same light as the opponents against civil rights in the 50s and 60s) You are just so comfortable in the majority, you can't see the prejudice and bias you put on people that aren't like you.
In some cases, evidence of past incorrect opinion is sufficient: The CEO of the software firm Mozilla, Brendan Eich, was hounded from his post in 2014 for a $ 1,000 contribution to a 2008 California referendum campaign against gay marriage, evidence of a position he shared at the time with Barack Obama and Hillary ClintoIn some cases, evidence of past incorrect opinion is sufficient: The CEO of the software firm Mozilla, Brendan Eich, was hounded from his post in 2014 for a $ 1,000 contribution to a 2008 California referendum campaign against gay marriage, evidence of a position he shared at the time with Barack Obama and Hillary Clintoin 2014 for a $ 1,000 contribution to a 2008 California referendum campaign against gay marriage, evidence of a position he shared at the time with Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.
The pastor proceeded to warn his audience against voting for a candidate in the upcoming midterm elections who supports gay marriage and abortion, even if that candidate, Carl DeMaio, is a Republican.
Tuesday's meeting at the Elysee Palace, the official presidential residence, was held days before a planned demonstration against a draft law unveiled in November by France's Socialist government that would allow gay marriage.
The Attorney General stated that the Obama Administration wishes to oppose discrimination against gays and lesbians and declared that DOMA reflects «stereotype - based thinking» in its definition of «marriage» and «spouse.»
In contrast, last week — in an unprecedented compromise — Utah passed two bills: one banning discrimination against lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgender people; and on protecting the rights of those who object to same - sex marriage on religious groundIn contrast, last week — in an unprecedented compromise — Utah passed two bills: one banning discrimination against lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgender people; and on protecting the rights of those who object to same - sex marriage on religious groundin an unprecedented compromise — Utah passed two bills: one banning discrimination against lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgender people; and on protecting the rights of those who object to same - sex marriage on religious grounds.
In response, we believe in building strong marriages with our spouses and children as we start our own families, but wonder what this has to do with fighting against equal protection for gay coupleIn response, we believe in building strong marriages with our spouses and children as we start our own families, but wonder what this has to do with fighting against equal protection for gay couplein building strong marriages with our spouses and children as we start our own families, but wonder what this has to do with fighting against equal protection for gay couples.
How can any business that is divided against itself survive, it CA N'T, yet we have the APA that ones that in 73 approved gays off the DSM deeply divided on gay marriage.
I get top billing not you LOL How can any business that is divided against itself survive, it CA N'T, yet we have the APA that ones that in 73 approved gays off the DSM deeply divided on gay marriage.
However, in 2003, Mr. Schulman rolled up his sleeves again and published this essay, called «Gay Marriage — and Marriage» which leap - frogged even the span of his previous essay and made what must be called the definitive secular case against gay marriaGay Marriage — and Marriage» which leap - frogged even the span of his previous essay and made what must be called the definitive secular case against gay mMarriage — and Marriage» which leap - frogged even the span of his previous essay and made what must be called the definitive secular case against gay mMarriage» which leap - frogged even the span of his previous essay and made what must be called the definitive secular case against gay marriagay marriagemarriage.
This so called Christian is the first to openly accept gay marriage as a political stance, which if you want to not believe what the bible says about it then fine, but this wasn't his stance when running in Chicago against a conservative black candidate.
Here's the build - up to it, in his recent column arguing against the supposed inevitability of gay marriage: ``... Nation - wide, no referendum simply upholding....
People who say they are Christian and say they are for Gay marriage are nuts, uneducated in Christianity and against God.
«Throughout this and other gay - marriage campaigns, some queer activists have expressed their own discomfort about feeling obligated to fight for an institution about which they feel ambivalent while other essential battles — against HIV / AIDS, homelessness, domestic violence, and general discrimination — struggle for money and media attention,» wrote Deirdre Fulton in the Portland Phoenix.
A conservative Church of England group is calling for action against the Bishop of Buckingham after he spoke out in favour of gay marriage.
Blacks, in California, were somewhere around 90 percent against gay marriage.
(i) a woman's right to an abortion; (iii) medical immunization of teen girls (and boys) against HPV; (iv) assisted suicide; (vi) gay marriage; (vii) my right to view art and theatre deemed «offensive,» «blasphemous» or «obscene» Catholics; (viii) basic $ ex education for older school children; (ix) treating drug abuse as principally a medical issue; (x) population control; (xi) buying alcohol on a Sunday in many places; (xii) use of condoms and other contraceptives; (xiii) embryonic stem cell research; (xiv) little 10 year - old boys joining organizations such as the Boy Scouts of America, regardless of the religious views of their parents; and (xv) gays being allowed to serve openly in the military.
As I write, the Coalition for Marriage petition against gay marriage has reached a total of 600,783 signatures and by the time this is in print, that total will be considerably higher - you can check its current level at, and sign the petition while you are about it if you haven't already Marriage petition against gay marriage has reached a total of 600,783 signatures and by the time this is in print, that total will be considerably higher - you can check its current level at, and sign the petition while you are about it if you haven't already marriage has reached a total of 600,783 signatures and by the time this is in print, that total will be considerably higher - you can check its current level at, and sign the petition while you are about it if you haven't already done so.
Confessing with some agitation that he too found one gay advocate to be «kind, winsome, insightful and reasonable,» Anyabwile concludes that the best way to turn the tide back against gay marriage is to «return the discussion to sexual behavior in all its yuckiest gag - inducing truth.»
People can be against gay marriage all they want — all it means is that should not be in a gay marriage, You duty is not to beign them to church but to leave them alone in their own faith be it christian or anythign else.
In all probability, Martin Luther King Junior was against gay marriage for the simple reason that it wasn't a big problem to him.
The Supreme Court will probably rule against gay marriage based on Stare Decisis of the California voter's decision in Proposition 22.
Just as the Anglican Lambeth Conference of 1930 undermined a key part of the conceptual framework that made potentially fruitful heterosexual intercourse the only acceptable kind of sex, so the gradual degradation in the popular understanding of marriage makes it very difficult for many people to conceptualise the Catholic argument against gay marriage.
This is sad... when supposedly Christian colleges are affirming gay marriage, contrary to God's commandments in the Bible against it, is proof that we have lost our way on this issue.
I'm not over 10,000 children losing their sponsorships in a protest against gay marriage.
Keep that in mind the next time you vote against gay marriage.
David Quinn, a Catholic journalist and commentator, and Neil Addison, a specialist barrister in religious freedom, spoke for approximately 15 minutes each, ably giving arguments against the legalisation of gay «marriage»; a question time session followed.
I sure wish my Pope and my Cardinals and my parish priest would have the courage to speak out against «gay marriage» like Pastor Owens and the other black pastors in this wonderful Coalition.
hingie, I really don't care what you think since my civil marriage has nothing to do with your book of fairy tales and if the main reason you believe gays should be discriminated against is because you read it in your book of myths, then all the more reason to grant gays their civil marriages.
It's kind of telling that the same people who are against gay marriage are also for teaching intelligent design in schools as an accepted scientific theory.
On this particular topic as long as people who vote their religious belief against gay marriage then it benefits people who believe differently — for any reason to be involved in the discussions since it affects them directly or indirectly.
So in summary you have no clue if gay marriage will hurt or not — its just against your religion this it must be outlawed.
In the past, she had spoken out against women bishops and gay marriage and in her letter of resignation, she is said to have stated: «I refuse to be mistaken as one participating in the fanciful notion of «good disagreement»»In the past, she had spoken out against women bishops and gay marriage and in her letter of resignation, she is said to have stated: «I refuse to be mistaken as one participating in the fanciful notion of «good disagreement»»in her letter of resignation, she is said to have stated: «I refuse to be mistaken as one participating in the fanciful notion of «good disagreement»»in the fanciful notion of «good disagreement»».
For the record, this in no way is an argument against gay marriage and as an atheist I find it ridiculous that this is actually a big debate we're having in our country, let alone that there is just an incredible amount of opposition.
I am in not necessarily against gay marriage but I know what the bible says and it DOES mention that gay marriage is not acceptable.
In my opinion, Christians vote against gay marriage simply because they believe they shouldn't support something God says «no» to.
But even if I didn't, even if I believed same - sex marriage was a sin, I could never, in good conscience, throw my support behind a law that would put my gay and lesbian neighbors behind bars for being gay or allow businesses free range to discriminate against them because of their orientation.
> > Some conservatives, who find themselves in the minority with their > opposition to gay marriage and clergy, see themselves as being > discriminated against.
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