Sentences with phrase «against heresy»

The early church fought against the heresy of the Gnostics.
What if, instead of practicing «apologetic evangelism» where we are always trying to defend the faith against the heresies of the heathen, we loved people and served people?
One of the primary reasons churches create doctrinal statements and other boundaries so so they can better protect the members against heresy and false teaching.
A disembodied Word expressed in creedal statements, which were constructed to defend orthodoxy against heresy rather than proclaim the faith, will not communicate the joy and redemptive power of the gospel.
The writings of Irenaeus, (c. 130 - 200), especially his massive work Against the Heresies (Adversus Haereses), is a case in point.
It is of no surprise to us that Epiphanius (the Bishop of Salamis in Cyprus), writing in 375 - 378, [47] almost two centuries after the birth of the Montanist movement, in his book Panarion (Medicine Chest against all heresies), could pass judgement on the Montanists as follows:
Boff responded by acknowledging that dogma is needed to protect against heresy, but not in the same way in all times and places.
Wherefore he did not himself suffer death, but Simon, a certain man of Cyrene, being compelled, bore the cross in his stead; so that this latter being transfigured by him, that he might be thought to be Jesus, was crucified, through ignorance and error, while Jesus himself received the form of Simon, and, standing by, laughed at them (Against the Heresies I. 24.2).
Today, Yemen is racked by civil war and Islamic extremists who, in a campaign against heresy, have destroyed ancient mosques in the port city of Aden, and a multidomed shrine in the Hadhramaut region.
It is needless to say that may Church fathers, such as Origen, Augustine, etc., have also fought against heresy.
Why not do both What if, instead of practicing «apologetic evangelism» where we are always trying to defend the faith against the heresies of the heathen, we loved people and served people?
Let her fight against heresies, expound the Catholic faith, trample on the rites of the heathen, strike down thy idols, O Rome, devote song to the martyrs, and praise the apostles.»
In 189 AD, assertion of the primacy of the Church of Rome may be indicated in Irenaeus of Lyons's Against Heresies (3:3:2): «With [the Church of Rome], because of its superior origin, all the churches must agree... and it is in her that the faithful everywhere have maintained the apostolic tradition.»
Some of these women make a public confession, but others are ashamed to do this, and in silence, as if withdrawing from themselves the hope of the life of God, they either apostatize entirely or hesitate between the two courses» (Against Heresies 1:22 [A.D. 189]-RRB-.
We need to speak out against this heresy that is causing many to be led astray and / or causing unbelievers to turn away!
Usually, we believe that creeds and confessions protect the gospel, defending it against heresy, keeping at bay those who teach a false gospel, and leading people toward central truths of gospel, such as God's holiness, our sinfulness, and the person and work of Jesus Christ.
In the relentless pursuit of partisan politics, the endless fight against heresy or entrenched orthodoxy, Left or Right, the religious community's arteries have hardened.
Orthodoxy defined itself: against heresies, against the West, the East, the Turks, etc..
It accounts for the development of the earliest form of apostolic traditions and apostolic succession among the early Church Fathers, particularly in Irenaeus» Against Heresies.
Therefore it is a plain duty to seek the very depths of human experience, for the sooner they are experienced, the sooner release will come (Irenaeus» exposition of the doctrines of Valentinus and Carpocrates, Against Heresies 1:6; 1:25).
Thus there is a papyrus scrap of the third book of Irenaeus, «Against Heresies», which contains New Testament quotations.
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