Sentences with phrase «against high gas prices»

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Margins for meat packers have been declining for several months as consumers began to push back against high prices at retail in order to cope with rising gas prices.
The problem is, inflation and high commodity prices — including oil and gas prices — tend to feed on each other in a vicious circle: people stock up on commodities to hedge against inflation, which leads to even higher prices, and thus inflation continues to rise.
In addition to driving more renewables and reducing emissions, an increased RPS policy can reduce wholesale electricity prices, act as a hedge against high, volatile natural gas prices, and add up to 3,000 jobs per year.
But those gas - fired plants face commodity and carbon price risks that will expose Albertans to higher electricity bills over the long term, something wind energy, with no fuel costs and no carbon emissions, can protect against.
In fact, one key coal industry lobbying point against congressional climate action has been to warn that utilities» inevitable switch from carbon - intensive coal to natural gas would expose consumers to the risk of higher - priced electricity.
We'd become beach bums living on the proceeds of lawsuits against fast food companies in trailer parks complaining the government didn't do enough to protect us from big oil and bad weather, and was letting gas prices get too high.
Meanwhile, Seoul, the capital of South Korea is taking measures against global warming and responding to the high prices of gas by constructing more bicycle - only lanes throughout the city.
Represented a certified class of consumers in the nationwide «hot fuel» class action against the oil industry for selling retail gas to consumers without adjusting the price to take account of lower fuel content of higher temperature gas.
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