Sentences with phrase «against homosexual acceptance»

Not exact matches

In order for things to change, pastors and Christian leaders who believe that acceptance, fidelity, and monogamy are a better alternative to shame and promiscuity have got to speak up and speak out against the teaching that states * all * homosexual expression is sinful... and proclaim that message as misinformed, damaging to God's children, and unchristian.
There was a fundamental difference between, on the one hand, offering something lawful to which a person was not automatically entitled in law (such as the acceptance of pleas to fewer or lesser offences with a consequent reduction in sentence or assistance towards repatriation) and, on the other hand, threatening something unlawful against which the person would normally have legal protection (such as an irremediably unlawful sentence or, as in the Cobb case, homosexual rape).
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