Sentences with phrase «against homosexuals in»

Not that we're against homosexuals in any way.
It is another for some African Christians to argue that their positions on homosexuality are wholly indigenous and that Western forces are practicing a new kind of colonialism in arguing for the legitimacy of same - sex relationships, especially when we hear echoes of Western missionary positions on homosexuality and see Western Evangelicals like Scott Lively actively stirring up hatred against homosexuals in African countries.

Not exact matches

Moore, who identifies as an evangelical Christian and views homosexuality as a lifestyle that is «against nature,» said in a 2005 interview on C - SPAN2 that he believes «homosexual conduct should be illegal.»
Jamie Murray was warned by two police officers to stop playing DVDs of the New Testament in his cafe following a complaint from a customer that it was inciting hatred against homosexuals.
I will no longer temper my understanding of truth in order to pretend that I have even a tiny smidgen of respect for the appalling negativity that continues to emanate from religious circles where the church has for centuries conveniently perfumed its ongoing prejudices against blacks, Jews, women and homosexual persons with what it assumes is «high - sounding, pious rhetoric.»
In order for things to change, pastors and Christian leaders who believe that acceptance, fidelity, and monogamy are a better alternative to shame and promiscuity have got to speak up and speak out against the teaching that states * all * homosexual expression is sinful... and proclaim that message as misinformed, damaging to God's children, and unchristian.
He is, according to National Journal, «perhaps the most extreme» of a network of U.S. evangelicals who, having failed in their crusade against all things gay at home, travel abroad to connect with anti-gay activists and arm them with arguments that, for example, homosexuals will seduce their children, corrupt all of society, and eventually take over the country.
The 1975 Continental Congress on the Family (a nationwide gathering in St. Louis of more than 2,000 evangelicals) issued a statement declaring that «while we acknowledge the Bible teaches homosexuality to be sinful, we recognize that a homosexual orientation can be the result of having been sinned against
And the case against homosexuals has been INTRODUCED to scripture in the last 100 years.
The author of the review thinks this book sinks under its own weight, for its author makes no secret of his loathing of the whole homosexual community, quoting every passage in the bible that can even remotely be translated against them, often twisting passages to say what they do not mean.
Just out of curiosity, back when you were «one of the champions in the church proudly speaking out against the threat of the homosexual offenders» what were the reasons you used to argue for that position?
That additional data, derived from the twin sources of Revelation (Tradition and Scripture), is impressive and enriching, and fills in for Christians the full rationale for the teaching against homosexual acts.
Homosexual acts by their nature arbitrate against the procreative dimension, as discussed in the previous section about the sacred interplay.
Let us never use the word «homosexual» in reference to a person, for it is a term that has become an epithet in the usage of those who are biased against persons of homosexual orientation.
I used to be one of the champions in the church proudly speaking out against the threat of the homosexual offenders.
To grant a special set of rights to homosexual persons would work against those real interests that the State has in the marital friendship.
The current evangelical biblicism turns a few scattered condemnations of certain homosexual practices in the ancient world into a law against all forms of homosexual activity today.
The bitterness directed in our society against humanists, Muslims, homosexuals, communists and so forth is in the Old Testament addressed to the God from whom no secret can be kept.
The adoption bill permitted homosexual couples jointly to adopt and in another strike against the status of marriage also allowed unmarried couples to adopt.
Another way to say it would be to observe that my story testifies to the truth of the position the Christian church has held with almost total unanimity throughout the centuries — namely, that homosexuality was not God's original creative intention for humanity, that it is, on the contrary, a tragic sign of human nature and relationships being fractured by sin, and therefore that homosexual practice goes against God's express will for all human beings, especially those who trust in Christ.»
``... very strong politically correct and left - wing revisionist history attitude or tone that's also Anti-American (especially a vague charge against «U.S. foreign policy»), and strong anti-capitalist elements... blasphemy, implied urinating, vomiting, scatological humor, and comments on breast feeding and sexual parts of people's bodies; light brief violence includes beating on car window and trying to damage car, man comically shoves people off a stage, man burns books; sexual content includes homosexual references, implied adultery with a pregnancy out of wedlock, talk about a priest raping boy in the past, a giant condom balloon placed on church steeple, references to real condoms, implied fornication; upper male nudity, man wears a dress; alcohol use and drunkenness; smoking and marijuana use depicted, including eating marijuana brownies; and, strong miscellaneous immorality includes lying, stealing, revenge, rebellion, dysfunctional family portrayed, father is a pothead and a drinker and lives in a trailer»
Still, in spite of his conviction that homosexual practice is against God's will, Wesley says he has not been able to change his orientation.
When the author is not sniggering over his campy double entendres, he indulges in juvenile rage against religion's alleged oppression of homosexuals.
That phrase is not used here in the law about male homosexual acts It is not one of the laws against things that are identified as a toebah to God!»
«In those times, we knew about things that have become common today: the reality of abortion, of people who manifest homosexual tendencies, whose personal dignity we always respected, but we were formed to see these acts as absolutely unacceptable, against the nature that God had created for us.»
If you truly believe that homosexual sex is against the will of your imaginary friend, you better not engage in it.
From a purely statistical viewpoint, it no doubt was exaggerated, and for various reasons: e.g., raw anti-Catholicism in the media, a continuing campaign within the Church against the celibacy rule, and an effort to exclude or remove homosexuals from the priesthood.
It's always hard to swim against the tide, and in the debate on homosexual lifestyle it feels, at times, more like a tsunami.»
On Christian ethical grounds, I would recommend that all laws making criminal offenses of acts between consenting homosexual adults be repealed and that there be no blanket job discrimination against homosexual persons of either sex; further, I contend that exclusion of homosexual persons from churches (unless they are pushed out for a reason that would apply to heterosexuals in identical fashion) is untenable.
Perhaps Eichenwald's greatest folly is in arguing that anyone who adopts Paul's lawfree gospel must give up on the prohibitions of Leviticus against homosexual practice.
It is unlikely that Pope Paul VI or any of the bishops in 1968 would have imagined that within a few decades a substantial proportion of Catholic parents in some Western countries would be living together outside of marriage or that the Church in those countries would be defending her rights against those who claim that homosexual partnerships must be treated as being of equal value with marriage.
Questioned about homosexuality, he stressed that the Church has fought more than any other group in Africa to stop discrimination against homosexual people, and at the same time he clearly stressed that the family is formed from a man and a woman, open to procreation and following the teaching of the Catholic Church.
There is even the hatred against homosexuals «in Jesus name» today.
My argument against ENDA is not based in a moral judgment about homosexual acts, but in the fact that our times are not those times.
Please explain to my ignorant worldview how Romans 1:18 - 32 does not at least speak of homosexual activity as perversion and how 1 Corinthians 6 does not speak against the homosexual act when the Greek Paul used clearly states in his sin list both partners in the homosexual act.
If homosexuals were allowed to serve in the military and occupy the same quarters, how does a commanding officer respond to the charge that, by allowing homosexuals to room together, he is discriminating against heterosexuals if he denies them as unmarried men and women the similar right of sharing the same quarters?
Supporters of a change in the current DOD policy argue that just as blacks and women experienced discrimination in the past, so too are homosexuals discriminated against today by being excluded from military service.
Richard Posner, a judge of the U.S. Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals, in a New York Times op - ed co-authored December 2 with Law Professor Eric Segall, takes Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia to task for threatening America with a «majoritarian theocracy» because of his repeated dissents, since Lawrence v. Texas, against the expansion of homosexual «rights» as a matter of Constitutional solicitude.
I would give my life for any homosexual man or women — I would gladly give my life in exchange for theirs if it come to the crunch but I still speak out against the sin of homosexuality... What you must understand is that it is a judgment of God when a nation turns away from God — The whole world is turning away from God and we need to stand against the teaching of the world... it is also a sign of the times as spoken of in timothy 1 and 2.
Church leaders are accused of fostering psychological violence against homosexual people by repeating certain myths or ignoring the important issues responsible for many problems that gay and lesbian people experience, both in churches and the wider society.
A more balanced and realistic approach is found in another study, titled The Prejudice against Homosexuals and the Ministry of the Church, published by the Washington State Catholic Conference in 1983.
Giglio was initially invited by the President's inauguration committee in part because of his work against sexual trafficking, and then encouraged to withdraw because of his sermon condemning homosexual behavior.
FRC gained attention in the last days of the campaign for its advertising against Joseph Cao — a Republican congressman from Louisiana who supported hate - crimes legislation and an effort to repeal the military's «don't ask, don't tell» policy on openly homosexual service members.
But Wesley concludes: «In the end, what keeps me on the path I've chosen is not so much individual proof texts from Scripture or the sheer weight of the church's traditional teaching against homosexual practice.
Against this background, Catholic Voices, an organisation whose motto is «putting the Church's view in the public square», arranged a talk about homosexual «marriage» and the common good last November.
This perverted psychiatric identity, elevated to the status of a mutant «life form» in order to safeguard polite society against its disgusting depravities, swallowed up the entire character of the afflicted: «Nothing that went into [the homosexual's] total composition was unaffected by his sexuality.
The orientation - essentialist structure, which was meant to be a surefire defense against homosexual debauchery, thereby became the strongest weapon in its arsenal.
When Judge Vaughn Walker voided Proposition 8, which restricted marriage in California to a man and a woman, he said in so many words that such a view was based on an irrational prejudice against homosexuals that could find support only in sectarian religious ideologies.
In particular, it is a response to the threat against the family represented by secular society's accelerating movement towards accepting what were, only a generation ago, simply demands by a small minority of activists for the legalisation of what they insist on describing as homosexual «marriage».
The 1992 analysis by Stephen Green (The Sexual Dead End, Broad View) indicates that in this country a homosexual male is 23 times more likely to offend against a boy under 16 than a heterosexual male.
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