Sentences with phrase «against immigration challenges»

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The only Republican member of the congressional delegation is Rep. Mark AmodeiMark Eugene AmodeiGOP revolts multiply against retiring Ryan GOP lawmakers back discharge petition to force immigration votes McCarthy faces obstacles in Speaker bid MORE, who hasn't shown any interest in challenging Heller.
Schneiderman had led a national effort of Democratic attorneys general to file legal challenges against Trump administration environmental and immigration policies.
Meanwhile news emerged that business secretary Mr Cable had encouraged colleges to launch a legal challenge against the government's immigration policy.
Our organisation, Bail for Immigration Detainees (BID) has now launched a legal challenge against the Cabinet Office for its failure to designate G4S a «high risk» supplier in the wake of these successive instances of serious and repeated failings.
The Senate Democrats seen as the most likely contenders to challenge Trump in 2020 — including Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand — all voted against the bill to reopen the government, even though most Democrats agreed to end the stalemate over immigration and fund the government again.
The Data Protection Bill could interfere with legal professional privilege and stop legitimate legal challenges against Home Office immigration decisions, the Bar Council has warned.
Notable cases in which Pierre was involved included an appeal against deprivation of citizenship on national security grounds following remittal to SIAC by the Supreme Court in the case of Pham («B2»); an appeal concerning registration under the statelessness provisions of the British Nationality Act 1981 in the case of MK (India); three out of hours applications for injunctions successfully preventing same - day removal and numerous challenges to Home Office policy and the Immigration Rules.
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