Sentences with phrase «against individual students»

He said disciplinary actions against the individual students involved could include suspension or expulsion.

Not exact matches

Students can register as individuals, or compete against «buddies» in their classroom, or in classrooms across the country!
THE NUMBER GAMES can be played as a team game, with small groups, or with students playing as individuals against each other.
The study, published Nov. 14 by the American Institutes for Research, compares the performance of 8th graders in individual American states not against each other, but against students in top - performing foreign nations, such as Japan and South Korea, as well as against children in recent lower - scoring ones, such as Bulgaria, Jordan, and Romania.
Applying this example to education, Rose argues against a standardized education system designed for the average student and in favor of personalized learning designed for individual students.
I honestly relish going up against the «big, bad school districts» on behalf of individual struggling students.
assessment is seen less as the process of judging how well students perform against year - level expectations and more as the process of establishing where individuals are in their long - term learning and monitoring the progress they make over time; and
Teachers» unions are strongly against these plans for a variety of reasons, including that they say it's nearly impossible to accurately measure an individual teacher's contribution to a student's success, since a child's achievement is cumulative over a period of years and the result of the efforts of many people.
One suggestion is to create an editable checklist in Microsoft Excel which lists the names of individual students against the detailed curriculum or performance criteria or your own scoring rubric, which you can then annotate once the student has performed the skill.
A prerequisite for monitoring long - term learning progress and meeting individual learners at their points of need is a picture of what long - term progress in a learning domain looks like — in other words, a «map» of the learning domain that can be used to establish where students are in their learning and against which progress can be tracked.
provisions for responding to acts of harassment, bullying, and / or discrimination against students by employees or students pursuant to clause (b) of this subparagraph which, with respect to such acts against students by students, incorporate a progressive model of student discipline that includes measured, balanced and age - appropriate remedies and procedures that make appropriate use of prevention, education, intervention and discipline, and considers among other things, the nature and severity of the offending student's behavior (s), the developmental age of the student, the previous disciplinary record of the student and other extenuating circumstances, and the impact the student's behaviors had on the individual (s) who was physically injured and / or emotionally harmed.
To pass a VLACS course, students must demonstrate at least 85 percent proficiency against each individual course competency.
Students then research an individual who stood against the Holocaust and create an original comic about his or her life and activism.
To allow teachers, students and parents to compare individual student performance against aggregate results from within that student's class;
Students can track their progress against individual reading goals, check their Lexile scores and the number of texts they've completed and show off their achievement badges — all via their personal data dashboard.
«In response to an October 2013 complaint filed by the Center for Children's Advocacy against the district, the state conducted an investigation and determined that the district violated its obligations to students under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and state law.
Do we want to measure individual students against each other?
Julie Swan (pictured), executive director for general qualifications at Ofqual, said that lifting the ban on individual pupils appealing directly to exam boards «might be helpful for students who request a challenge» but are advised against by the school.
While being careful to say that «providing more educational options isn't against public schools,» she repeated hailed alternatives to traditional school systems and bashed people who support them as people who care only about «systems» and not individual students, and are only interested in sustaining the «status quo.»
Such acts may lead to the invalidation of an entire school district's student test scores, disruption of the test system state - wide, and legal action against the individual (s) committing the breach.
Civil libertarians like Robert Shibley of the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education argue that these «systemic» investigations improperly required colleges to revisit other complaints resolved long ago, potentially leading to colleges overturning not guilty verdicts against students accused of harassment or assault.
By measuring individual student growth as opposed to aggregate proficiency, confounding variables are mitigated to an ignorable level since the exact same set of students is analyzed against an equated set of standards.
«[M] ay lead to the invalidation of an entire school district's student test scores, disruption of the test system state - wide, and legal action against the individual (s) committing the breach.
(2) signed by an individual, or his parent, to the effect that he has been denied admission to or not permitted to continue in attendance at a public college by reason of race, color, religion, or national origin, and the Attorney General believes the complaint is meritorious and certifies that the signer or signers of such complaint are unable, in his judgment, to initiate and maintain appropriate legal proceedings for relief and that the institution of an action will materially further the orderly achievement of desegregation in public education, the Attorney General is authorized, after giving notice of such complaint to the appropriate school board or college authority and after certifying that he is satisfied that such board or authority has had a reasonable time to adjust the conditions alleged in such complaint, to institute for or in the name of the United States a civil action in any appropriate district court of the United States against such parties and for such relief as may be appropriate, and such court shall have and shall exercise jurisdiction of proceedings instituted pursuant to this section, provided that nothing herein shall empower any official or court of the United States to issue any order seeking to achieve a racial balance in any school by requiring the transportation of pupils or students from one school to another or one school district to another in order to achieve such racial balance, or otherwise enlarge the existing power of the court to insure compliance with constitutional standards.
In late February, a state representative in Pennsylvania said he would introduce legislation for individuals and couples with student loan debt to obtain a zero - interest mortgage, to be used against the buyer's student loan debt.
The covenant asks students to refrain from «sexual intimacy that violates the sacredness of marriage between a man and a woman,» a stipulation critics argue is discriminatory against LGBTQ individuals.
At issue is the Christian university's community covenant that asks the students to refrain from «sexual intimacy that violates the sacredness of marriage between a man and a woman,» a stipulation critics argue is discriminatory against LGBTQ individuals.
The Tribunal concluded that there was both individual discrimination against Jeffrey and systemic discrimination against students with severe learning disabilities in general, for which the Province and the School District were responsible.
LSUC benchers voted in April 2014 not to accredit the law school proposed by TWU, a British Columbia - based evangelical Christian university, because of its community covenant that asks students to refrain from «sexual intimacy that violates the sacredness of marriage between a man and a woman,» a stipulation critics argue is discriminatory against LGBTQ individuals.
The Migrant Workers Alliance for Change includes individuals as well as Alliance for South Asian Aids Prevention, Asian Community Aids Services, Butterfly (Asian and Migrant Sex Workers Support), Caregiver Connections Education and Support Organization, Caregivers Action Centre, Durham Region Migrant Solidarity Network, FCJ Refugee House, Fuerza Puwersa, GABRIELA Ontario, IAVGO Community Legal Clinic, Income Security Advocacy Centre, Justice for Migrant Workers, Migrante Ontario, No One Is Illegal — Toronto, Northumberland Community Legal Centre, OCASI — Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants, OHIP For All, PCLS Community Legal Clinic, SALCO Community Legal Clinic, Students Against Migrant Exploitation, Social Planning Toronto, UFCW, UNIFOR, Workers Action Centre and Workers United.
The Legal Strategy Coalition on Violence Against Indigenous Women (LSC) is a nation - wide ad hoc coalition of groups and individuals formed in 2014 following the murder of Inuk university student Loretta Saunders, to marshal resources that address violence against IndigenousAgainst Indigenous Women (LSC) is a nation - wide ad hoc coalition of groups and individuals formed in 2014 following the murder of Inuk university student Loretta Saunders, to marshal resources that address violence against Indigenousagainst Indigenous women.
As a law student, Mr. Long served as a student defense attorney for Boston College Defenders, where he defended indigent individuals in Dorchester District Court against criminal charges brought by Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Amy Price Garrison (BA» 79) and Frank M. Garrison Jr.,»79 (BA» 76) generously established the Amy and Frank Garrison Social Justice Law Fund to support Vanderbilt Law students providing services to or for the general benefit of individuals who may have been disenfranchised, dispossessed, discriminated against, or economically disadvantaged.
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