Sentences with phrase «against inequality»

Our values, the values of solidarity, of advocacy for the poor and disadvantaged, of fighting against inequality and privilege, are built upon the rock of the trade unions.
Even if your company has a clear policy against inequality in promotions and pay, why does it still happen?
In this collective biography, vivid stylized portraits introduce ten extraordinary African American women who have shown courage in their struggles against inequality and prejudice.
So even the most business - oriented among us ought to consider taking up the flag against inequality.
I think what he needs to do is to embrace that model of a market - based economy where we are supporting business success, but where we also want to see a socially inclusive society with principles of social justice where we're creating opportunities for people and leaning against inequalities of society in everything we do.
Hunt, who will call for a new focus by Labour on taxing unearned wealth, including an annual tax on property values levied on owners to replace the «unfair and outdated» council tax, will also say that both New Labour and Ed Miliband's Labour failed to make an effective case against inequality.
The protests is a reminder of the deep scars left over from the months - long encampment by St Paul's, when thousands of Occupy demonstrators protested against inequality in an improvised reaction to the financial crisis.
I think what he needs to do is to embrace that model of a market - based economy where we are supporting business success, but where we also want to see a socially - inclusive society with principles of social justice where we're creating opportunities for people and leaning against inequalities of society in everything we do.
Victory for populism, another vote against inequality, raises risk of stagflation, likely will provide one of the last great opportunities to reduce exposure to bonds.
Obama won, twice, on quite a liberal platform, railing against inequality and the top 1 %, because he was seen as competent and determined.
Hundreds of protesters, who rallied against inequality in America, have slept in tents and under tarps since September 17 in Zuccotti Park, which has since become the epicenter of the global Occupy movement.
How Public Schools Can Fight Back Against Inequality: A look at three programs that are doing a good job of educating low - income students.
The painting shows a divided nation, not only through class and ethnicity, but in terms of hope and potential up against inequality and a sense of defeat.
What Medicare for All is to the healthcare debate, or Fight for $ 15 is to the battle against inequality, 100 % Renewable is to the struggle for the planet's future.
How can anger can be channeled into what Zembylas and Chubbuck term «activism against inequality»?
Why everybody seem to not understand that in schools miracles don't occur, and if societies are so economically unjust, we in low - no - income areas fight everyday against inequality.
Rauschenbusch's case against inequality was more than a moral assertion.
It led to a Sunday filled with demonstrations across the league, where protests against inequality and police brutality were displayed, as well as messages of «unity» after Trump's comments.
Firms as big as the tech giant should be spearheading the fight against inequality in the workplace and they should have a solid sense of their company values.
«He places a great deal of emphasis on the last of those positions — the social justice, the fairness, the leaning against inequality — and I think that's absolutely right for a Labour leader to do so.
«What I've found fascinating in the last week of this process has been the numbers of people — probably not in the Labour party, may not even be Labour voters — who have written to me to say thanks very much for speaking up against austerity and for speaking up against inequality in society,» he says.
This harm consists in the irreversible scrambling of three things: genealogies, by substituting «parenting» for fatherhood and motherhood; the status of the child, who would go from being a subject to being an object to which others have a right; and sexual identity as a natural given, which would have to give way to orientation as an individual expression, in the name of the struggle against inequality, perverted into the elimination of differences.
«Unions are a powerful weapon in the fight against inequality, wage stagnation and a system that doesn't represent the needs of a large majority of American workers.»
While the governor has done some good on issues like marriage equality, his rightward tilt on education and economic issues has crippled New York's fight against inequality.
«It's important for us to reflect on Dr. King's legacy and rededicate ourselves to the fight against inequality.
«The mayor, since the beginning of his career, has been a steadfast champion in the fight against inequality, and recently the governor has been using his executive power and his pulpit to win real victories,» Working Families Party New York State Director Bill Lipton told the Observer.
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio told Britain's Labour Party that the fight against inequality he has championed in the city is «the issue of our time throughout the globe.»
New York should be a leader in the fight against inequality and for an economy that works for all of us.»
Yet unlike the civil rights movement of the 1950's and 1960's, in which the judiciary was at the forefront of the fight against inequality, the courts» role in today's education reform movement has been quite limited.
When I planned curriculum standards, how would these standards ultimately help my students advocate for themselves or support themselves against the inequalities they faced?
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