Sentences with phrase «against innovation»

They're just against innovation and flexibility they can't control.
Quotas work against these innovations by creating perverse incentives for schools to overidentify students as disabled.
The «vanishing trial» (because of the high percentage of settlements) mitigates against innovation of technology in the courtroom.
Rovinescu said duopolies can get too cozy and act as a negative force against innovation, but the move can also help companies to scale up to ensure programs get to market.
These actually work against the innovation image that Tron Legacy is attempting to project — to patent.
While I don't have anything against innovation of the genre (and in fact we spent a lot of time rejecting the Berlin Interpretation) it really felt like there wasn't a cultural center to this community.
In addition to creating barriers for international business in China, this kind of legislative move goes completely against innovation.
Reddit posts abounded decrying Apple's move as an anti-competitive maneuver that positions the Cupertino company against innovation and its core values.
Stupid patents are a primary cause of the patent system's ills: in the hands of a patent troll, a stupid patent can be used as a deadly weapon against innovation.
So we're trying to invalidate one of their patents, and we want to make sure you, too, have the necessary ammunition if you are a victim of ArrivalStar's onslaught against innovation.
But when sequences are patented before their use is known, scientists are «inhibited by a price tag which works against the innovation that we need now if we are to deliver the benefits from research».
And just like back in the days of AOL & Prodigy, that closed access philosophy is a difficult sell up against the innovation of the larger Internet.
Who is against innovation, especially when winning campaigns are almost always about the future?»
«Reform» is a word to conjure with, with a built - in capacity to stifle opposition: come out against reform and you incriminate yourself of being opposed to change, against improvement, against innovation, in favor of the horrible old status quo.
But peer review works against innovation and perpetuates prevailing wisdoms.
We have large groups that are against innovations that would «tweak» the court process, fearing a negative effect on the outcome of the court process.
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