Sentences with phrase «against kids»

Do not tell the child to physically fight back against the kid who is bullying.
Internet exploitation of a child and other crimes against kids.
Playing against kids twice his size, he struggled to keep up.
But in general, excessive rest and isolation might work against kids.
You're going up against kids of actors and astronauts and parents who all have really cool jobs.
I don't discriminate against kids, but 6 people seems like a lot of people to fit in such a small house.
And it would treat public and private entities where abuse cases against kids occurred the same.
I really have nothing against the kid and wish him all the best in life.
As you say I have nothing personnel against the kid but he just has no real idea when to pull the trigger and that's what we need.
This gives the kid the benefit of taking his game to the next level, but playing against kids closer to his own age.
It doesn't rub against my kid, nor does it wear out.
We need to let legislators know that if they keep voting against our kids and schools, we will simply replace them with someone else.
I'm against kids living solely in a virtual world.
I'm not an advocate of borrowing against your 401 (k) or against your kids college funds.
It's no use if your dog stops resource guarding against you but still does against your kids!
Epic, obviously, disagreed with these claims and, just this week, tried to get a default judgment against the kid.
I'm aware that playing against kids is different to men.
«They played liked adults against kids in some parts of the game, especially in the first 45 minutes.
He recognizes the formidable odds stacked against kids with «ACEs — adverse childhood experiences.»
I spend most of my time bidding against some kid with a cell phone barking in his ear.
«For the first time in six years, the dictator Assad understands that if he uses chemical weapons against kids he will be punished and there will be consequences.»
It's a total non-apology apology — he's not apologized for advocating VIOLENCE against any kid even perceived as gay.
Amazon FreeTime on Alexa — Parental Controls and Family - Focused Features — All for Free Designed just for parents and kids, FreeTime on Alexa brings all - new Alexa features and parental controls to Echo, Echo Dot, or Echo Plus, including: • Time Limits — Set bedtime time limits to protect against kids talking with Alexa late into the night, or simply pause Echo devices for dinner or homework time.
The effort was doomed when Parent Revolution, the Bill Gates - backed group that had initially convinced Compton parents to rebel against their kids» underperforming school district, was painted as a front for corporate interests.
July 25, 2013 = Allie presented at the Florida Krimes Against Kids Conference in Orlando on «Caught in the Cross Fire: When Animal Abuse Co-Occurs with Family Violence» and «Therapy Animals Supporting Kids.»
July 23 - 24 = Allie presented on «The Danger of when Animal Abuse Co-Occurs with Family Violence» and «Therapy Animals Supporting Children» at the Florida Krimes Against Kids Conference in Orlando, FL..
Despite the fact that there's often so many things stacked against kids growing up in the inner - city, there's one young eco-hero that's defying the odds and making an incredible difference while helping to shed a bit of light on how successful
This is kind of like asking why the Green Party isn't against kids peeing in lakes — mainly because one needs to pick their battles and that's hardly a major contributor to water pollution.
So here we have a big, lumbering guy weighed down with armor, who can't see much more than a few feet in front of his face, up against a kid running at him with a devastating weapon and a rock traveling with the stopping power of a.45 caliber handgun.
So many unhealthy atrocities committed against kids without an advocate.
«The odds against these kids are daunting,» says Richard Kahlenberg, a senior fellow at The Century Foundation, a nonpartisan public research institute.
You'll get all kinds of information to hold against your kid for future admonishments.
The income you take from the plan is not included in income totals the IRS uses to determine how much you pay in taxes on your social security, and the cash value doesn't count against your kids when they apply for federal student aid.
The protesters held up signs against Kid Rock and Donald Trump and chanted, «This is what democracy looks like.»
After the cops finish their heats against the kids, they sometimes loop back for a victory lap or a congratulatory handshake.
«I can't imagine coaching against this kid,» Antioch coach John Lucido said after a 54 - 14 win over Rancho Cotate - Rohnert Park in mid-September.
The only real knock against this kid is his size and athleticism, and we won't know how athletic he is since his had to miss the Combine.
I was at the Emirates a few years ago when Wenger made so many changes as well against their kids.
Seeing the big snow piles against the kids» height is humorous and puts it into perspective.
In her strike against kid consumerism, Garlick joins other parents across the globe who are part of a minimalist parenting trend.
The three main library systems that service New York City collected $ 5.5 million in fines, many of which are levied against kids.
Today, because of the shutdown, Republicans are pitting kids with cancer against kids who are hungry.
The bureaucratic stooge with no love or knowledge of 80's pop culture goes against a kid who can name the high school where «The Breakfast Club» is set.
Ready Player One can't see the deep, inherent irony of its battle lines, the way it pits an evil corporation — complete with branded, uniformed, Stormtrooper gamers — against kids whose entire identities have been shaped by corporate product.
House Majority Leader Eric Cantor accused him of waging a «war against kids» and House Republicans promptly announced a committee hearing on «The Role of Charter Schools in K - 12 Education.»
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