Sentences with phrase «against one's stomach»

On the other hand, consuming green tea, fresh fruits and vegetables has been shown to be protective against stomach cancer.
If he's really frightened, he may tuck it up so tightly that it's lying against his stomach.
Your appetite has likely decreased due to the baby pushing against your stomach and intestines.
Your baby's nose and chin should touch your breast, her tummy should be flat against your stomach, and her legs should be wrapped around your waist.
Like the brand's underwear, these pants are super soft and feature a comfortable waistband that rests nicely against your stomach.
His tummy should be tucked against your stomach with his ear, shoulder and hip in a straight line.
I also usually wore a tank top under my shirt because I didn't like the way that the pump bottles felt against my stomach — they were too cold.
When she was a month old, I sat on a stool and held her over the toilet, with her back leaning against my stomach.
You can also give an older kid a hot water bottle or heating pad to hold against her stomach.
One at a time, sit with his / her back up against your stomach so he / she is supported.
Your baby should be facing down with head on your chest and stomach against your stomach.
Other night I had some pressure against my stomach and I pushed back and it gradually went.
Due to the nausea, I can't stand to have anything tight against my stomach, so normal pants are a no - go.
Try positioning yourself so that your back is pressed right against his stomach and have him hook his hands around your waist.
They are known to help protect against stomach ulcers and ulcer damage.
Marshmallow contains a mucilage (read: slimy and soothing) quality which helps to coat the esophagus and stomach lining, creating a protective barrier against stomach acid.
Animal studies have suggested it helps protect against stomach ulcers and reduce damage to the inner lining of the digestive tract (41, 42).
A study published in the International Journal of Epidemiology (Oct 2000; 29 (5): 832 - 6) contained the following official conclusion: «The present study provides modest support for the preventive role of soy against stomach cancer and heart disease death.»
These herbs seem to work by decreasing inflammation and forming a physical barrier against stomach acid or other abdominal irritants.
You can't pass a baby back fast enough when spit - up is spewing from his mouth (even though it was probably your fault for holding my baby with your arm PRESSED against his stomach, just saying.)
Medical research and anecdotal information places Active UMF ® (MGO ™) Manuka Honey as a prominent product used against any stomach related affections.
The outside of a soiled fitted diaper feels damp to be sure, but usually it isn't even enough to dampen my clothing if she is laying against my stomach or perched on my hip.
Breast milk can offer protection against stomach viruses, ear infections, respiratory illnesses, and meningitis.
To start, parents are taught to hold the baby by the thighs in a seated position against their stomachs and to make an encouraging hiss or grunt.
Your dud could be insurance against a stomach bug when you're out on the road.
It involves you sitting upright, with your baby positioned on his side, his head and neck laying along your forearm and his body against your stomach, in a tummy - to - mummy position.3 Although it's a very popular position, it's not always easy with a newborn because it doesn't give your baby as much support as some other holds.
A good way to coax a burp from a reluctant baby is to place the baby on your lap in a seating position, placing the heel of one hand against her stomach, allowing her chin to rest on the top of that hand.
It is nearly as black as ink and helpful against stomach complaints.»
The origins of coffee can be traced to Ethiopia, in the Horn of Africa, where it has been used since ancient times as a healing agent, especially against stomach illnesses.
The antioxidant properties of broccoli have been shown to prevent against stomach ulcers, cataracts, and help boost the immune system.
The effects are clearly powerful, because another study found that p - coumaric acid could defend against stomach cancer caused by those nitrosamines.
So here's where this specific class of vegetables comes in handy... One of those cool tricks that I teach my clients that hire me for nutritional counseling is the use of cruciferous vegetables to help fight against stomach fat.
A young girl walks through her high school halls, clutching a book tightly against her stomach, as if it were a shield.
The next day they would be in a car weighted down with explosives, or a lorry; or be on foot with a belt or waistcoat against their stomach or chest under a full flowing robe.
You can give your dog over-the-counter Panacur C, which is effective against stomach worms, esophageal worms, roundworms, hookworms, tapeworms, and whipworms.
Radiographs can show a widening of the angle of the duodenum against the stomach, which indicates a swelling of the pancreas.
Place your guinea pig on your lap facing away from you with its rump against your stomach.
Easy Does It Demonstrate to new bird owners how to pick up a young parrot properly with a steady finger or hand held slightly above the legs, pushing lightly against the stomach area preferably while using the command «up» or «step up.»
Fits flatly against the stomach and is comfortable to wear.
After a caesarean, you might find the «rugby hold» — where the baby's body is around to the side of your body, supported by your arm on the same side — is preferable to having them lying against your stomach.
A research team as the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute have identified a protein that protects against stomach cancers by preventing inflammation.
This study contained the following official conclusion: «The present study provides modest support for the preventive role of soy against stomach cancer and heart disease death.»
That is because if the baby was in anterior position, which is the correct position, your stomach would feel hard and smooth because the baby's back would be pressing against your stomach.
The combination of the seat belt pushing against her stomach and the angle of the seat worsened the reflux.
I bought this money belt for a trip to Germany next week.Can't wait to use it on my trip.It worked perfectly when i tried to use it these few days.I can held my cell phone, passport money and more.In addition, I do like the way it fits against my stomach.
Some people have found that by filling a hot water bottle and placing it against their stomach when they crawl into bed, they quickly become warm!
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