Sentences with phrase «against oppression with»

Therefore, it is very clear that Christian church - oriented movement succeeded in its fight against oppression with its clear positivism.

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In fact, the oppression of some Christian governments against rival sects of Christians is the entire reason our founding fathers built our government to be secular, with no authority on religious matters, with no voice over the religion of its citizens, and guaranteed to all the freedom to worship, or not, as their conscious dictates.
Freedom and justice will only become possible when the poor join forces with revolutionary courage against the forces of oppression within their countries and without.
In fact, they are the ones ascribing to an ideology — merely the most recent of many in human history — that attempts to rationalize discrimination and oppression against some of us based on subjective criteria, this time with victims the least able to defend themselves.
So we buy fancy cars and travel first class and build mansions for ourselves and furnish them with luxuries to satisfy our whims while our neighbors on this planet live in shacks and struggle against oppression and watch their children die young from lack of food and medical care.
If you want a free world for our kids, if you want to stand with the literal slaves today against oppression, figure it out.
But if, on the other hand, the metaphysical assertion that God is the subject of all change is conjoined with an assertion of the reality of oppression, then we can deduce that God favors the struggle against oppression, and that there are theological reasons for holding that some things are lawful and some not lawful.
«Our offenses are ever with us, and we acknowledge our iniquities: Rebellion and treachery against the Lord, turning our backs on our God, inciting revolt and oppression» (Isaiah 59:12,13).
GOD clearly warns those who worship Jesus as god and threatens them with eternal punishment, as it is the GREATEST SIN and OPPRESSION that a person can commit against GOD.
He sides against those so enervated by tranquil and sedentary occupations they whine incessantly with the most minimal techno - breakdown and find themselves so locked up in themselves and their screens that they think of marriage and parenthood as forms of oppression.
With his own sense of «should,» John Paul has moved mountains to help rescue Orthodoxy from the oppression of international atheism while seeking forgiveness for those sins that Catholics have committed against the Orthodox.
for especially in our present - day context, in order to stand up against injustice, oppression and so on, one has to be prepared to be a living martyr, working for and with the people for the upliftment and betterment against all evil forces.
Against this dualism, between the internal and external, private and public, a dualism which has led to the exploitation and oppression of many human beings, I contend that followers of Christ have no other option but to take an active interest in the earthly, secular things such as politics and economics because Jesus would not permit us the luxury of dwelling in a «spiritual ghetto unrelated and unconcerned with real life issues».
Unfortunately, as with most power plays, the word is here being used by the powerful (a man) against the traditionally marginalized (a woman), defending a «doctrine» that perpetuates patriarchal oppression.
But few of us would endorse those elements of tradition that baptize patriarchal oppression, endorse violence against women, oppress lesbians and gays, exalt perpetual virginity as the superior state, or declare that heterosexual rape is a lesser sin than masturbation (on the view that the latter act contradicts nature while the former act, while also sinful, is in accordance with nature) The postbiblical tradition, like Scripture itself, does not provide one coherent, consistent sexual ethic.
You come against me with hatred and oppression and violence.
With Theodore Walker, we are encouraged to see that the struggle against oppression is a constant struggle for liberation.
They are people who feel called to stand against oppression and with people who are oppressed everywhere.
In the case of christians, it is them using their belief to justify hate against gays; oppression of women (ie; telling them what they should and shouldn't do with their bodies; basically anything that steps on a persons equal rights within a free country.
The Church is called to strengthen the secular / civil base of politics, to deepen its commitment to the poor and marginalised, ensuring justice for all, especially the weaker sections, to give a prophetic criticism against the government when it perpetuates violence and oppression, to join with others in evolving a paradigm of development that is ecologically sound.
Standing against the oppression of others is part of my passion for people, so I have raised my voice to express concern and even outrage when I have seen supposed breastfeeding advocates resort to shaming in general and specifically with this same offender.
The rascality of the police knows no bounds especially when they ate choreographed to deal with opposition politicians and people protesting against oppression and suppression of human rights.
Theologian James Cone, who as a founder of black liberation theology linked Christian faith with the struggle against racism and oppression, died April 28, 2018.
His image became synonymous with protest against the government and the oppressions of society after Alan Moore and David Lloyd had the lead character in V for Vendetta wear a Guy Fawkes mask; the mask was later picked up by the protest group Anonymous and has become a major cultural icon.
Our previous issues have featured works of poetry, fiction, and nonfiction that grapple with harsh realities of everything from social media to systemic oppression and inspire us to fight against these barriers.
Fight back against the Empire and its cruel oppression with the help of your powerful Sushi Sprites when #SushiStriker: The Way of Sushido rolls onto #NintendoSwitch and the # 3DS family of systems 6/8!
A game that correlates oppression and revolution with grays and colors, De Blob creates a vivid world where the dark forces of black and white are pitted against revolutionaries who are colorful in the most literal sense of the word; they devote themselves to repainting their cities after the bad guys drain them of color.
[15] Despite this, Thomas was still discriminated against as a black female artist and was critiqued for her abstract style as opposed to other Black Americans who worked with figuration and symbolism to fight oppression.
Kusama's relationship with to family was a contributing factor to her anger against any kind of political and social oppression.
More than ever it is imperative to stand in solidarity with women as they revolt against these oppressions.
South Africa's historic divestment campaign — the one that helped topple Apartheid and enshrined divestment as a tool against oppression — was paired with a UN-sponsored boycott of South African goods.
(h) «The crime of apartheid» means inhumane acts of a character similar to those referred to in paragraph 1 [crimes against humanity], committed in the context of an institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over any other racial group or groups and committed with the intention of maintaining that regime;
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