Sentences with phrase «against other beliefs»

People don't question Daily Mail when they run articles on Islam, they only do when they go against their other beliefs.
Second are those in which religion in general, or a specific faith in particular, is favored against other beliefs, as in the older requirement at the state level that officeholders believe in God, or in the nineteenth - century practice of supporting some churches with taxes.
I claim that the Islam even worsens people instead of reforming them (Jihad, cruel slaughtering of animals, hate against other beliefs and believers, etc.).
It is focused on defaming Christian belief, pitting it against other beliefs, and elevating atheism.
You will notice that you won't see these same level of oppositions against any other belief system, where people who hold the worldly opinion would be so motivated and compelled as to try and convince believers that their faith is wrong.

Not exact matches

There is a push afoot to force banks to hold higher levels of capital against their loans and other assets, in the belief that more capital makes a bank less likely to fail.
«My methodology is, one, a belief that at different periods of time, some asset classes are more in favor than others, and two, we rank the major assets against each other and invest in the strong ones,» he said.
Rather than pushing against the other person's beliefs, and thus creating resistance, you show the other person how their beliefs actually support your viewpoint, rather than the viewpoint that they currently espouse.
The utilitarian belief that «human goods can be measured against each other by means of some quantitative scale is the belief that human goods can be assessed in a way analogous to that by which commodities have a monetary value.
It has to do with trying to do with Christians trying to find some grounds to put their beliefs back into schools.Just ask any supporter of ID education if it is okay if we teach the many other religious origin ideals in schools besides the Judeo Christian God and I guarantee you they will be against it.
the abundance of purely uneducated Muslim believers, their oppressive existence in their self created repressive regimes, lifestyles, and governments, their radical inturpitations of their fairy tale book, the fact that their culture and people have contributed less to man kind than any other culture and people of all the earth, their self ritious belief system that empowers them to commit atrocious crimes against humanity, the muslim men prance around in flip flops and linen moo moo's while they lock their woman in their household prisons to be abused slave - wife's, are entirely too ignorant to even build sewer systems and even after thousands of years that other cultures have developed running water toilets, toilet paper, and effective sewerage systems, they still whipe their pood - cracks with one hand (no paper) and eat with the other, and yiddle to the sky just before detonation of their suicide bombs that murder innocent men, woman, children, and babies.
The result is a culture that discriminates against other animals, has disregard for the environment, created hatred against people of different beliefs and cultures, and has created constant sect oral wars from the day of its emergence.
This media trap pits us against each other for the sake of race, religion, and beliefs as a distraction from whats really going on.
Just an endless and futile tirade against other people and their beliefs.
Do they really imagine that an atheist wants to join their religious group, hide his / her real beliefs for months or years, get themselves elected by other members then radically change the whole nature of the club, against all the other member's wishes?
It's that belief system that causes people to vote and protest against others that don't believe as they do.
I speak out against your ilk and any other group for that matter when they attempt t use their belief to dictate rights... LGBT rights; women's rights; education rights (in a secular country, no single religion has a place in the school system - teach about one, teach them all - fair is fair).
And it's when these same folks try to use their beliefs to discriminate against others, slow scientific progress, and dictate how others run their lives that I have every right to refuse to allow it.
Religious folks recoil at such notions because it goes against their belief that God created them alone to rule over all other creatures.
I don't have a belief on the situation one way or the other, my grounding in the question of any God or gods comes from the lack of evidence for or against.
It is sad and disturbing that in this day and age (in California believe it or not) I have to keep my beliefs (or lack there of) a secret so, as not to be discriminated against by the very people who claim they are accepting of others.
Your own beliefs suffer if measured against those criteria — show how a god created the universe and show how you know it is your god as opposed to the thousands of others.
Hostees did it for other reasons, but no need to run a business against your own conscience when forced by a godless government to do things against your own beliefs!
Many Christians throughout history and today use the bible and the Christian belief to justify horrible actions against others.
No one with a shred of self respect would willingly return to a dogmatic belief that requires, at its core, the negation of thoughtful questioning, the denigration of thinking, a prohibition against careful evaluation of beliefs and assumptions, and relegates those who honestly disagree with the doctrine and its conclusions to the status of a despised, damaged, and damned «other».
The majority of christians have no idea about their faith or what it is to be christian, you see them spout nonsense from a bible they have never read and judge or even hate others who do not believe their beliefs, all the while not knowing they are going against its teachings.
It makes sense to try and suggest answers for what we don't know how to describe, but I would think the belief would have to come first before it gets violently pressed against others.
DON: In the old days before the internet, you could just willy - nilly say the Bible said pretty much anything you wanted and people just didn't have the knowledge, the references or the ability to research the other tribes out there who were speaking against those ideas to affect our beliefs.
Unless we learn to challenge our own beliefs the way we challenge others», whatever they may be can be no more than a blind faith at best or a delusion at worst, be that for or against religion (especially the puerile version of Christianity).
Russ Am I right in understanding that you state popularity of belief as your reasoning for classifying the OT sanction against h0m0 $ exuality as anything other than a kosher law?
I also know that humans by flawed default will interpret the words as they morally see fit, because it is in our nature to judge others against ourselves and our own ethics, beliefs, and morals.
What about employers who have deeply held beliefs against other medical treatments: anti-depressants, antibiotics, and don't forget the anti-vaccination people.
The Ofqual requirement to teach Catholicism in the context of the beliefs and practices of other Christian denominations further undermines the presentation of Catholic teaching in the official course books, especially when other denominations concur with secular society against the Catholic position.
What's more, a casual study into other aspects of my beliefs would reveal that I really don't «have it all sown up»; anyone who knows me personally can testify against that!!!
Even if those checks and balances seem to go against your beliefs, if you still respect the system itself along with the other groups there is still a better chance to live in relative peace then just pushing some sort of movement to eradicate religion altogether.
Come on now and stop all the bigotry, which is fueled by pure ignorance and (Fox News LOL) and start educating yourself more before you spout off ridiculous rants against Muslims or other religions foreign to your beliefs.
I do care if those irrational beliefs are used to discriminate against others.
You can be personally pro-life because you are a Christian, yet be vehemently against legislating your beliefs on other people who don't share your Christianity.
I find it funny how many christian repubs are willing to look the other way and vote for a cult bishop and go against their own christian beliefs lo
The idea that mysticism floats free is something that Christianity, Judaism, Islam and other religions would react against because their mystical teachings are a part of the complex of being a Christian, Jew or Muslim, and they coexist with practices, beliefs, institutions and so forth.
When I have groups who think their religious beliefs are superior to others» religious beliefs, then I am against it.
By the way by no means does this mean that I am particularly against Islam, I am also against Judaism, Christianity, and any unproven dark age manifestation of a all knowing, creator, If there was a god he sure does «nt need help enforcing his edicts and morals, remember that if there is a god then as many religions state, people will be judged upon there beliefs and sins after death and spend eternity in heaven or hell, so why is it so important for people to butt in and start trying to control each other and force people to believe in something that many think is absurd and insane.
There is a very simple difference — anti-gay people think they can control other people through law by denying them legal - gay people understand that religious people have their rights to believe and worship freely, but not to discriminate against others via the law based on religious beliefs.
Those disblievers are rebels against the faith and re-be-l against all com - man - d - ments t - error - izing all and co-n-cealing under the name of faith taking advantage of those in sub-b-mission to God and in peace with them selves and other faiths and beliefs....
Today's world man has become with no value other than his organs if sold or stolen... so what is happening only proves that we are imposing marketing the wrongs against the rights... cultures and beliefs are going down the drain with all those values, morals, virtues some how turning into commotion among cultures and beliefs turning against each other misunderstanding each other or unaware of cultures way of living and beliefs to ease communication mutual understanding as a nation of mankind and a nation of faiths.
I have never been predjudiced against other christians, Jews, Muslims, Athiests, or anyone with other beliefs or disbeliefs.
Muslims in general if left alone with out your intervention might end up fighting each other due differences of views in their faith, but if west keep on applying pressure causing starvation, harassment and confrontation against Muslims and against their faith, this will only lead them to leave behind their differences and jointly or individually confront their enemies, those who wants to deprive them from their rights of faith and belief and the more they are pressed the more they would complain by reacting and not by words and cries since words and cries seem does not reach, heard or work out now a days since being their judges and executors are all of non religious such as atheists, infidels, polytheists who consider their vast interests above all humanity and faith issues such as mercy, leniency, compassion, pity, sympathy, kindness all that of human mutual heavenly code of conduct.!?
the problem is when those people who believe decide to force their beliefs on others by codifying their beliefs into law, discriminating against their fellows, and insinuating it in to public school curriculum.
While unfortunate that some feel discriminated against, if NY (then, presumably in later years, all of America) ends up changing to observe beliefs of other religions, then the Christians lose.
The claim of Christian belief is not first and foremost that it offers the only accurate system of thought, as against all other competitors; it is that, by standing in the place of Christ, it is possible to live in such intimacy with God that no fear or failure can ever break God's commitment to us, and to live in such a degree of mutual gift and understanding that no human conflict or division need bring us to uncontrollable violence and mutual damage.
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