Sentences with phrase «against power»

Don't stand against the power of the federal government alone.
Find others like them in their 100 dating struggle against the powers.
He responded with nine 100 - yard games against Power 5 opponents and arguably the best performance of his career in the only bowl game in which he had the chance to play.
Historically, protection against the power of the state is, after all, an important liberal - democratic principle.
They also have a very respectable record head to head against power conference teams.
How can we stand against the power structure that currently controls the fate of the world in which we live?
It's power against power; ambition against ambition; quality against quality.
You can't go up against power like that.
That thin edge on which we live, and which at most moments we barely notice, provided nowhere near enough buffer against the power of the natural world.
There's an idea that there is, in fact, a fourth branch of government that provides a final check and balance against power: the press.
On the other hand, it's never wise to bet against the power of 19 - year - old women.
Sometimes it functions as a movement of protest against the powers that be.
I saw how his fight took flight in full force against any Power that would alter the course of his expectations that they would live a long and happy life together; a ball.
But, the power of new technology is no match against the power of human nature.
It gives solar owners credit for the excess solar electricity they put on the grid in the daytime, to be applied against the power they draw from the grid at night.
The other purpose for law is to operate as a restraint on and a make - weight against power, whether governmental or social.
Unfortunately, resistance to these changes lacks focus and is pitched against the power of the insurance industry.
This is a power play, the power of dollars withheld / disappearing against the power of dollars demanded.
Two weeks ago, BC was 2 - 4 and averaging 16 points per game, 12 against power conference opposition.
Keep your restaurant equipment protected against power surges, mechanical breakdown, burn out or operator error.
Keep your restaurant equipment protected against power surges, mechanical breakdown, burn out or operator error.
The new trailer comes showcasing the new generation of characters as they join forces to fight against the power hungry... Read more
Longer answer: OPEC was developed as a way for under - developed economies with oil wealth to fight back against the power of multinational corporations mostly from Britain and the U.S. Norway didn't have that problem, and so wasn't really concerned with the same issues of OPEC.
Protect your specialty care services equipment against power surges, mechanical breakdown, burnout or operator error.
All in all, the business discussion went mostly according to the script we've come to expect — Sanders rails against the power and influence of large firms, and accuses Clinton of being in their pockets.
Meanwhile, as the local churches were revolting against overall control, there was widespread revolt against the power of the ministers in the local churches until «after the Reforming Synod [of 1697], the clergy found themselves shorn of every weapon except moral persuasion, and their threat of [Divine] vengeance.»
The SEC plays only 11 games against power opponents in 2015, fewer than one per member.
The Supreme Court barred common - law claims against power plants for the damage caused by their CO2 emissions based on EPA's Clean Air Act CO2 authority; revoking that means a return of such cases and potential liability, and
North Florida has lost all six of its games against power teams by an average of 33.2 points.
In reality the God's act of creation is over against the power of darkness, formlessness and chaos, perphaps symbolized by the» Babylonian Power.»
We must together embrace our similarities instead of our differences, and form a strong union against the power hungry and all the religious extremists.
Scott Gragg struggles against power rushers; he's not the ideal right tackle, but he can't play left tackle....
Clayborn ended up on the inside half of Green and was then able to spin back inside once he felt Green finally dig in against his power rush.
Language: English Genre: Drama / Biography MPAA rating: R Director: Steven Soderbergh Actors: Julia Roberts, Albert Finney, Jack Gill Plot: A legal assistant who was previously uneducated brings suite against a power company for poisoning the water when at first no one believed her.
Bergman next worked for ABB Relays, where he designed relay systems to protect electrical lines against power failures.
Will the teachers and parents and children of Milwaukee Public Schools continue to stand alone against the power of the state?
In order to protect your computer against power supply interruptions, you need a battery backup.
When we consider the historical reality and the spiritual imagery together, what we see in Genesis 6 - 8 is the near victory of the forces of evil against the power of God so that the waters threaten to kill everything that has the breath of life.
Instead of coming against power structures, we too often want to align with them in order to legislate and enforce holiness.
It will at any rate be my supreme task to see to it that in the newly awakened NSDAP, the adherents of both Confessions can live peacefully together side by side in order that they may take their stand in the common fight against the power which is the mortal foe of any true Christianity.
Can a cyborg prevail against the power of baldness?
Trapped in an impossible game of life and death, and pitted against a power - mad father's raging grief, Andrei and Anna must avoid the whispers and watchful eyes of those who will say or do anything to save themselves.
Wojnarowicz is known for incorporating rich symbology into his work having to do with feelings of disenfranchisement, political rage, and tenacious resistance against the powers that be.
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