Sentences with phrase «against reason»

Those two are on the same side because both pit faith against reason.
So it seems the new trend of online dating sites offering off - site activities goes against the reason women are using the Internet to find a potential partner.
The fact is, the viability of any business depends on the resilience of your faith in it, sometimes against all reason, and even if it makes you look like a fool.
In both these extracts we have the issue clearly set before us: Feeling valid only for the individual is pitted against reason valid universally.
For it is a sin against the reason to tell men that to travel hopefully is better than to arrive; and when once they believe it, they travel hopefully no longer.
One is to look for a path to approve it, and the other is to be cautious and guard against reasons not to.
Make no mistake about it; their behavior truly goes against reason.
His analysis of human existence seemed unusually profound, but his revolt against reason repelled me.
«Yet the mystery of the Holy Trinity, the mystery of Original Sin, / the mystery of the Redemption are all well armored against reason... / What in all that can be grasped by little girls dressed in white for First Communion?»
I have yet to see any that successfully argue against his reasoning in - and - of - itself (except maybe the study claiming that kids raised by same - sex couples do better in society than kids born into hetero - sexual couples.
Obama is not a muslim — thank goodness — unfortunately he says he's a christian which is nearly as bad... a mormon would be just another strike against reason, common sense and rationality.
But, leaving that aside, I again have to ask what the encyclical says that could possibly offend against reason.
Only by appealing to revelation against reason could Christians believe that God really interacted with them.
If you are a non-religious person, you see it as an attack against reason and science.
he's the reason the Flyers» 1C is out of this game and their lines look like someone chucked them in a blender, so he's not just a danger to people playing against him
As such, any nation outside those groups would likely take the threat very seriously, although they also know that public pressure in America has a large impact, so would weigh the threat against the reasons it was made.
Almost as soon as the Enlightenment unfolded there were counter-Enlightenment movements that glorified the tribe, the homeland, the culture; that pushed back against reason as the way to grapple with our world.
An interesting feature of both cases is that orders for disclosure were made, and the circumstances of the mediation investigated before the court, against the reasoned opposition of interveners seeking to support mediation confidentiality, namely the ADR group in the first case and the distinguished mediator himself in the second case.
Finally, the threshold reliability analysis openly calls for a case - by - case weighing of concerns about dangers of admitting hearsay against the reasons for believing that it is reliable enough to be admitted.
Then, as of November 7, 2000 it was certain that George Bush had defeated Al Gore (the EU and UN presidential choice) and the war against reason went mainstream.
He is author of Behemoth: Main Currents in the History and Theory of Political Sociology; Radicalism and the Revolt against Reason; and Ideology and Utopia in the United States: 1956 «1976.
It goes against reason to argue that Russia deserves another Champions League spot given we're coming off the back of one of their most dismal tournament performances to date, with both Premier League representatives exiting in the group stage prior to the winter break.
and I believe God is good, against all reason sometimes.
I don't know what Christians, Muslims and Jews have against reason.
On the level of authority, the Scripture is set over against reason and tradition (understood both ecclesiastically and as the cumulative and collected wisdom of personal experience).
We can not allow the other side to depict these debates as ones of faith against reason, of backward superstition against enlightened science.
And he did say that the use of violence to impose religion is to act against reason, and to act against reason is to act against the nature of God, for God has revealed himself as logos — the word and the reason by which all came to be and in which all coheres.
As long as Christians remain in power in the US, their war against reason will continue and we will all continue to suffer for it.
While the book gives an interesting summary of various authors who have argued that it was the Protestant Reformation that gave rise to atheism, the author fails to note any connection between the rejection (traceable from nominalism) of reason's capacity to know reality, the Protestant Reformation's appeal to faith against reason, intellectual scepticism and current postmodernism.
@GhostCollin There is popular misunderstanding that pits faith against reason.
Yet, against all reason and evidence, there are those who insist that the world is flat or that they have seen Elvis Presley or been captured by space aliens.
They declared that nothing can be a revelation of God in the Bible that is against reason and common sense.
While such definitions that pit faith against reason are nothing new (Mark Twain defined faith as «believing what you know ain't true»), they have always been utterly spurious, baloney, a mere canard.
The third act, which Witham unfortunately describes as the «revolt against reason,» is dominated by Karl Barth, who used his Gifford Lectures to exposit the Scots Confession and remind his audience that it is God who measures us.
There is something to be said for Mr. Walker's analysis, but the real divide is not between faith and reason but between those who do and those who don't pit faith against reason and reason against faith.
For two hours these parents believed anyway, against all reason or logic, holding and loving their child back to life, despite hours of being told what they were seeing... what they knew to be so, was not to be believed.
I second that, followed by all the scroungers who voted against a referendum, against their respective manifesto and against their reason to be there at all, but Quentin Davies can certainly lead the way to the Halifax Gibbet if he doesn't get lost in the crowd.
At times they have argued, against all reason, that Britain's economic malaise is down to overblown government, as opposed to the ravages of the market.
Some parents caught in the crossfire between scientists and charlatans have decided, against all reason, that the vaccines are more dangerous than the diseases they protect against.
She has that thing that makes you understand why anyone would follow her character anywhere, even into the bowels of the Capitol, and against all reason.
He designs his artwork to appear valueless — blown - up baubles, useless pills, the trinkets of a carnival midway writ large — then sits back as his prices plump up against all reason.
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