Sentences with phrase «against social disadvantage»

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It may fairly be said that leaving accommodation [of religion] to the political process will place at a relative disadvantage those religious practices that are not widely engaged in; but that unavoidable consequence of democratic government must be preferred to a system in which each conscience is a law unto itself or in which judges weigh the social importance of all laws against the centrality of all religious beliefs.
The model supports stereotyped notions of what masculine and feminine are by adding mystification to guard against change in the social sphere, where women are at a huge disadvantage
Higher education We await Lord Browne's final report into higher education funding, and will judge its proposals against the need to: - increase social mobility; - take into account the impact on student debt; - ensure a properly funded university sector; - improve the quality of teaching; - advance scholarship; and, - attract a higher proportion of students from disadvantaged backgrounds.
Voluntary action, free from direct economic benefits, is characterized by intrinsic motivations which promote, primarily by altruism focused towards the improvement of the social situation of certain human groups that are generally at a disadvantage against the human group which comes from the volunteer.
Amy Price Garrison (BA» 79) and Frank M. Garrison Jr.,»79 (BA» 76) generously established the Amy and Frank Garrison Social Justice Law Fund to support Vanderbilt Law students providing services to or for the general benefit of individuals who may have been disenfranchised, dispossessed, discriminated against, or economically disadvantaged.
[17] Whilst there is widespread agreement and concern about the state of Indigenous disadvantage measured against a range of economic and social indicators, there is less recognition that this situation reflects a profound failure to afford Indigenous Australians their full range of human rights.
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