Sentences with phrase «against the bond because»

At the center of the debate is whether the deficit is really $ 62 million or $ 80 million, except in Meyers» case, as he believes the deficit to actually be more than $ 80 million, and voted against the bond because he does not think his colleagues are serious about balancing the budget.

Not exact matches

Because most wealthy Chinese seem to think about RMB in terms of USD or Hong Kong dollars, it is the fear that any depreciation of the RMB against those two currencies (the Hong Kong dollar is pegged to the USD through a modified currency board) greater than the couple of percentage points interest rate differential would yield less than equivalent USD or Hong Kong dollar bonds.
Geithner and Obama lobbied the IMF and ECB shamelessly to bail out Greece, simply so that it could pay bondholders, because U.S. banks had issued credit default insurance (CDS) against Greek bonds and were on the hook for a big loss if a default occurred.
My question is, our financial adviser advised against contributing more than what my husband's company will match in his 401K because they only match $ 900 / year and the investment options are very basic — Bond (Fixed Income) or Large Cap (equities).
@ agranny — short term gov bonds will do OK against inflation over time because you can reinvest maturing bonds relatively quickly at higher interest rates.
Because TIPS protect investors against inflationary concerns and nominal bonds do not, they behave differently from one another.
Because Meggett was scheduled to be in Florida for a Dec. 7 game against the Jaguars in Jacksonville, the court granted Estabrook a writ of ne exeat (literally, a «no exit» order) against Meggett, which would have prevented him from leaving the state until he posted a $ 25,000 bond.
Board member Bill Diaz voted against it because the bond sales include money for refurbishing the Central Square building, which is owned jointly by the park district, the City of Lockport and Lockport Township and is where all three have their offices.
Danielle Lo Presti: You know, everything you hear about how powerful breast milk is and how powerful that bond is it can work against you because it can add pressure but it can also work for you in that if you can lighten up on yourself a little bit you realize that every drop is a gift and you realize that you are going that anything you produce is better than nothing and so you just start from that.
Some mothers prefer slings because they ease breast feeding and help to develop a the parent - baby bond through the snug fit of the baby against the chest.
They have been bonded and it is no joke if you are bonded by the National Council in an indefinite manner because, at any point in time, when the national council feels you have gone against this bond, you might attract serious sanctions from the National Council.»
Interracial couples are with each other because of the love and bonding between them and it does not necessarily mean they are against racism.
Because the Board has issued alternate revenue bonds for which property tax levies are not extended, these bonds do not count against the legal debt limit imposed by the Illinois School Code.
David Lloyd at Newport Partners advises against holding government bonds because interest rates are so low.
But, because of that, our investment committee has made some very interesting and innovative moves to hedge against extra rising interest rates within our bond portfolios.
This portfolio is conservative because of the large portion of the shares in bonds, but it provides moderate growth and a hedge against market downturns.
And because the bonds can always be redeemed for the full amount invested, investors are protected against capital losses when interest rates change.
Because they are not managed against a specific benchmark, unconstrained bond funds may also pose challenges for investors in understanding and measuring their performance.
This is because you have to discount the value of your bond to compete against newer bonds that pay a higher interest rate than your bond.
In Betting on the Blind Side, Lewis excerpts The Big Short, which describes Burry's short position in some detail, how he figured out that the bonds were mispriced, and how he bet against them (no small effort because the derivatives to do so didn't exist when he started looking for them.
Bonds mostly have finite maturities; time can work against the short seller as the bond gets closer to maturity, because the bond will mature at par, and he will have to pay the par value.
That's because bonds provide an important stop - gap against slowing economic growth and all the dangers that come with rising interest rates.
That was a wise choice, because trying to improve on this simple model is, in my opinion, the biggest knock against many of the competitors to these new ETFs, including the iShares CorePortfolios (CBD and CBN), which hold REITs, high - yield bonds, preferred shares, and track fundamental indexes.
When interest rates increase, the value of bonds decrease because the fixed coupon payment is less attractive against higher - yielding investments.
I can feel good about my investments because of my asset allocation — I have some cash, real estate, and bonds in my portfolio to help cushion against a drop in the stock market.
The fight against BSL is a passion for me, I believe I am a responsible owner but I am still learning everyday and so is my dog... we have a strong bond that will never be broken because of one of us... and I do nt want the government to break that bond between us either.
The fight against BSL is a passion for me, I believe I am a responsible owner but I am still learning everyday and so is my dog... we have a strong bond that will never be broken because of one of us... and I don't want the government to break that bond between us either.
«If these measures were to pass, companies will have no other option but to file a lawsuit against the state of Oklahoma,» said Yates «If you go bankrupt or they unload a project because of the economics of it, you also have the potential of school districts that bonded these projects — who's going to foot that bill?
For the most part, however, because enforcing debts against state governments is so difficult, transactions are structured as much as possible to prevent the need to enforce debts in that way through (1) legal limitations on governmental liability, (2) legislative budget rules requiring interest on debt and currently due principal payments to be made first, (3) third - party bonding of state and local governmental construction projects, (4) the creation of publicly owned corporations whose debts can only be collected out of the corporation's assets and revenues, and (5) avoidance of trade credit obligations by paying bills in cash.
The two regulators have been engaged in a public spat over who controls ULIPs, which invest heavily in stocks and bonds and get promoted much more by intermediaries as against mutual funds because of higher commission payouts.
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