Sentences with phrase «against the conventional wisdom of»

Against the conventional wisdom of continual digital progress, printed books might very well be with us for the long haul for reasons that aren't entirely logical.
As Ehrlich, Ehrlich and Holdren (1977, p. 846) point out, such an approach is against the conventional wisdom of economic theory.
Place the wings on the grill, crowding them together so that they are all touching (this goes against the conventional wisdom of giving meat room so it doesn't steam ¿ you want them to steam so that they stay moist).
I know it goes against the conventional wisdom of the day regarding breastfeeding.
«This goes against the conventional wisdom of many economists, who assert that heavy drinkers are less responsive to tax changes, and has powerful implications for how we can keep our communities safer.»
The Kavli Foundation recently held a conversation with the new laureates to learn what led them to study memory and cognition, the challenges they faced in getting the neuroscience community to accept findings that often went against the conventional wisdom of the time, and where they see cognitive neuroscience as a field headed.
Other scientists just did not believe our results, because they went against conventional wisdom of blood circulation and metabolism in the brain.
If you are a medical researcher serious about your career you better not say anything that will go against conventional wisdom of «cholesterol is evil» otherwise your grants will be cut and you will never publish any thing ever again.
The facts, to be fair, seem to be stacked against the conventional wisdom of years past, that Pixar is a company built entirely on flourishing creativity among the ranks.

Not exact matches

Her advice totally goes against conventional wisdom, Vigeland admits, and following it is likely to be terrifying, but nonetheless she urges «everyone who's ever dreamed of setting fire to expense reports or tossing a uniform in the dumpster to take a flying leap in the year ahead.»
As much as his approach puts him at odds with conventional economic wisdom, Keller can also seem at odds with himself — a registered Republican who calls for more regulation of industry; a plastics maker who speaks out against U.S. reliance on fossil fuels; a nonunion employer whose wages and benefits are a model for the region.
Mr. Gurley, who cuts a distinctive figure in Silicon Valley in no small part because of his lanky 6 - foot - 9 frame, went against conventional wisdom even before he became an investor.
«We are going against conventional wisdom that these platforms are a vital component of a successful business,» chairperson and founder Tim Martin said in a statement.
By midday Tuesday Mr. Snowden himself, in a Twitter message from his exile in Moscow, declared that «circumstantial evidence and conventional wisdom indicates Russian responsibility» for publication, which he interpreted as a warning shot to the American government in case it was thinking of imposing sanctions against Russia in the cybertheft of documents from the Democratic National Committee.
The work of the New Monastics which cuts against the grain of conventional wisdom.
He is interested in helping the church use its best resources to cut against the grain of conventional wisdom.
The difficulty was, that to say so, even for a scientist with the factsat his fingertips, was to go against a powerful and intolerant conventional wisdom: «We liberals», he wrote, «who work in the fields of global HIV / AIDS and family planning take terrible professional risks if we side with the pope on a divisive topic such as this.
Here's a fundraiser that sort of goes against the conventional wisdom that gay - rights groups wouldn't support the Senate Democratic conference now that same - sex marriage passed a Republican - led chamber with help from vulnerable GOP lawmakers.
Conventional wisdom holds that Sen. Ted Cruz doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of winning the GOP presidential nomination, but I wouldn't bet the ranch against him yet.
It came as something of a shock, therefore, when Carey tested the conventional wisdom against empirical evidence.
In an article published today in the journal Scientific Reports, the researchers go against conventional wisdom to show that each neuron functions as a collection of excitable elements, where each excitable element is sensitive to the directionality of the origin of the input signal.
For example, the model predicts that production of carbon dioxide must increase with time, a finding that goes against the conventional wisdom that carbon fluxes and atmospheric carbon dioxide levels have steadily decreased over the last 4 billion years.
The idea that plasma high - density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL - C) is protective against coronary heart disease has been part of medical conventional wisdom for five decades.
In short, I suggest that authors who want to be much more effective than 99 percent of authors in promoting their books go against conventional wisdom.
The moment of truth came in a windowless basement laboratory on January 23, 1997, at around 2 or 3 a.m. «JD and I put a microcapsule in between two copper electrodes on a slide, put it under a microscope, and for the first time, against conventional wisdom, proved that you could move a particle inside a microcapsule with an external electric field,» Comiskey wrote.
A release date and price point have not yet been revealed, but conventional wisdom seems to suggest that it will be available sometime during the summer of 2011 and be priced competitively against the popular iPad 2.
These videos focus on the basics of using book cover design to sell more books, and may go against conventional wisdom or your presuppositions of what a book cover is actually for, but try to keep an open mind.
While conventional wisdom would be against using credit cards and we would never advocate carrying any type of balance on one because of the near usurious rates, in certain situations, it might just be your only option.
That could be because it goes against the conventional wisdom that «more of something is better».
My opinion of Financial Samurai is that about half the time he has something valuable to say and the other half he throws out arguments against conventional wisdom just to stir things up.
This scenario kind of goes against the conventional wisdom.
It comes with the territory of arguing against normally well - reasoned Conventional Wisdom.
But when you play Devil's Advocate and take on the role of arguing against the Conventional Wisdom, it's inevitable that you'll whiff on a few.
From the desk of the Devil's Advocate... Sometimes it's easy to argue against Conventional Wisdom.
It comes with the territory of arguing against normally well - reasoned Conventional Wisdom.But occasionally I hit... [Read more...] about Targeting Conventional Wisdom in 2015 (and 3 Predictions for 2016)
We think of the great men of science — Galileo, Newton, Darwin, and Einstein — and imagine them as heroic individuals, often misunderstood, who had to fight against conventional wisdom or institutions to gain appreciation for their radical new ideas.
Conventional wisdom holds that East Africa's Maasai pastoralists hunt lions for two distinct reasons: to retaliate against lions that kill livestock or to engage in a cultural rite of passage.
At the blog Empirical Legal Studies, Indiana University School of Law professor William D. Henderson stood that conventional wisdom against available data from NALP, the ABA's Young Lawyers Division and other sources, and, guess what — the conventional wisdom is pretty much right.
By now it has become conventional wisdom that age discrimination against hiring workers 50 + years of age has become excessive in recent years.
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