Sentences with phrase «against the flu virus»

The researchers studied different kinds of antibodies in cell cultures to find out which ones were most potent against the flu virus.
Six months later, the subjects returned and the scientists drew blood and measured the levels of antibodies against the flu virus.
Both drift and shift make these proteins unrecognizable to the antibodies present in people that were previously inoculated against the flu virus, which now circulates as more than 90 strains.
They identified a mutated gene that crippled her defenses against the flu virus.
The findings pave the way for an urgently needed therapy that is highly effective against the flu virus and potentially other viral infections.
«There is scientific evidence that mushrooms have antiviral properties that can help strengthen your body against the flu virus,» says D'Adamo.
Several studies have confirmed that spirulina is an effective immune booster — one even found that it exhibited a protective effect against the flu virus.
This high antioxidant fruit extract, has anti-infective properties against the flu virus.
Antibiotics do not work against flu viruses, but if there is a secondary bacterial pneumonia it's important your dog gets on an antibiotic promptly.
Or if you would like to protect your dog against the flu virus, walk in to our Wellness Clinic anytime from 8am - noon or 1:00 - 4:00 Monday through Saturday and we can start the vaccine series.
The researchers tested 32 of them against a flu virus.
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