Sentences with phrase «against the fossil fuel industry»

At the workshop, scientists and lawyers had discussed copying a strategy against the fossil fuel industry that had been used to great effect against Big Tobacco — namely trying to prove that it had covered up knowledge that its products were harmful.
A year packed with bold climate actions against the fossil fuel industry and a growing movement telling its own stories of impacts and resistance at the frontlines of climate change in new and inspiring ways.
Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, a Democrat from Rhode Island who has endorsed the use of RICO against fossil fuel industries since May, made a similar argument in his weekly climate speech, delivered Tuesday on the Senate floor.
If the tabaco industry was sued for the damage they did with their product and mis - information, is there grounds for similar action against the fossil fuel industry?
filed by local governments against the fossil fuel industry seeking compensation to help pay for the costs of dealing with local climate impacts.
Religious leaders called on faith communities to take concrete action against the fossil fuel industry through divestment, as a way to «put the money where our mouth is.»
The case against the fossil fuel industry largely relies on proving that these companies deceived the American public about the threats posed by consuming their products.
It's hard to imagine major institutions turning against the fossil fuel industry.
There is a rebellious spirit sweeping the U.S.A. as people are fighting back against the fossil fuel industry from coast to coast.

Not exact matches

As much as his approach puts him at odds with conventional economic wisdom, Keller can also seem at odds with himself — a registered Republican who calls for more regulation of industry; a plastics maker who speaks out against U.S. reliance on fossil fuels; a nonunion employer whose wages and benefits are a model for the region.
All four organisations actively lobby against any measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, all four are well known for publishing disinformation concerning science in order to achieve this objective; and all four are funded by sections of the fossil fuel industry.
As long as fossil fuels wind up being abandoned, it doesn't matter how it happens, and it's probably more effective to use humor and economics against the pro-fossil-fuel crowd (oil & coal industries).
The only change I'd suggest is to drop the words «by industry,» given that everyone in societies thriving on fossil fuels has harvested the present benefits while largely discounting, so far, the need to invest against long - term risks from the resulting buildup of greenhouse gases.
As I wrote when I last cited this, «The only change I'd suggest is to drop the words «by industry,» given that everyone in societies thriving on fossil fuels has harvested the present benefits while largely discounting, so far, the need to invest against long - term risks from the resulting buildup of greenhouse gases.
A front - page article and headline on April 24 reported that the Global Climate Coalition, a group that throughout the 1990s represented industries with profits tied to fossil fuels, knew about the scientific consensus that greenhouse gas emissions could cause global warming but ignored it in a lobbying and public relations campaign against efforts to curb emissions.
The fossil fuel industry is a proven funder of anti-science propaganda and in Shell's case of violence against civilian populations.
«I believe that future generations will point to this day and say «This is when the tide began to turn against the dirty, dangerous and destructive fossil fuel industry,»» — Earthjustice Managing Attorney Deborah Goldberg, Dec. 17, 2014
Indeed, those campaigning for action to prevent further warming have had to battle against huge vested interests, including the fossil - fuel industry and its many political allies.
Greenpeace International's chair, Kumi Naidoo, whose #Arctic30 activists face 7 years in prison under hooliganism charges for protesting against oil drilling in the Arctic, also put the blame at the door of the fossil fuel industry:
activists face 7 years in prison under hooliganism charges for protesting against oil drilling in the Arctic, also put the blame at the door of the fossil fuel industry:
This Workshop was conceived by history professor Naomi Oreskes, who was obsessed with prosecuting fossil fuel producers with the same legal tools successfully used to win billions of dollars in penalties against the tobacco industry.
Meanwhile, environmental groups see carbon capture as an industry figleaf to shield the EPA from pushback against its climate rules that will still allow the use of fossil fuels, albeit with lower emissions.
To quash the notion that no valid scientific criticism exists against the idea of man - caused global warming, enviro - activists often say «denier scientists» are paid by the fossil fuel industry to lie about the issue, insinuating a parallel to expert «shills» who did the same for «big tobacco».
Does that not rather tell against the idea that the fossil fuel industry was aimed at funding confusion instead of science?
And, perhaps most importantly, McKibben isn't shy about naming and blaming the culprit of this unfolding crime against humanity: the fossil fuel industry.
Think of the people who, 10 years ago, «bet» that the US energy industry would overcome fossil fuel shortages, and the people who bet against.
«We need to appeal to the people and educate them to sort of revolt against this and to fight the propaganda of the fossil fuel industry which is unrelenting and enormous.»
In a key passage, Dyson defended himself against supposed charges linking him to fossil - fuel industry.
On May 29, 2015, Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, Democrat of Rhode Island, attended a Big Green - funded League of Conservation Voters event where he called for using RICO against climate skeptics and fossil fuel companies (see the YouTube here), then in a Washington Post op - ed, «The fossil - fuel industry's campaign to mislead the American people,» prompting a backlash asserting that the charge was false, and defending the right to dissent.
It seems that the Australian has joined forces with the Liberals in supporting big business, the mining industry and the fossil fuel industry against renewable energy.
While it does sometimes seem like a Sisyphean task against partisan politics and the fossil - fuel industries, there are glimmers of hope.
Closer to home, a lawsuit filed by 21 youth plaintiffs (including Kelsey Juliana) and world - renowned climate scientist James Hansen on behalf of future generations against the U.S. government cleared an important hurdle in November 2016 when federal judge Ann Aiken rejected the government and fossil fuel industries» motion to dismiss the case.
Watch this video to see what happens when enough people push against the pillars of support that prop up the fossil fuel industry, and demand, instead, an alternative reality.
For more than a decade the Global Climate Coalition, a group representing industries with profits tied to fossil fuels, led an aggressive lobbying and public relations campaign against the idea that emissions of heat - trapping gases could lead to global warming.
In their defense against the cities suing over sea level rise damages, the oil industry lawyers essentially argued that the blame lies not on the producers, but rather the consumers of fossil fuels, and that any economic issues should be addressed through policy rather than in the court system.
After trying to spin his lack of expertise as full credentials, Taylor invokes the long - debunked «Oregon Petition» as supposed proof against climate change, despite the petition's inception as a tactic of the fossil fuel industry, its lack of climate experts as signatories, and its inclusion of fictitious characters like the Spice Girls.
Dr. Mann is being hounded by operatives for the fossil - fuel industry who are operating against our national security from their outpost in the Virginia Attorney General's office.
As soon as they see evidence against their client — the fossil fuel industry and those people making money off business - as - usual — they trash that evidence and bring forth whatever tidbits they can find to confuse the judge and jury.
To push back against this latest effort — yet another example of the unholy alliance between the fossil fuels industry and D.C. pols — an online drive spearheaded by is aspiring to collect 500,000 signatures opposing the bill.
Yes, it's true — skeptical, legitimate climate scientists like the ones who run this site have been very frustrated by the deliberately deceitful pseudoscience, outright lies — and most recently vicious personal attacks against them — that have been cranked out for the last couple of decades by fossil fuel industry - funded frauds and cranks and given unwarranted legitimacy by the mass media, and regurgitated ad nauseum on blogs everywhere by Ditto - Heads who unquestioningly believe whatever drivel is spoon - fed to them by the phony «conservative» media, and call themselves «skeptics» for doing so.
Indeed, across the nation, concerned citizens are beginning to rally against the cushy alliance between D.C. and the fossil fuels industry.
And as I've noted on several times, Ozone Action and Ross Gelbspan sure appear to be the epicenter of the fossil fuel industry corruption accusation against skeptic climate scientists.
She resurrected a shopworn slur first directed against Lindzen by former Globe writer Ross Gelbspan, who called Lindzen a «hood ornament» for the fossil fuels industry in a 1995 article in Harper's Magazine....
And while the President lectures us about our sins against the planet, his EPA and other agencies embark on the project to impose penance on us by forcing the closure of coal and other fossil fuel power plants, blocking pipelines, bankrupting the coal mining industry, subsidizing intermittent power sources that can't possibly run a fully operational electrical grid at reasonable cost, and multiplying our cost of electricity by an order of magnitude or so.
The fossil fuel industry has responded to these suits by fiercely waging a campaign that claims that any legal action against the fossil fuel companies for funding organizations engaged in climate change denial activities is tantamount to a legally inappropriate suppression of free speech (See: Climate change vs. free speech: Punishing fossil fuel companies for expressing doubt).
The past several months have seen BC communities publicly demand that the fossil fuel industry pay a share of climate costs, while in California 5 communities have filed lawsuits against fossil fuel companies for the costs of preparing for climate change.
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