Sentences with phrase «against the human tendency»

But he also is fighting against the human tendency to focus on the negative.
It is my hope that Christians can help Earthists to guard against that human tendency.
Every financial planner warns against the human tendency to sell our winners and hold on to our losers.

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Instead, it's an example of another very human tendency leaders need to guard against — we often forget to properly appreciate low - drama, super high achievers until after they've left us.
Thus my heretical tendency: I'm increasingly against human rights.
For Schleiermacher, the solidarity of the race and its mutual struggle toward spiritual existence from a starting place of sensuous existence accounts for the universal tendency of humans to act against one another's good, and so against their own good as well.
At the other, in protest against the self - righteous «perfectionism» thus implied, is the current neo-orthodox tendency to stress the continuance of sin in the most saintly Christians, with reluctance to grant any significant moral achievement as the result of redemption lest it savor of human presumption.
For this tradition nourished over the centuries the slow emergence of the ideal of a civilized politics, a politics of civil conversation, of noncoercion, of the consent of the governed, of pluralism, of religious liberty, of respect for the inalienable dignity of every human person, of voluntary cooperation in pursuit of the common good, and of checks and balances against the wayward tendencies of sinful men and women.
If you would fight against evil, then you'd better do something about your normal human tendency to make mistakes in judgment.
Clearly, the negative reality over which the Nicene ecclesiology sets the confession of the church's «catholicity» is the tendency of all human communities, including religious as well as national, racial, sexual and other communities, to build protective walls against «the outsider,» and so to become parochial, provincial, chauvinistic, narrow.
Now this tendency, through the influence of grace, is not often exhibited in matters of faith; for it would be incipient heresy, and would be contrary, if knowingly indulged, to the first element of Catholic duty; but in matters of conduct, of ritual, of discipline, of politics, of social life, in the ten thousand questions which the Church has not formally answered, even though she may have intimated her judgment, there is a constant rising of the human mind against the authority of the Church, and of superiors, and that, in proportion as each individual is removed from perfection.
The prophetic disposition sees all reality in terms of historical eventfulness — it weighs every event by its tendency to conspire with or against God's drive to shape history toward his kingdom of love and justice, and it understands that the human vocation is to participate in this struggle.
We would, however, need to guard against the folly of crowds, the tendency of human beings to act as herds and follow any leader.
Michael Shermer, executive director of the Skeptics Society, argues that conspiracy theories come from an ancient human tendency to stay on guard against predators.
Well, according to evolutionary biologist E. O. Wilson, species loss may go against biophilia, or the tendency of humans to focus on life and lifelike processes.
There can be a tendency for battles to break down into a button mashing festival, but it rarely helps, especially against the toughest human and AI opponents.
Despite the specific nature of the character Stiller plays, «Brad's Status» finds a universality in the uncomfortable truths it explores: the human tendency to take stock, especially around middle age, and to compare our lives against both our friends» achievements and our youthful visions of our future selves.
High - profile murders like Ramsey's often provoke gawking, callous media treatment, turning us all into rubberneckers, but Casting JonBenet vigorously works against that tendency, fascinated by our psychological need to judge other people's lives, but also deeply mournful, even respectful, of the very human reasons why we do so.
While assigning a preconceived list of habits, personality traits, and behaviors to a group of beings might be a distinctly human tendency, we are guilty of developing stereotypes against more than just one another.
Their goal is to get as many people as possible to buy nothing at all over a 24 - hour span on Friday in the United States (and Saturday elsewhere around the world), as a small blow against what they say are the destructive efforts of advertisers and corporations to fuel the deep - rooted human tendency to want the next new thing.
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