Sentences with phrase «against the knee jerk»

Just want to encourage everyone to listen carefully to what Jeremy is teaching, and to guard against knee jerk reactions against it BEFORE processing what he is saying.
My point is not to justify violence against anybody, or Ray Rice, rather, it's to speak out against the knee jerk emotional reaction that automatically condemns one party simply because he's «bigger and stronger» and was born with a different set of reproductive equipment.
My point is not to justify violence against anybody, or justify Ray Rice, rather, it's to speak out against the knee jerk emotional reaction that automatically condemns one party simply because he's «bigger and stronger» and was born with a different set of reproductive equipment.
They also warn against knee jerk responses of removing children from families in crisis, rather than working with their families.

Not exact matches

While business owners may, understandably, have a knee - jerk reaction against having to pay more for labor, some who take a longer view may see benefits for their businesses.
As usual, the people most agitated about this are the governance mavens with a knee - jerk reaction against anything that undermines shareholder democracy.
Again, the moronic, knee jerk reaction of the «us against them» mentality.
Negatively, as 20th - century Americans, our fixation on personal liberty evokes from us an almost knee - jerk reaction against any and all formalism.
They have some respectable reasons, but the major reason, in my experience, is a knee «jerk reaction against anything that smells like religion or teleology.
It's the life sciences, like evolutionary biology and genetics that are often stuck in the intellectual quicksand of ill - informed, knee - jerk atheism, while the hard sciences are bumping up against boundaries beyond which their methodology can't take them — boundaries that may define the meeting ground between scientists and theologians.
Frankly, this blog strikes me as one of those deals where the former pastor figures out that all the other religious people are wrong, and he doesn't want to be one of those «fundie douchebags» (to quote one of your fans), and so he starts spewing cynical knee - jerk vitriol against anything that smacks of conservativism or evangelicalism or whatever.
It was a split second decision and what I'm arguing against is the knee jerk «he's the big bad man and she's the poor helpless female» reactions I'm seeing.
I didn't like this article, fans have the right to protest and as much as it infuriates me to see knee jerk reactions against the manager, it also bugs me to see mindless support for the manager.
I have a knee - jerk reaction against this kind of boy / girl declared difference, but in DS's case, it did seem to be true: he wanted to practice walking for months, and not much else was interesting.
I'm not convinced that this knee - jerk reaction against cuts will shift public opinion against the Tories.
Lloyds chairman Peter Leverne has hit out against politicians for instigating «knee - jerk reactions» against the City.
Sadly, the legacy of this referendum could be a knee jerk rejection (from those on losing side) against all referendums.
Faso cautioned against having a knee - jerk reaction that leads to people jumping on the perceived left or right solutions.
Most attacks on Blue Labour are similar to Bragg's: a knee - jerk reaction, and prejudice against anything conservative.
Watergate, Vietnam, Kent State, Watts... What inspired some artists to rage against the machine caused Frankenheimer to retreat, his late - years prickliness the kind of knee - jerk defensiveness of a man who knew the shape of his cosmic flinch.
Here's proof: a somewhat irreverent, even off - putting author, who revels in knee - jerk unconventionality and self - styled religious kitsch, and is prejudiced against Jesus «for being a man,» actually manages to convince her readers that she may indeed be well on her way to becoming a committed Christian.
However, the novel is a powerful picture of the limits of compassion and the knee - jerk nature of emotions: prejudice directed against immigrants and the fear of wolves.
* Chazz definition: A backlash article is an article written to assure the reader that the writer is the sane voice of wisdom when in fact they're really just knee - jerk contrarians railing against all evidence.
This is such nonsense it almost doesn't require a response, because there are people out there who have a knee - jerk reaction against Apple that goes beyond critical thinking, but in the hopes of reaching more open - minded readers who might be tempted by that argument, let me address it.
Unfortunately, there's almost a knee jerk reaction against anything along those lines, even though a truly «responsible» breeder would be virtually unaffected by such legislation.
To Michael Tobis» # 9: I have an irrational knee - jerk reaction against deliberate human intervention on climate.
I am not sure why some lawyers oppose this (other than a knee jerk reaction against being told by the Law Society to do anything).
I understand that the Woman's Bar feels that it must speak out, knee - jerk fashion, against any action or policy that adversely impacts women lawyers.
CCLA continues to argue against disproportionate knee - jerk reactions to terrorist threats — such responses overlook the robust broad powers already existing in the Criminal Code and other laws in place — and argue for more and more state powers and new offences which may cast a far - too - wide and ineffective net, while simultaneously threatening to normalize exceptional powers.
Oil would be the knee - jerk bet to hedge against an escalation in the region, and sure enough crude prices are on the rise recently, but the questionable fundamentals in the energy segment could steer capital towards the traditional safe - haven of gold and the Yen.
Note: If anyone, anonymously launches attacks against my / our thoughts herein, claiming that we are simply arrogant by nature, they mark themselves as simply defending their indoctrinated belief systems from an emotional standpoint, which is really just a negative knee - jerk reaction (with emphasis on the jerk part).
You are entitled to your opinion, as this is a democratic country where free speech is allowed, but it is in bad taste to label those who voted against it as dinosaurs, confused by the facts, or a knee - jerk reaction.
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