Sentences with phrase «against the knees»

Press your elbow against your knee to turn your chest toward the sky.
They also warn against knee jerk responses of removing children from families in crisis, rather than working with their families.
Bring palms together at your heart and place outer arms against your inner thighs (as shown); push outward with your arms against your knees.
Now bring knee against the same shoulder, you can turn your head to point against the knee.
He props his hands against his knees, coughing harder.
Without the press of the elbow against the knee you'll need to breath even more length into the lower side ribs.
Just want to encourage everyone to listen carefully to what Jeremy is teaching, and to guard against knee jerk reactions against it BEFORE processing what he is saying.
I love glute ham raises for hamstring development and protection against knee injuries.
Instead, coaches might want to concentrate those drills, particularly if they are repeated and intense, after menses, when «progesterone is higher,» Dr. Rogers says, «since the indications are that progesterone can be protective» against knee injuries.
Mum or Dad leaned their tummy gently against my knees, for balance and in sing song and over-enthusiastic grins and upstretched eyebrows, they transported «aeroplanes» loaded with rice, bathed in tomato soup and widened their mouths, hoping that I'd mirror them.
«He took a hit against knee and it was quite swollen after the game,» Farke said of his compatriot.
I'd read about it before he was born but finally decided to give it a real go when he was sat propped against my knee, grimacing his best poo - face, while I rubbed his feet and made soothing noises.
It is held at chest height, like a goblet, and you squat as deep as possible using the lighter weight as a counter balance, and position the elbows for leverage against the knees to increase the stretch of the deep inner thigh muscles.
Resist the force of the knee on the arm by pressing your right hand into the floor and pushing your upper arm back against the knee.
Rather, their job is to push against your knees, and thus your femurs, and in turn, your hips, so that you stay positioned upright in the seat properly.
But as he waited through his second endless night with his chin pressed against his knees and his arms pressed against the barrel's wooden sides, listening to the waves slap against the hold of the smuggler's boat that was carrying him to New Orleans, he knew the difference.
She was a peaceful lady, mostly, and now Abigail walked over and leaned against her knees to be for a moment inside that calm.
In general, toys should be able to be bent or indented and should not hurt when lightly tapped against your knee (the knee cap test).
With your hands on their back, carefully give 3 - 5 sharp thrusts downward against your knee.
Protective cladding on the side and rear guard against knee - level bumps, and the front fascia is a 3 - piece modular design for reduced repair costs and downtime when damaged.
My point is not to justify violence against anybody, or Ray Rice, rather, it's to speak out against the knee jerk emotional reaction that automatically condemns one party simply because he's «bigger and stronger» and was born with a different set of reproductive equipment.
It's time to perk up that booty — not only because no one ever wrote a song about a flat backside, but also because powered - up glutes mean better runs and protection against knee and back pain.
My point is not to justify violence against anybody, or justify Ray Rice, rather, it's to speak out against the knee jerk emotional reaction that automatically condemns one party simply because he's «bigger and stronger» and was born with a different set of reproductive equipment.
Use the pressure of the elbow against the knee and the palms against each other like a crank to increase the twist in the upper back.
At under a pound, you can easily hold the device with one hand, or prop it up on your lap, against your knee, or the arm rest of your couch.
For small dogs you must sit down and place them astride one knee so that their stomach is against your knee.
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