Sentences with phrase «against the offender»

Reporting these violations can result in disciplinary action against offenders.
The family members of the deceased can file a case against the offender due to his negligence that results in a person's death.
As the family of a victim of violence, it is recommended that legal counsel is sought to determine if additional legal action may be taken against the offender.
Five points for speeding will be placed against the offender's record for driving 26 to 30 miles over the posted speed limit.
Auto accident attorney will help you to file against the offender and fight for your rights and get the maximum compensation you deserve.
Create a one - year window to allow survivors who are currently outside of the statute of limitations to bring civil litigation against the offender and the institution that enabled the abuse.
They understand the danger of their duty and are fully committed to their mission to protect the wildlife and forests against offenders.
However, the evidence gathered by law enforcement and used by prosecutors against the offender can also assist in proving wrongdoing against the party in a civil case.
Just like imprisonment, a conditional sentence will result in a conviction being registered against the offender.
So, if you have been involved in car accidents, you can file a personal injury claim against the offender.
And, once we receive the report we shall send it to the states where their respective law enforcement body can take stringent action against the offenders.
MPs found the sanctions against offenders who fail to pay confiscation orders «do not work» - and complained that there are not appropriate incentives in place to encourage the Home Office and other government departments responsible to do better in collecting the money.
Officials attribute the decline to smarter choices by drivers, tougher penalties against offenders and possibly new ride - hailing options like Uber and Lyft.
A new meta - analysis of the research conducted in the U.S. on these tools shows that — while promising — it is still unclear whether these tools reduce bias against offenders based on race or other factors.
By section 1014 of the Revised Statutes, the officers of the United States named therein and certain state officers may, agreeably to the usual mode of process against offenders in such state, order the arrest of an offender for any crime or offense committed against the United States.
In cases involving recklessness or depravity, punitive damages can also be ordered against the offender.
If you are anyone of your family is a victim of drunk driving and you have enough evidence to prove it, then you have all the rights to file a lawsuit against the offender.
«The OACIQ will thus be able to better exercise its unique and exclusive mission of protecting the public by having a more deterrent effect against offenders
A â $ œforensics first, â $ the â $ œAnimal CSIâ $ vehicle was created to significantly advance the prosecution of animal cruelty and help strengthen cases against offenders by incorporating the emerging field of veterinary forensics in crime scene investigations.
This was all observed during the early days of release and it's very possible Realtime Worlds intends to take action against these offenders.
CO demerit points will be placed against the offender's driving record upon conviction of a specific traffic misdemeanor.
Besides criminal charges filed against the offender, the insurance company could file a civil lawsuit under RICO against the same offender.
Personal Injury Attorney helps you in filing a case against the offender to protect your rights and get the maximum compensation you deserve.
If you do suspect a member is attempting to commit a crime then report them to the dating site administrator who will take the neccessary action against the offender.
93B, § 15 [a]-RRB- grants any dealer injured by a violation of the act to file an action against the offender.
Violations of the law prohibiting unlawful discrimination practices will result in appropriate disciplinary actions against offenders, up to and including dismissal.
Vocal disagreements at shows are not acceptable to The Committee and action may be taken against offenders.
Of equal or perhaps more importance, I also believe that there is societal work to be done to sensitize people to the continued existence of workplace sexual harassment and the need to report, investigate and take decisive action against offenders to ensure it stops immediately.
Personal Injury Attorney helps you in filing a case against the offender and gets the maximum compensation you deserve.
In addition to the infraction points assessed for in - state violations of road rules and regulations, driving license penalty points in SC will also be placed against the offender's record for violations committed out of state and for military court - martial convictions.
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