Sentences with phrase «against the sand in»

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Sand's post came in response to NFL players protesting by kneeling during the national anthem, a controversy that flared up last weekend when President Donald Trump came out against the protests.
The campaign against the oil sands has had the effect of raising awareness of environmental issues, in particular, among the public and, perhaps more importantly, among shareholders, investors, insurers, and regulators.
While the tourism boycott is not, as you note, likely to have a direct or significant impact on Alberta's economy, it should not be looked at in isolation from the broader campaign against the oil sands.
At the same time, we draw inspiration and lessons from the victory against Enbridge for the ongoing fight against Kinder Morgan's Trans Mountain pipeline expansion, which would see a sevenfold increase in tar sands tanker traffic in Burrard Inlet and the Salish Sea.
West Coast works with First Nations and communities fighting against tar sands pipelines in the courtroom, in boardrooms, on the land and on the water.
Under the dome - sky oneness translucent and unincarnate as thought, blank as unburnt light, the hope of thisness chokes in nebulae of beetles, sand grains, hydrogen atoms.Gnosis blurs, pits the achilded One against the unfathered Many.
«Isn't the simplest touch of a child's arm on the face more important, isn't the good meal, the brush against a thigh, a hand held during a movie, a swim in the sea, aren't those things of equal importance as the sands of time come rushing down on our heads burying ambition and love, good and evil, breath, blood, brains, waste, memory, alike in the oblivion?»
Keep up the good work and continue the fight against those that would rather stick their head in the sand.
You seem to indicate that no Christians were sent over to Vietnam against their wishes, your head is either in the sand or up your... Governments have always used religions to control the populace, that is why they are allowed to exist, read some history, please.
The parables disclose with what pleasure and tolerance he surveyed the broad scene of human activity: the merchant seeking pearls; the farmer sowing his fields; the real - estate man trying to buy a piece of land in which he had secret reason to believe a treasure lay buried; the dishonest secretary, who had been given notice, making friends against the evil day among his employer's debtors by reducing their obligations; the five young women sleeping with lamps burning while the bridegroom tarried and unable to attend the marriage because their sisters who had had foresight enough to bring additional oil refused to lend them any; the rich man whose guests for dinner all made excuses; the man comfortably in bed with his children who gets up at midnight to help his importunate neighbor only because he despairs of getting rid of him otherwise; the king who is out to capture a city; the man who built his house upon the sand and lost it in the first storm of wind and rain; the queer employer who pays all of his men the same wage whether they have worked the whole day or a single hour; the great lord who going to a distant land entrusts his property to his three servants and judges them by the success of their investments when he returns; the shepherd whose sheep falls into a ditch; the woman with ten pieces of silver who, losing one, lights the candle and sweeps diligently till she finds it, and makes the finding of it the occasion of a celebration in which all of her neighbors are invited to share — and how long such a list might be!
Raised in Portugal, in the fertile lands of Alemquer, I die a refugee, dead from the foreign air and its foul decay, food for the hungry fish in a brutish sea, that crashes against these wild Abyssinian sands, so unlike Alemquer, and so far away
We are tired of fighting, tired of vain efforts to advance the Kingdom through politics and power, tired of drawing lines in the sand, tired of being known for what we are against, not what we are for.
Every time I take a sip all I can think about is basking in the warm sun, sand between my toes and the soft ocean breeze against my face... It's like paradise in a glass!
The Sand Snakes — the three bastard daughters of Oberyn Martell — sought vengeance against the Lannisters for the death of their father, killed while showboating in single combat against the Mountain (serves him right, got ta play to the whistle).
I've been called pessimistic / negative etc for saying our results against the top sides are poor, but burying your head in the sand and ignoring what our weaknesses clearly are only exacerbates the problems.
To make his case against flavored milk, Oliver engaged in some eye - catching (though perhaps slightly misleading) stunts, like filling a school bus to near - bursting with white sand to demonstrate the amount of sugar offered to LASUD students each week in flavored milk.
Simon Hughes has drawn a line in the sand on the row over the spending review, saying Lib Dems would vote against changes to housing benefit unless there are major changes.
Round II of NYSUT's mail campaign against the Senate Democrats ups the ante considerably, comparing the majority members to ostriches with their heads in the sand when it comes to education spending cuts.
A new study shows that sand flies, tiny insects that transmit a parasitic disease called leishmaniasis, also secrete a protein in their saliva that protects mice against the disease.
Coulomb's equation states that in order to slide one hand against the other the shear stress — akin to the force applied to slide your hands — divided by the surrounding pressure — squeezing the sand together — must equal something called the friction coefficient.
«Data presented in this study suggest that differences in sand fly exposure levels and in prevalence of infection are associated with different immune response profiles against P. papatasi saliva,» the researchers say.
This sand was suspected to be involved in protecting against herbivorous insects, but this was only tested in 2016.
In a recent study, a team of researchers from the National University of Singapore's (NUS) Faculty of Engineering found that sand can absorb more than 85 per cent of the energy exerted against it, and its ability to resist the impact increases with the speed of the projectile, even at high velocities.
As they collide, they become frictionally charged, like a balloon rubbing against your hair, and clump together in a way not observed for sand dune grains on Earth — they become resistant to further motion.
Every time I take a sip all I can think about is basking in the warm sun, sand between my toes and the soft ocean breeze against my face... It's like paradise in a glass!
The lone possible saving graces are a few arresting landscapes (the climax is set in a sand - drowned engine derelict erected against a pretty dusk) and a reminder that a good version of this disaster does exist in Comanche Station.
Teacher: I am not against Common Core or testing — but here's my line in the sand (Washington Post, 2015) Do New York's ELA exams actually make students WORSE writers?
Conveniently, the vinyl seats held up well against teenagers who wore soaked swimsuits and tracked in beach sand.
Although the Land Rover's hefty weight worked against it in our deep sand hill climb, it was agile as a mountain goat elsewhere.
The image of the lone cowboy — sitting tall in his saddle, astride his favorite trusty horse, hat pulled down against sun and sand, spurs catching the glint of the sun — is a vivid one in American culture.
They were sitting on beaches, cocktails in hand, watching the surf break against the sand, waiting for the night, the drugs, the screaming music and torrential sex.
To put this in some kind of perspective, if you hold a single grain of sand at arm's length against the night sky, the tiny patch of sky it hides contains more than 100,000 galaxies — not 100,000 stars, 100,000 galaxies.
He went to his own vehicle, and lay down full length in the sand, his head against the forward off - side tyre.
DOWN AT THE FOAMY SHORELINE, where small tight waves explode against black rocks, a lifeguard with feet wedged in the wet and vaguely tangerine sand stands shirtless like a magnificent sea - Jesus.
Developed in Canada for sledding dogs, this wax is designed to provide protection against extreme conditions, from rough terrain to protecting the paws against build up from snow, sand and other chemicals.
With this ordinance, we draw a line in the sand against puppy mills.
There are several moisturizing ointments on the market that soften and treat cracked paws and protect against hot sand and pavement in summer, too.
This newly built, three - bedroom property sits right against the golden sand shoreline, a rarity in Lahaina.
The main beach (right in the heart of town) is a curved, 200 - metre stretch of golden sand that brushes up against glistening waters, and it's sheltered by rocky Cretan scenery.
As we reach the sand and walk towards the water lapping against the shore, I see glimpses out of the corner of my eye of sparkles flying in the air around me.
Set against a backdrop of sparkling, turquoise waters, white sand beaches, and mangrove swamps, there is never a shortage of natural beauty to take in on this 40 - kilometer tropical paradise.
This picturesque island is one of the best locations in the world for yoga, from small, secluded resorts hidden deep in the jungle to luxury beach resorts where you can indulge all your senses with the sound of the waves gently swooshing against the sand.
Located in Nusa Penida, Klungkung Regency, Atuh Beach offers tourists one of the island's most striking view — shiny turquoise waters softly slamming against rugged mountains, long stretches of white - sand beaches that are perfectly laid - out in the curved beach, and an abundance of rock shelters.
Set against an idyllic golden desert backdrop just 2.5 kilometres from the glistening white sand beaches of Costa Calma in the south of the paradise island of Fuerteve...... Continue reading
Set against an idyllic golden desert backdrop just 2.5 kilometres from the glistening white sand beaches of Costa Calma in the south of the paradise island of Fuerteve......
The orange sand is beautiful against the blue water and the remains of an abandoned pier stand tall in the water.
Against a backdrop of green hills, unwind on exotic soft sands and take a dip in the tropical waters of the Gulf of Thailand.
The sunshine state is so full of beautiful beaches, that it becomes hard to rate the glamorous shores of Miami against the relaxing stretches of sand in Naples.
The Beach House is snuggled up against the sand dunes of Normanville Beach in a quiet secluded spot with plenty of bird life.
I hiked a waterfall, swam against waves, swallowed salt water and played in the sand; it was incredible.
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