Sentences with phrase «against the school»

Generally, personal injury lawsuits against school districts tend to be tricky because, first and foremost, public schools are agents of the government.
Several potential causes of action exist as legal grounds for filing a lawsuit against a school district.
There is probably an argument to be made against school choice, but this sure isn't it.
Before taking any action against a school district it is suggested that you meet with an attorney, these cases can be complicated.
The people complaining the most about lack of «diversity» are the same ones that fight against school vouchers tooth & nail, which would actually lead to more diversity.
Currently, child victims have 90 days from the time of an incident to file notices of claim against school districts and other local or state government entities.
Why did the court rule against school prayer in 1962?
She said her office has been unable to bring charges against some individuals who have made threats against schools and churches because of gaps in state law.
She did receive a substantial settlement in her case against the school district.
A lawsuit would be filed against the school over the email scandal, but was thrown out twice.
Competition is all: student against student, school against school and university against university.
It was a protest against school closures and all these measures.
The state education department and federal officials said no sanctions will be taken against schools with high opt - out rates.
Some students have even contacted local law firms to discuss filing suit against the school.
Here are just a few of the many groups organizing against school closures in the cities highlighted in the infographic.
This is a little tricky because you don't want to take the side of your child against the school — that's not going to be helpful.
My fight against the school system had been purely about the kids and what was best for them, I explained.
The «improvement» score, therefore, is measured against schools which had similar capacity for easy catch - up gains.
I'm up against school administrators that offer food rewards in every class and food celebrations during lunch.
What are the best and worst arguments you have heard opponents use against school choice?
This is discrimination against schools from other faiths and schools (the majority) without a faith designation.
But even as I rail against the school district, I recognize that in my own house I'm not always living up to my principles.
Students can compete against other students or schools can compete against schools.
This actively works against school - to - school support.
By itself, SEL is no silver bullet against school bullying.
But the book itself doesn't so much argue against school reform as highlight promising interventions for the under - five set, from prenatal care for poor mothers to rigorous preschool programs.
Because so much was at stake, it led some to install low standards, effectively creating a «race to the bottom» to protect against school failure.
The PM Growth Platform collects and analyzes student data and measures progress against school, district, and state goals, giving administrators and educators unique insight into opportunities for improvement.
Qualified and well - trained drivers are the main defense against school bus fatalities.
So now I'm not as against school concerts or plays as I once was.
We can assist with claims in respect of disability discrimination against a school.
A wrongful death action is reportedly forthcoming against the school based on what the victim's family contends was «inadequate staffing and improper training».
The story was that a student came to school on his bicycle, which was actually against school rules.
But home and home means two opportunities to correct the all - time record against schools who have big leads on us in that category.
It was one that turned her taking care of herself into an act of rebellion against the school.
The prohibition against schools charging more than the value of the voucher is intended to ensure that low - income students are not turned away due to inability to pay.
The two best solutions from the Australian final go forward to the international round, to be judged against school teams from around the world.
No longer should teachers ask students to write solely based on their personal experience or opinion — arguing for or against school uniforms, for instance.
Many charter - school advocates have criticized the report for ignoring the successes of charters in minority neighborhoods and serving the progressive agenda against school choice.
Understand how students are performing against school, district, and state performance standards.
I recently tried and won a case in due process against a school that takes enormous pride in its test scores on high stakes testing.
Many schools make the sending of emails and instant messages against the school code because of possible abuses.
We are proud that we have been able to use these tools to fight against school library closures and librarian layoffs and that we've won so many of them.
She has a pending federal lawsuit against the school.
Although nearly four years have passed since the day of the accident, this latest ruling will ultimately permit the plaintiff to pursue her claim against the school district.
The debate pits parents against parents, schools against schools, and communities against communities.
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