Sentences with phrase «against their beliefs for»

How can a person be expected to go against their beliefs for a company?

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The uptick in the shares reflects a belief that Netflix is now in a position to sign up more subscribers this year than analysts had previously anticipated, generating additional revenue that the company can spend on TV series and movies as it bids against rivals such as HBO,, YouTube and Hulu for licensing rights.
Yesterday, Kristen asked what you thought about the New York Times story on the backlash against gender equality in Silicon Valley — and specifically for your thoughts on how to tackle the discussion of these kinds of false and biased beliefs without lending them credibility.
A lawyer for nearly 25 years, Honest Abe warns law students against yielding to the popular belief that lawyers are dishonest, Slate first noted Monday, linking back to the Library of Congress speech.
Interesting topic... I struggle with this idea because like most people that I imagine read your blog, I earned the money... creating a legacy of family who does not have to provide for themselves goes against my core beliefs.
Using names like Zealot, and degrading people for their beliefs only turns more people against you.
they are willing to go against their religious beliefs to vote for their president.
You don't have to believe in intelligent design to see how there is harassment and discrimination against people for their beliefs.
In this world where it preaches tolerance for all except for when it comes to true Christian beliefs, a belief that goes against the system will never be given the time of day, even if said belief is the TRUTH.
The result is a culture that discriminates against other animals, has disregard for the environment, created hatred against people of different beliefs and cultures, and has created constant sect oral wars from the day of its emergence.
He can champion equal rights for gay people, even if it goes against his personal religious beliefs.
There should be no discussion on the matter... it is wrong to FORCE anyone to pay for anything — ESPECIALLY when it is against their very beliefs.
This media trap pits us against each other for the sake of race, religion, and beliefs as a distraction from whats really going on.
When someone calls that Imam one of the most evil people on the planet, when someone says he wants to build his center to train terrorists, when someone calls for amending the constitution to exclude Islam, when someone says our founding fathers wanted this to be a Christian nation and that they didn't want Muslims included, when Muslims are afraid to go out because they will be attacked, when Christian pastors are preaching against Muslims (as opposed to the belief in Islam), THAT is hatred.
The church acts against its moral beliefs every time it covers up for a child rapist.
Bruce, throughout history people have been speaking out against the belief in a deity, we are fortunate to live in a time and place when one is not executed for expressing ones disbelief.
Do they really imagine that an atheist wants to join their religious group, hide his / her real beliefs for months or years, get themselves elected by other members then radically change the whole nature of the club, against all the other member's wishes?
For the religous faithful, how, regardless of which religion you subscribe to, lambast those who go against your beliefs?
If I google that and it be a true quote, then it is my new weapon against the faithful when they (pretend to) pray for me or threaten me with hellacious punishment for non belief.
I speak out against your ilk and any other group for that matter when they attempt t use their belief to dictate rights... LGBT rights; women's rights; education rights (in a secular country, no single religion has a place in the school system - teach about one, teach them all - fair is fair).
For that reason I do not disclose my agnostic beliefs at work or around my neighbors (I do not want my 9 year old daughter to be discriminated against).
I would never harm someone for having an abortion or even giving an abortion because I am pro life and it would go against my beliefs to take any life.
They see the challenges for those on limited or no incomes and the difficulties of those whose family backgrounds work against self - belief or learning.
They have all held to this belief that «if you are not for them then you are against them» simply for questioning the teachings or whatever.
I don't have a belief on the situation one way or the other, my grounding in the question of any God or gods comes from the lack of evidence for or against.
Hostees did it for other reasons, but no need to run a business against your own conscience when forced by a godless government to do things against your own beliefs!
Employees also pay as well, of course, but what we have here is a company, under the policies approved not just be the CEO but by the board, that is being forced to pay for something that goes against their beliefs.
The stuff I've written on topics like getting to know neighbors and being the church in the community doesn't seem to connect with church people, who usually think church is about sermons, a belief system, music, political causes to be for or against and so on.
It makes sense to try and suggest answers for what we don't know how to describe, but I would think the belief would have to come first before it gets violently pressed against others.
Most significantly, Duddington argues against the charge that permitting an increasing role for religion in the legal and political (i.e., public) spheres would necessitate the imposition of one system of belief upon another, by re-emphasising the argument that Christianity does not serve to generate a moral code, but rather provides a vehicle through which it may be discovered.
«Their insistence that scripture contains all things necessary for salvation,» he writes, «was part of their protest against the Roman insistence on belief in dogmas like transubstantiation [and the perpetual virginity of Mary] as necessary articles of faith.
Unless we learn to challenge our own beliefs the way we challenge others», whatever they may be can be no more than a blind faith at best or a delusion at worst, be that for or against religion (especially the puerile version of Christianity).
Arguments based on biblical criticism are not decisive for or against belief in the virginal conception.
This is about forcing employers to pay for it, even if it is against their personal beliefs.
Russ Am I right in understanding that you state popularity of belief as your reasoning for classifying the OT sanction against h0m0 $ exuality as anything other than a kosher law?
If you frequent CNN's Belief Blog, you may recognize him for hisrecent post there defending TLC's «All American Muslim» against Muslim complaints.
Rather than go highlighting or cherry picking different stories in the ancient text that point to very disturbing characteristics, (because that would bog us down away from my point and launch a ti.t for tat against someone who has already displayed belief over evidence is what matters to him), I will add to my «doctrine» statement that has inflamed and dominated your attention.
I was trying to say that most uses of the term seem to be misapplied as an accusation against those who want more than anecdotes and feelings as justification for a belief.
Some of the most fruitful thoughts about the role of God - belief in the new world have come from Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906 - 45), a German theologian who was executed in a German prison a few days before VE Day, for having taken part in a plot against Hitler's life.
It was the book, taken as a whole, held up against history, held up against decency and hope, held up to the person I desired to be... I had to choose to cling to belief despite all of that and continue to fail to be a person of compassion and love or to begin to let go of that belief and make room in my heart for compassion and love.
Induction has been accused of many shortcomings, but the common denominator of the various criticisms leveled against it, from Popper to Kuhn to Feyerabend, is that belief in induction is responsible for a naive empiricism which views science as based on uninterpreted observation and direct verification of theories by the «facts.»
I personally don't want my money funding wars, it's against my religion, I don't have any sympathy for their supposed feeling that they are having to pay for something that is against their beliefs.
That is why I read a variety of criticisms, both for and against my beliefs.
For a Jew to subscribe to this belief would mean a grave violation of the prohibition against idolatry.
Because it was a democratic administration which finally broke the backs of segregation in the 1960's, those who fought so bitterly against integration moved to the republican party to the regret of many republicans who are finding no home for the expression of their true political beliefs.
Wow, I feel sorry for these people no belief in Jesus you a bunches ignorants, Ooh, I forget you are monkey or probably came from the space most be alien but is more belief you came from nasa experiment always go against nature
I find it funny how many christian repubs are willing to look the other way and vote for a cult bishop and go against their own christian beliefs lo
If you were being discriminated against because of your beliefs, even if they were beliefs I disagreed with, I would stand up for your right to have them (all of this is providing it was within the law).
At a time of unprecedented transition in the Christian Movement, when (as George Orwell once put it) «the little orthodoxies of the right and the left vie with one another for possession of our souls,» it is necessary to assert both the modesty and the complex, nuanced character of Christian faith and theology against the false certainties of true belief, ideology and religious simplism.
For the common people, beliefs are survival techniques (necessities), and the incredible premise of a prime mover is their trump card against all the power brokers and social Darwinists of this world who would define them in terms of their own projects and ambitions.
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