Sentences with phrase «against this doctrine»

I am not against doctrine, nor am I against developing it or debating it.
But does he have any independent arguments against that doctrine?
Saying they were is meaningless, especially while ignoring the historical treatment of scientist who went against doctrine.
Moreover, and more seriously, it ends by pitting the doctrine of salvation against the doctrine of creation.
In these two poems he presents a theory of the self which is plainly a reaction against the doctrine of self - annihilation developed by Muslim mystics under the influence of non-Muslim religious thought.
Accordingly, more and more evangelicals have reacted against the doctrine, and some now completely reject it.
Since Wycliff had now lost the support of highly placed personages, the new Archbishop of Canterbury took strong action against his doctrine in a special national synod in l382.
He launched his attack, therefore, against all excuses for evading obligation and especially against the doctrine that God rewards and punishes men in masses.
The criticisms of the classical doctrine of God by process theologians, for example, are parallel to those directed against the doctrine by women.
I can actually understand why churches wouldn't want those around speaking against their doctrine - which they hold as the absolute truth of God.
this woman is anti God, first her husband allows anti-moral behaviour and now she is telling religious people to be in politics which is totally against the doctrines of the church.
In the year 1381 Wycliff published twelve conclusions against the doctrine of Transubstantiation.
At one point, Spencer's character claims that the entire Trinity, not only Christ's human nature, suffered on the cross at Calvary — a rank heresy against the doctrine of divine impassibility.
Unsurprisingly, Kissinger has written an essay, «The Pitfalls of Universal Jurisdiction: Risking Judicial Tryanny,» published in the summer 2001 volume of Foreign Affairs, arguing against the doctrine; he was answered by Kenneth Roth in the Fall volume of the same journal («The Case for Universal Jurisdiction «-RRB-.
The decision must also ensure that the proposed medical condition does not offend against the doctrine of primum non nocere — first, do no harm.
Beecher spent much of his energy in reaction against the doctrines and influence of his famous father.
Reacting against the doctrine that pride is always the essence of sin, and influenced by the findings of psychiatry concerning the opposite danger of excessive self - depreciation, a number of contemporary theologians have pointed to the need for self - respect.
At a special synod in 1382, the Archbishop of Canterbury took strong action against his doctrines.
The objection to Whitehead for which Hartshorne is best known is against his doctrine of eternal objects.
What is often overlooked in the reaction against this doctrine is that the liberals formulated it in more than one way.
The slogan «No taxation without representation» came up against this doctrine.
There is no anti-clerical or anti-religious motivation behind the American constitutional provision for church - state relations and the Church need not defend herself against this doctrine as such.
In the video that has gone viral on social media, nine females and four males were seen gyrating their waist in a «profane» fashion that the school authorities apparently thought was against the doctrines of the Islamic Religion.
Insisting that Boko Haram insurgency was not about religion, Buhari said, it would be wrong to read religious meanings into the activities of the sect as it is against the doctrine of any religion that worshipers and children should be killed.
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