Sentences with phrase «against this tendency»

Using formative assessment activities can help safeguard against this tendency.
Using formative assessment activities can help safeguard against this tendency.
For example, I deliberately use the term «project - based instruction» rather than «project - based learning» to try to help guard against the tendency of this approach neglect explicit, systematic teaching.
Church leaders need to encourage participation in such groups, while guarding against tendencies to separatism.
It recognized that the vision it offered worked against the tendency of concepts to objectify, to reify, to rigidify, and to separate.
Prof. Robert W. Stewart had even warned against this tendency in the late 1980s:
We paid tribute to his considerable skills but we also warned against his tendency to become too political:
Reacting against the tendency of traditional Rabbinism toward strict legalism and arid intellectualism, the Baal Shem and his followers exalted simplicity and devotion above mere scholarship.
Buber's philosophy of dialogue has made possible a new understanding of the problem of evil because it has reaffirmed the basic significance of the personal relation between the Absolute, the world, and man as against the tendency to submerge man in a mechanistic universe or to reduce God to an impersonal and indirect first cause, an abstract monistic absolute, or an immanent vital force.
Indeed, because the market excels at efficiency, there will always be a need for a check against its tendency to extend its writ too far.
Those who decry the novel for having failed to anticipate, say, the collapse of totalitarian Communism are missing the point - for it prescribes the need for eternal vigilance against these tendencies, in ourselves as much as in others.
The pointed absence of scenes of sexual intercourse in such recent releases seemingly calling for them as The Crying Game, The Hours and Times, and Scent of a Woman is curious when weighed against a tendency in some other movies, including two that opened recently, to highlight transgressive or dangerous sex.
To show history like that is really important these days, to go against the tendency to push everything into ideological narrative,» he said.
Over and over again, even daily, I have to take up the cross and let the horrible instrument do its brutal work against my tendencies to do other than what the cross teaches: love and forgive.
But the agencies have always had to fight against the tendency of ministers, and Prime Ministers, to publicly use intelligence from this source for immediate political, often party political advantage, ignoring the consequences that those penetrated will alter their codes and increase security.
«It helps to guard against the tendency that people feel to justify their feelings and needs so much so that they come off as critical or blaming to the other person before they are able to express what they feel and ask for what they want.»
Indeed, such criticism is useful as a safeguard against the tendency of nonperfectionists to practice moral self - deception.
Against the tendency toward presentism, Lewis observed that «a man who has lived in many places is not likely to be deceived by the local errors of his native village: The scholar has lived in many times and is therefore in some degree immune from the great cataract of nonsense that pours from the press and the microphone of his own age.»
Marcelyn McNeil's latest large - scale abstract oil paintings react against the tendency to overly manicure work.
He cautioned against the tendency of the agencies and institution taking entrenched positions on initiatives and policies aimed making the ports more efficient.
Additionally, Young warns against the tendency to make long to - do lists and suggests choosing one thing to focus on each day, and celebrating each achievement.
Against a tendency in much of the celebrated art of the last century, to remove the messiness of human existence, Neel's work seems to strive for a more embracing world - view.
Working against this tendency was the concept of rita.
Against this tendency the prophets had repeatedly to protest.
The value of demythologizing for children from seven to twelve is that it guards against their tendency to take such stories literally.
Against tendencies to depersonalize and to dehumanize which are prevalent in society the Christian will want constantly to emphasize the importance of personal relationships... The development of the person in all his aspects, religious and moral, as well as physical and mental, is therefore a matter of the deepest importance to him.7
Against this tendency, Kurzweil was unsparing in his criticism, referring to the «palpable absurdities of the Ahad Haamist philosophy.»
Against this tendency the Neo-Reformation theologians emphatically declared the primacy of the radically transcendent God.
In Bergsonian terms, the élan vital fights against this tendency, but matter finally wins out and there is death.
To guard yourself against the tendency to rationalize, it is suggest that you discuss any additions or subtractions you may think are necessary with a sponsor or someone in the program who is abstinent.
They have a tendency to demean the idea of online dating without offering any substance as to why they are against it
High - profile murders like Ramsey's often provoke gawking, callous media treatment, turning us all into rubberneckers, but Casting JonBenet vigorously works against that tendency, fascinated by our psychological need to judge other people's lives, but also deeply mournful, even respectful, of the very human reasons why we do so.
Lowth wanted to fight against this tendency and supported usage that kept verb tenses distinct and intact, like Latin verbs, which were in no danger of merging because the language had been dead for centuries.
As Jonathan Chait has noted, politicians, who have short - term horizons, are prone to under - investing in education, and teachers unions «provide a natural bulwark» against that tendency.
While MERs take a huge toll on investment returns, DIY investors need to guard against the tendency to trade too much or chase performance.
But all non-U.S. systems I know about incorporate safeguards against the tendency to overinvest in the lawyering done on behalf of such claims.
«It helps to guard against the tendency that people feel to justify their feelings and needs so much so that they come off as critical or blaming to the other person before they are able to express what they feel and ask for what they want.»
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