Sentences with phrase «against this view»

That the party's stance on any major issue should be defined against the views of its core supporters.
Anyway, I am not sure whether you are arguing against my view or for it....
They seek to map out how we came to view major depression as a discrete illness and provide evidence against that view.
And how is speaking out against his view forcing him out of the public eye?
This cautions against a view of professional ethics — described in the report as «complacent and dangerous» — that relies too much on a lawyer being the «right sort» of individual.
«The case at present must remain inexplicable; and may be truly urged as a valid argument against the views here entertained.»
Nevertheless, an incisive critique of vanguardism as against the views of mainstream society was offered by the New York critic Harold Rosenberg in the late 1960s.
In light of historical events, one might argue against her views on the Eichmann trial but most certainly not that the theme of banality reflected anything other than despair over the German Jewish community's failure to recognize the pervasiveness of the system and the corrosion of the legal groundwork of its Nazi - infected mass movements.
The reason is because for you as long as you cherry picked the facts that supported your opinion, the others which are as equally valid but of which goes against you views becomes irrelevant.
He argued strongly against the view that Indigenous people just needed to «try harder» to improve their health and well - being, in favour of first addressing the impact of historical, environment and structural factors influencing health status.
In college I was trained to fight against this view of Scripture with every fiber of my being, and yet, when I began seeking a more intellectually honest faith, it was this view of Scripture that finally released me from gripping fear and doubt.
Matthews says that ikigai will likely lead to a better life «because you will have something to live for,» but warns against viewing ikigai as a lifestyle choice: «Ikigai is not something grand or extraordinary.
Although patients are cautioned against viewing liposuction as a weight loss solution, the procedure is used to improve body contours and proportion.
`'» What's important when you are in that hedge fund mode is to not be doing anything that is remotely truthful, because the truth is so against your view — it is important to create a new truth to develop a fiction» — Jim Cramer, hedge manager and certified @sshole
I wonder why more news and editorial commentary doesn't associate the two juxtaposed against the views of those who think marriage is only supposed to be between a man and a woman.
So here let me recommend an article in yesterday's paper, ««Ex-Gay» Men Fight Back Against View That Homosexuality Can't Be Changed.»
And while most terrorism in 2012 was committed in Muslim - majority countries, LaFree and other experts cautioned against viewing Islam itself as inherently violent.
From Megan: Also, I've always felt as though Quakers are reacting against a view that many thoughtful Christians do not hold.
This is in part due to the influence of 20th - century theologians such as Paul Tillich, Rudolf Bultmann and Jürgen Moltmann who have argued persuasively against viewing eschatology in personal terms.
Here I side with John Howard Yoder against the view prevalent among social ethicists today that the early church found Jesus» sociopolitical ethics, including his teaching on peace, irrelevant and was interested in his life, death, and resurrection only as the basis for justification by faith; that whatever ethics the church taught was drawn from Hellenistic culture, particularly Stoicism.
Against this view thoroughgoing deists argued that belief in miracles is a superstition.
«It is... in the nature of the protection of fundamental rights and the rule of law that sometimes minority interests have to be secured against the view of the majority,» he insisted.
Baston acknowledged the circumstances which led to the «Bradford earthquake» were «unique» but warned political parties against viewing it as an «aberration».
«They need to ask that because, of course, she seems to be a close political bud of the governor,» said Bonventre, who said in many cases the appointees often go on to vote against the views of the governors and presidents.
Scan results were then paired against the views each participant had offered about a quarter - century earlier to 16 age stereotypes, such as «old people are absent - minded.»
This dress has some pretty stiff competition against the views of Santorini.
That said, there is a good chance you'll dislike the movie... if you go into it wanting to, if you decide it's politically or ideologically motivated against your views, and if you have no / low tolerance for sex and profanity.
Education Pioneers does not discriminate against any views but reserves the right to remove or not post comments that are off - topic or contain obscene language, threats, or defamatory statements.
They will point to the long - term benefits for both pupils and society, and will argue against viewing SEL as merely a means of achieving better exam results.
Oh, also, the market moved temporarily against my views, and I had better things to write about with the pains in depositary and credit - sensitive financial stocks.
The joke is meant to illustrate the irrelevance of physics to everyday life, Karuss» book is a defence against that view.
«For many years, judges have been warning juries against viewing the evidence through the lens of «stereotypes», however this research suggests these directions are not having the desired effect.»
Many judges applying the test caution against viewing counsel performance through the lens of 20/20 hindsight.
It presented arguments against the view that the fold - design problem is an extension of the classical (and still unsolved) fold - prediction problem (i.e., predicting folds from sequences without homologous models), a view which has discouraged efforts at design.
^ Robert M. Price (a Christian atheist who denies the existence of Jesus) agrees that this perspective runs against the views of the majority of scholars: Robert M. Price «Jesus at the Vanishing Point» in The Historical Jesus: Five Views edited by James K. Beilby & Paul Rhodes Eddy, 2009 InterVarsity, ISBN 028106329X page 61
This goes against the views of many Republican congressmen — as well as the party platform — who largely oppose action on climate change.
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