Sentences with phrase «against unemployment»

Early father involvement does not protect against unemployment in adult children when other factors are taken into account.
Some insist that up to one year's salary is crucial — particularly to protect against unemployment.
Both, however, count other retirement pensions against unemployment.
Britain faces an uphill struggle against unemployment with up to two million new jobs needed to return employment rates to pre-recession levels, according to a leading think tank.
She played an integral role in organising the Jarrow March, an iconic protest against the unemployment and poverty in Tyneside.
Together, the push for the Fed to take a more aggressive stance against unemployment and make decisions by consensus fulfills two longtime goals of Bernanke, one of the preeminent Fed scholars before becoming chairman.
In 1997, the European March Against Unemployment ended with a demonstration of 50,000 people in Amsterdam.
First, they are now just working at obtaining security and stability and second they feel they have got to organise and unify workers to battle against unemployment.
Since 1996, the associations of the unemployed have been at the origin, in France and in Europe, of what are called the European Marches Against Unemployment, which at the world level have shown the presence of a movement of the European unemployed.
«I felt if we can spend a bit more to cushion people against unemployment, that's the best we can do for now.»
He voted against protecting voting rights, against increasing the minimum wage, against unemployment benefits, and in support of lifting a ban on oil and gas drilling off the New Jersey coast.
Therefore, the declaration upholds «the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favorable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment,» as well as the right to leisure time and education.
Three years later in an interview to an Italian journal, Pope John Paul II said, «The proponents of extreme capitalism in any form tend to overlook the good things achieved by communism, the struggle against unemployment and the concern for the poor».
But in a reaction the Acting General Secretary John Boadu said while the supporters have a right to protest against the unemployment they must do so within the ambit of the law.
Christophe Aguiton: «My name is Christophe Aguiton, I am French, a trade unionist, but I am currently particularly active in movements against unemployment in France, with «Agir Contre le Chômage» and, at the European level, with the network of European Walks against Unemployment, Employment Instability and Exclusion.
Bet their against unemployment insurance and healthcare too.
And it would be a powerful way of restoring that understanding of collective insurance against unemployment that was such an important impulse behind Beveridge's original plan but which today has been all but lost from sight.
As the redundancy rate is rising nowadays, the problem of protecting yourself against unemployment becomes more and more critical.
I think executives need clauses that protect them against unemployment in the event of a change of control.
Having an updated resume that is ready to go in case of an emergency is your best insurance against unemployment.
(i) the rights to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work, to protection against unemployment, to equal pay for equal work, to just and favourable remuneration
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