Sentences with phrase «against violence»

Stand Against Violence provides lesson plans that have been specifically designed by teachers to accompany the film.
Looking ahead: For years, women seeking emergency court ordered protections against violence struggled through the petition process with small children in tow.
While I have my own opinion about playing as the enemy, I knew this was going to draw some controversy among people and groups who are already against violence in videogames.
The individual, he realized, had to be protected against violence.
The ACT Against Violence training program: A preliminary investigation of knowledge gained by early childhood professionals.
Human rights groups within and outside your neighborhood protest against the violence.
An evaluation of the Adults and Children Together (ACT) Against Violence Parents Raising Safe Kids Program.
Four stories with great photos of women from around the world who have fought against violence and inequality to lead their communities.
Others also spoke against violence and emphasized the need for it to end.
Our members have found solutions for securing schools against violence, coping with mandates to reduce class size, and funding technology initiatives, to name only a few.
Speak out against the violence experienced by women and girls worldwide!
Without some prohibition against violence, the wolf could simply eat the lamb for lunch.
The questions of peace and security over against violence are to be understood on economic, cultural and spiritual levels as well as on social and political levels.
And it may sound like I am against the violence found in the film, which I am not.
Mothers against Violence offers advice and support to those who may feel their child is at risk or involved in gun / gang / knife crime.
The «presumption against war» is sometimes expressed as a presumption against violence, with violence defined as any use of lethal force.
He reminds us that the deepest presumption in Christian thought is not against violence, but in favor of protection of the weak and the innocent from unjust attack and oppression.
But that doesn't mean we don't set a firm limit against violence.
In general, the wide array of research - supported protective factors against violence likely applies to gang members because this group and violent adolescents have many risk factors in common.
Taking a stand A new specialist charity, Stand Against Violence, offers teachers and schools a solution to these issues.
They are denied their basic right to life and fundamental protections against violence and cruelty.
They have families of the murdered with families of the executed and they stand side by side to speak against all violence.
The question of peace and security over against violence is to be understood on the economic, cultural and spiritual levels as well as on the social and political levels.
When Sheryl Kiselbach and the Downtown Eastside Sex Workers United Against Violence Society decided to challenge the Criminal Code provisions around prostitution, the chambers judge denied their application for public or private interest standing.
Many other groups (such as Minneapolis's Organizing Against Pornography, state chapters of Women Against Violence Against Women, and local rape centers) have slide shows available for study groups.
Julie is the co-founder and President of The Gottman Institute, and Clinical Supervisor for the Couples Together Against Violence study.
Sex worker groups such as Vancouver's Downtown Eastside Sex Workers United Against Violence Society, intervenors in the Bedford appeal, are hopeful that the Supreme Court will give due weight to the serious and sometimes fatal harms caused by this provision.
She is also a board member of Women Against Violence Against Women (WAVAW), and organization that provides support services to women survivors of sexualized violence.
Julie is the co-founder and President of The Gottman Institute, and Clinical Supervisor for the Couples Together Against Violence study.
Take, for instance, Florida's gun laws: A new report from the Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence, a gun control nonprofit formerly known as the Legal Community Against Violence, issued a report this month about the astronomical economic cost of Florida's awful gun violence laws.
Also at 10:30 a.m., parents of student plaintiffs will gather in front of the NYC Department of Education's headquarters at Tweed Courthouse to announce the filing of an historic class action lawsuit for failing to protect students against violence at school, Manhattan.
The Canadian Football League (CFL) has just taken a seemingly strong stance against violence towards women, an issue that has been a hot topic over the past year, with several high profile incidents making the news.
«If the struggle against violence done in the name of Islam is primarily spiritual, then defeating it requires a spiritual response.»
DVRCV, Women with Disabilities Victoria & the Office of the Public Advocate invite you to the launch of Voices Against Violence
They are members of a nationwide group known as The Initiative Collective — a volunteer crime prevention outfit that encourages people to fight back against violence using self - defense, armor and theatrics — in addition to doing general good deeds like fundraising, feeding the homeless and offering free martial arts training to anyone who wants it.
Stand Against Violence uses the example of what happened to Lloyd to demonstrate to young people the potential consequences of violence and the impact of individuals» actions on those around them.
It may well be that if a charismatic leader emerges at the head of a world crusade against violence, that person will be another Gandhi, a black layperson, someone who is not a member of a Christian church.
If we to point to the most loving behavior we would probably point to Janism which taught against violence long before Jesus showed up.
The National Association of Students Against Violence Everywhere (SAVE) recently received a grant to engage North Carolina youth in safety and violence prevention activities.
Bright consistently argued against any violence at these meetings and they all passed without serious trouble.
The lack of protections against violence for transgender New Yorkers is a colossal embarrassment to the illustrious civil rights history of our state.»
The main problem with Rollerball is that it is hypocritical in its stance against violence, when all the while violence is the only asset the producers of this film seem to concentrate on.
Wisconsin Democratic Sen. Herbert H. Kohl, who along with Connecticut Democratic Sen. Joseph Lieberman conducted the video hearings, said Sega's decision shows that public opinion has turned against violence as entertainment.
Bond: Marai Larasi, (right) arrived as a guest of Tessa Thompson (left) and she is the executive director of Imkaan, a British black feminist organisation which campaigns against violence towards black, minority ethnic and refugee women and girls
Yet he turned against the violence of de Kooning: «We all dissent from de Kooning's example of defacing, of painting out the painting, of throwing the defiled scrapings back on to the surface, in a gesture of contempt and hatred....
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