Sentences with phrase «age and gender»

Character as well as temperament, played an important role in explaining children's problem behaviors after age and gender of children were taken into account.
We've also provided some sample life insurance quotes by age and gender for «lifetime» coverage to age 90 or later.
Cancer incidence was compared based on age and gender.
The study examined 15 patients with bipolar disorder and 25 control subjects matched for age and gender.
To conclude, the cognitive vulnerability - stress interaction may be moderated by the combination of age and gender in youth, which may explain inconsistent findings so far.
The same thing happened in a 2010 — 2011 German pilot program when participating companies removed personal details such as age and gender from job applications.
Everyone in the same health class and the same age and gender as you will pay the same premium payment for the specific face amount and term length.
The purpose of this study was to examine age and gender differences in peer conflict, particularly in regards to conflict issues and resolution strategies reported by children and adolescents.
Furthermore, on the same measures, a subset of 115 clinically referred children was compared to 115 age and gender matched children from the general population.
Guidelines to determine the appropriate rate class, which define the premiums for your life insurance coverage, along with age and gender.
Child age and gender did not significantly differ between those with or without a parent with ADHD.
There are plenty of rating variables that you can't control, like age and gender.
Not only that, but someone's age and gender doesn't have a bearing on whether they have this quality either.
The Con - Lab lead by age and gender from these polls is shown in the figure below.
More specifically, the software determines the average pixel arrangement from thousands of random Internet photos of faces in different age and gender brackets.
Browse our lists of age and gender specific lists to find the best learning toys for children.
A top rate class can save you 10 % up to 500 % on your premium compared to someone of similar age and gender.
Within the clinical sample, no differences regarding age and gender were detected.
As you develop your new marketing programs, consider the current age and gender divides and where your customers fit in.
Age and gender play a huge part in what you online auto insurance rate will be.
The premium that is charged is based on the applicant's age and gender when the coverage takes effect, as well as the amount of life insurance coverage that they are applying for.
These responses were compiled and evaluated to determine how medical sales salaries are impacted by factors such as products sold, company size, travel, experience, and even age and gender.
Age and gender also play a role, as men and older people tend to be less flexible than the young and females.
Moreover, I have a demonstrated ability to maintain client confidentiality and sensitivity to age and gender related issues during client interactions.
However, since the current study had limited power to detect age and gender differences, future studies should examine whether our exploratory findings hold up with larger samples.
It's a shame that age and gender discrimination is so prevalent.
Besides age and gender, the amount of premium to be paid depends on the premium of the base life insurance policy.
Age and gender give us an idea of their technical savvy and possible communication styles.
Target reader age and gender are important considerations in designing an effective book cover.
Breed, size, age and gender matters a lot when choosing the best puppy food.
You get the same maximum death benefit, though the pricing structure is based more on your true age and gender, and not so much a group band.
Type: When you see the «Type» category, that refers to age and gender selections for each of our top ten pairs of shoes.
People with no cancer history had a higher sugar intake than cancer survivors, although this could be due to other factors including older age and gender.
Age and gender seem to have an important role in the development of good self - control in children in kindergarten and primary school, a study in Scientific Reports indicates.
Our conversations are hugely varied depending on user demographic, mainly age and gender.
The present study aimed to determine which anxiety symptoms in children are associated with teacher awareness and whether teacher awareness differs according to student age and gender.
At least credit (unlike age and gender) is a factor you can control.
Remember to respect the mentioned cup amount per age and gender of the Great Dane, and you shouldn't have any problem with your dog's food anymore.
I think people from different walks of life regardless of age and gender love the feeling of jumping and soaring high above the air.
Factors like car make and model, driving record, credit history, residence address, age and gender help the insurance companies arrive at the insurance premium figures.
Studies that have investigated age and gender differences in self - reported resistance to peer influence will be reviewed.
For these analyses, the combined age and gender matched sample (n = 230) was used.
In a supplementary analysis, we divided shared activity scale into general activities and sexual activities and tested age and gender differences.
Second, age and gender measures were added (model 2).
Auburn car insurance rates vary, depending on the driver's age and gender along with several other variables.
Depending on age and gender, the guidelines recommend eating 4 to 8 servings of fruits and vegetables daily.
In this quick guide we have included some sample quotes by age and gender in order to help you estimate what a no exam term life insurance policy would cost you each month.
Using these charts, doctors can see how kids are growing compared with other kids the same age and gender.

Phrases with «age and gender»

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