Sentences with phrase «age distribution»

Age distribution refers to the way people of different ages are spread out or distributed within a population. It indicates the number or proportion of individuals at different ages within a specific group or community. It helps understand the balance or imbalance between different age groups, which can have implications for various aspects like social services, healthcare, and economic planning. Full definition
The geographic and age distributions of the men who took part in the study closely match what is known about these populations.
We ended up with age distributions for every name in the database.
The random assignment of students to classrooms, however, meant that pairs of children with the same birthday fell into different positions in their classroom age distribution by the luck of the draw.
In sum, the merit of the present study over previous studies is the large representative sample with a wide age distribution.
Is the Chinese concern about having a stable population or is it about the demographic age distribution they have on the way to stability?
All currently successful societies depend upon age distributions distorted by an exponential growth curve.
These include age distribution, marital status of residents, structural types of housing, owned / rented properties, average household income and much more.
But the strength of the study is that a wide age distribution was included.
TECHNICAL NOTE 2 ADJUSTMENT FOR AGE HEAPING IN THE NORTHERN TERRITORY ABORIGINAL AND TORRES STRAIT ISLANDER POPULATION INTRODUCTION 1 Age heaping describes the phenomenon of uneven population age distribution in Census or survey data.
• Rutile U — Pb geochronology yields a bimodal age distribution at ca LA - ICPMS U-Pb geochronology of detrital rutile from North Gondwana Cambro - Ordovician sandstones is reported for the first time.
• Rutile U — Pb geochronology yields a bimodal age distribution at ca
Dating Site Age Distribution «Is he Generation X?
You perform a measurement of that true C14 age to get a measured C14 age with lognormal error, you then apply one of our competing algorithms to estimate a measured calendar age distribution from it.
Epidemiologists describe this type of age distribution as «U-shaped.»
The researchers suggest this may be due to much greater diversity in both the disease (two different serotypes and no available information on immune status) and the patients in Mexico, who had a larger age distribution compared with the pediatric - only Nicaraguan samples.
The authors write: «The population of patients undergoing surgical fracture treatment clearly differed from the osteosarcoma population, with a much younger age distribution and smaller body size.
At the same time, age distribution results showed that 44 % of Huawei users were older than 30 years, while Huawei users under 25 accounted for only 26.1 %.
«The disease has a wide spectrum in terms of age distribution so it can also affect children or young adults who can have more severe manifestation and long - term damage from disease as it progresses over time.»
Iran, which had an extremely rapid fall in fertility rate in the last 20 years, has an unstable age distribution and the results for the country were highly uncertain.
As Figure 2 shows, by 2008 the teacher age distribution had become two - peaked, with large proportions of teachers at both ends of the age spectrum.
Although osteosarcoma is typically a disease of middle age to older dogs (median age 7 years) a biphasic age distribution has been identified with a subset of dogs ages 1 - 2 years affected.
Pinterest's age distribution closely matches that of Internet users on the whole.
This is mapped via the calibration curve into a real age distribution on the x-axis, and Nic has provided two worked examples using a uniform prior and his favoured Jefferies prior.
4 demographic dimensions in South Asia: The role of density The demographic transition Age distributions and economics The gender bias in birth rates
Here's what's happened in the past year — two girlfriends have gotten engaged, and one has her condo on the market and is looking with her boyfriend Dating Site Age Distribution «Is he Generation X?
In the 2016 Census, the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population had a younger age distribution than the non-Indigenous population, reflecting higher fertility and lower life expectancy - a trend consistent with 2011 Census results.
At the same time, there is comparatively little multiyear ice in the region (see also map of ice - age distribution by Maslanik and Fowler in June Pan-Arctic Outlook).
Generally 80 % are benign and 20 % malignant with a bimodal age distribution.
You finally filter out from the collection of trials all those with a particular measured C14 age, and look at the distributions of true calendar ages that generated it, compared against the measured calendar age distribution each algorithm output.
Trends in age distribution of participants in a self - covered and a public expense - covered health check - up programs in Japan
And demographic changes that affect the age distribution of the population could mask the real state of the job market, too: «if the population is aging, a greater percentage of the population may hit retirement age and willingly retire, which doesn't imply a weaker job market,» CEPR's Evan Butcher and Nicholas Buffie wrote in a blog post this week.
Another caveat to these worrying numbers is that Credit Karma does not represent a cross-section of the US tax - paying populace, either in terms of income, age distribution, or tendency to submit so early.
A study of the age distribution revealed that a higher percentage of the members was in the over-sixty category than had been generally recognized.
Their calculations were based on finding the birth rate and age distribution that would best balance the costs of raising children and of caring for the elderly.
By examining teeth from 768 ancient skulls, Caspari and colleague Sang - Hee Lee of the University of California at Riverside were able to estimate the age distributions of various prehistoric populations.
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