Sentences with phrase «age goat herders»

LOL here are a few...» Hey dipstick, Trollolololololol, religious babble, written by someone with a far better knowledge of the world than bronze age goat herders living in the desert, what a moron, hate speech, Christianity is by definition bigotry, you are more likely parroting some nonsensical drivel your pastor spewed forth, supersti tious nonsense, staggeringly arrogant of you, absurd, Your god is a monster.
The book is about the same thickness as the bible, and it is written by someone with a far better knowledge of the world than bronze age goat herders living in the desert.
Or we can use your method of relying on a book written by bronze age goat herders that claims «magic did it», that is no more reliable that any other book of supersi.tious mythology.
why would we take the word of bronze age goat herders over modern scientists utilizing all of today's technology?
Quoting verses from a 3500 year old fiction novel written by bronze age goat herders... Here's one for you: «Luke, I am your father» Vader 5:24 - 26
That characteristic of your god is simply a reflection of the fear that the bronze age goat herders had 2000 years ago: they understood that if people were encouraged to use their brains, they would quickly identify the many, many problems with religious doctrine.
There is really no problem making fun of any of you, all of you are following myths of some bronze age goat herders, and some of you believe those stories are the literal truth.

Not exact matches

Some of those «primitive bronze age desert dwelling goat herders» were poets of their time.
anyone who has read and understood the mountains of evidence for evolution and compared it to a contradictory, fanciful, error riddled story book written by bronze age desert dwelling goat herders and come up on the side of the bible, clearly hasn't understood the science.
and your source for this is a bronze age book written by scientifically ignorant desert dwelling goat herders... right.
The bible is the best guess of Bronze Age goat - herders which has not been updated with facts; admittedly it's only in the last few hundred years that the creation myth has been disproven.
In short, and not surprisingly, the World's most gifted evolutionary biologists, astronomers, cosmologists, geologists, archeologists, paleontologists, historians, modern medical researchers and linguists (and about 2,000 years of accu.mulated knowledge) are right and a handful of Iron Age Middle Eastern goat herders were wrong.
religious people are some of the smartest people in the world but they still believe in a magical sky fairy and in the wors of a bronze age story book written by goat herders with no concept of science.
nah — they believe that grocary store bread and wine becomes the flesh and blood of a dead Jew from 2,000 years ago because a priest does some hocus - pocus over it in church of a Sunday morning; that a being reads my mind whenever I pray and intervenes to change what would otherwise be the course of history in small ways to «answer my prayers»; and that I will survive my own physical deathand live happily ever after if I follow some rules laid down by goat herders in Bronze Age Palestine.
(iv) how fvcking ludicrous it is to believe that a Bronze Age sky - fairy invented by Palestinian goat herders reads your mind and alters what would otherwise be the course of history in small ways to suit your whims.
In short, and not surprisingly, the World's most gifted evolutionary biologists, astronomers, cosmologists, geologists, archeologists, paleontologists, historians, modern medical researchers and linguists (and about 2,000 years of acc.umulated knowledge) are right and a handful of Iron Age Middle Eastern goat herders were wrong.
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