Sentences with phrase «age of onset differs»

In those who inherit two APOE3 alleles, age of onset differs depending on which combination of the two 523 variants they also inherit.
Age of Onset Some studies indicate that both boys and girls tend to begin their antisocial careers around the age of fifteen, with the average age of onset differing by no more than six months across genders.44 Other research, however, finds that females begin offending when they are younger than males are.45 Notably, gender differences in the age of onset tend to be most pronounced for serious or aggressive types of delinquency, while less serious problem behaviors, such as drug and alcohol - related offenses, have less gender - differentiated progressions.46

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Functional changes of the retina were found in three mouse models of human CNS diseases whose phenotype, age of onset and pathological mechanism clearly differ from each other.
Our approach differs from that adopted by Charlesworth [61], [62], who developed mathematical models to formalize the mutation accumulation hypothesis [63] that, together with the antagonistic pleiotropy hypothesis [3], [64], may be used to show how senescence can evolve by the accumulation of deleterious alleles through mutation - selection balance at frequencies that increase with their age of onset; such mutations enhance reproductive performance early in life but diminish survival late in life through physiological trade - offs.
Neurobiological mechanisms underlying the development of major depressive disorder (MDD) may differ depending on age - of - onset.
Our aim was to compare patients who differ in age - of - onset, while
PRA is one of the most commonly inherited disorders in pedigree dogs and although the various forms have been documented in over 100 breeds and exhibit similar clinical signs, the etiology, age of onset, and severity of the disease differ significantly between breeds [75].
They also had more severe baseline depression and comorbid anxiety but did not differ on age of onset or number of major depressive episodes.
Childhood - and adolescent - onset cases differed on temperament as early as age 3 years, but almost half of childhood - onset cases did not become seriously delinquent.
The second contrast tested the prediction that the adult - depressed and never - depressed groups would not differ significantly on the early childhood risk factors because the effects of childhood adversity on depression onset decline with age.14 The third contrast compared the juvenile - depressed and juvenile / adult — depressed groups on the early childhood risk factors.
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