Sentences with phrase «age of science»

Resolution of these profound questions could unlock the secrets of existence and deliver a new age of science within several decades.
Let yourself enjoy the wonders of this amazing age of science, technology, food and fun.
Take a trip back to the golden age of science fiction as Morning Men blends an out - of - this - world story with point - and - click adventuring and turn - based JRPG - style combat.
«While it is important that we fully understand the modification that we make to crops and other genetically - modified organisms, to ban GMOs completely will relegate countries to the dark ages of science.
In fact the point has been made more than once that the great age of science was prepared by a belief in a god who was himself a scientist and technician, and who would therefore approve of a civilization committed to such an enterprise.
Like you, I subscribe to various high - end periodicals, where much has been written in recent years about the current golden age of science on television, and Ghost Hunters does not often get a mention.
A riveting history of the men and women whose discoveries and inventions at the end of the eighteenth century gave birth to the Romantic Age of Science.
The time has come to hold the golden age of science fiction accountable for its fantastic promises.
This reawakening saw artists delve into the spheres of social concerns, belief systems (the spiritual), the ethics of the new age of science, and a reckoning with history and the history of art.
Perspectives in Philosophy Volume 3: Noumenon and Phenomenon: Rethinking the Greeks in the Age of Science
Evidently it is felt that even in an age of science and technology there is something in the study of literature which is imperative.
Doctrinal orthodoxy and loyalty to the Magisterium were not fashionable causes, and they were made less so by our calls for a real development of doctrine and a theological expression of Catholicism to revindicate orthodoxy in the age of science.
In this age of science and discovery, it's tragic that some people still cling to ancient myths.
In this age of science, and in coming times to be increasingly more scientific, no claim may be more startling than the one that love rooted in religion would be around long after all science is gone.
This seems a strange mode of apologetics, one particularly unsuited for the age of science....
There is in this age of science, besides the error, a vast amount of misdirected truth awaiting synthesis within the authentic thought in philosophy and in theology of the Catholic Church.
Rethinking the Greeks in the Age of Science, 1996, p. 10.
Today, we have to bring the same process to its ful lment as both the new truths and the speci c errors sown in the beginnings of the age of science ripen to harvest.
We live in an age of science and technology.
We live in an age of science, astrophysics, evolutionary biology, and information.
(See Edward Holloway's Perspectives in Philosophy: Volume 3 - Rethinking the Greeks in the Age of Science.)
Many years ago an American theologian wrote a book entitled Prayer in an Age of Science.
You are wrestling with Bronze - aged wisdom in an age of science and technology.
Besides being the age of science, the twentieth century has also been the age of man.
The problems in any literalistic understanding of religious language, which were identified long before the rise of science, have been more generally acknowledged in an age of science.
A faith in a cosmic purpose that is credible in an age of science and that could lead to harmony between human beings and between them and the rest of nature is the challenge.
In any case, there is no doubt that from the beginning of the age of science, its creators believed in the great narrative of Jehovah.
From a Whiteheadian perspective, this is not the embrace that revives but the kiss of death for religion in an age of science.
The Enlightenment, the Age of Reason, and the age of science of the 20th century made us the good part of what we are.
One important one is that we absorb from the age of science and technology the materialistic framework within which it was developed.
Britain, it seemed, would prosper as much from Churchill's «golden age of science and machinery» as we had from the world's first Industrial Revolution.
This Gulf of Fire: The Destruction of Lisbon, or Apocalypse in the Age of Science and Reason By Mark Molesky
Traditionally, religious myths have served that role, but today — in the age of science — science fiction is our mythology.
Luckily, we live in an age of science - based medicine, in which facts can be easily separated from fiction.
This is an age of science and technology that have given birth to modernizations such as the Internet.
Finally becomes a somber, sentimental and rather profound romantic fantasy that is more true to the spirit of the Golden Age of science - fiction writing than possibly any other movie of the»90s.
Castalia House is a Finland - based publisher that has a great appreciation for the golden age of science fiction and fantasy literature.
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