Sentences with phrase «age of the earth did»

3) You need to get over yourself and realize that the people who estimate the age of the earth do so with a fuller understanding of Einstein's relativity than you'll ever have.

Not exact matches

i also feel Ham doesn't realize it but is only making an argument that Adam appeared 6000 years ago and not the «age of the earth
Example being, the age of Earth... what do we do when our «god - given» brains are driven crazy by what the Bible says, and what we see as reality?
Do you want to go back to the dark ages when humans believed that the earth was the center of everything because the bible mentions that god stopped the day by stopping the sun in the sky?
You do know hawaiiiguest that the Bible tells us of 3 earth ages.
It has to do with the age of the earth.
He was asked a question about the age of the earth which he did not answer, instead retreated to talking points to pander to people like you.
Here I am, an old guy, living on my pension, social security, and 401 (k) that I've set aside for my old age, and I'm asking myself how to explain all that while claiming to be a follower of Jesus who said, «Lay not up for yourself treasures on earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, where thieves break through and steal» (Matthew 6:19 KJV), I did exactly what Jesus told me not to do.
On the age of the earth, the Bible does not speak or hint.
I really don't want to get into the whole age of the earth / evolution debate today... there isn't enough time.
What set this in motion is uncertain, but we think it has something to do with major climatic shifts that were happening around that time — a sudden cooling in the Earth's climate driven by the onset of one of the worst parts of the last Ice Age.
We don't need a Church in which everyone agrees on the age of the earth.
Do we really know the exact age of the Earth?
Of course not — we do not know the «exact» age of the eartOf course not — we do not know the «exact» age of the eartof the earth.
The Bible doesn't give the «exact» age of the earth either Hugh.
For example, how do we see the creative and redemptive love of God through the perspective of the age - long development of the immense universe, only a speck of which we inhabit, and of the evolution of sentient and rational life on this earth through thousands and millions of years?
years pass and in so many millions of years pass the bible does not say just how many years past but it was the first earth age when Lucifer rebelled against God and took 1/3 of the children of God with him.
And this is what he does here, very well, proceeding by discrete steps: the observable plasticity of plant and animal species, the verifiability of macro-evolution, the geological record of the earth's age, the fossil evidence (including the wealth of fossil remains of intermediate special forms), observable and experimental mutation, morphology, genetics, and so forth.
For century after century, spreading slowly to every continent and country and among every race on earth, this action has been done, in every conceivable human circumstance, for every conceivable human need from infancy and before it to extreme old age and after it, from the pinnacles of earthly greatness to the refuge of fugitives in the caves and dens of the earth.
And I find this is true... at age 70 stuff still comes up and I wonder what on earth raised it, but I do confront the issue and if necessary, seek counsel (which entails only lifting up the phone and talking to one of a half dozen close qualified friends.
As the Good Book has warned, there will come an age when people just will themselves choose confusion more than what is right and morally just to preserve their sinful ways instead of seeking the One they need to perfect them as a human person with dignity as a divine image of noble and holy existence, instead do de - basing themselves out of a healthy and happier existence even on earth.
However, there is a scripture that says a very few non-believers that DO NOT follow Jesus are allowed into eternity with Jesus because they listen to Jesus» wisdom that is built into all of us (aka our conscious from the beginning with Him (1st earth age... aka time frame).
However, all this, as we know, has had to be reconsidered by Christians, Mother Church included, once the geological and palaeontological sciences began to reveal the apparently immense age of the earth and the evidence that the biological species did not all come into existence at once exactly as they are today but by some kind of transformism.
Just because radiocarbon dating has flaws does not mean the dozen other methods for dating objects are automatically bogus which is why the scientific community believes the 4.5 billion year age of the earth, it's because they did not use just a single method of testing to estimate that age, they used several different methods which all confirmed the same approximate age.
So how does questioning the 6000 yrs (age of the earth theory) equal «challenging» creationism?
In the earth's coming age of firey inclemencies did come to bear; the earthly atmosphere where then came all the seeds brought forth by God and His Sons and Daughters thru their infinitely finite physical beings of ever so very small size.
In the earth's coming age of firey inclemencies tht did rudimentally come to bear and bewail the earthly atmosphere where then came all the seeds brought forth by God and His Sons and Daughters thru their infinitely finite physical beings of ever so very small size.
What on earth do words in a book from the Bronze Age have to do with the equitable treatment of all human beings?
My kid is at the age where she's been asking all sorts of tough questions — where do people come from, how was the Earth formed, what happens when we die etc..
My guess is he would know no more about that than he does about the age of the earth.
While Genesis contains wonderful insights into the relationship between God and the creation, it simply does not contain scientific ideas about the origin of the universe, the age of the earth or the development of life.
The kingdom of God represented a new age, the messianic age when God's will would be done on earth as in heaven.
Again I state... we do nt use theologians to determine the age of the earth, we use scientists... and until such time you can refute all the different methods used to determine age then that carries far more weight than what a 2000 year old book says.
theologians have about as much value to add to determining the age of the Earth as they do to determining the age of the Universe.
Did they call Obama's church and ask them the age of the earth?
When GQ's Michal Hainey asked Rubio, in an interview released Monday, «How old do you think the Earth is,» the rising Republican star described the debate about the planet's age as «one of the great mysteries.»
People can choose to believe it, but that does not make it science and anything from it can not be legitimately taught as alternative theories of science, whether in astrophysics vs. the «big bang», biology vs. evolution or embryology, etc., or physics and geology in determining the age of the earth and universe.
I don't know... I'm going to guess that understanding the age of the earth is pretty important in knowing how to predict where to find oil.
But this was talking about the age of the earth however so not sure what the universe age has to do with anything.
It is true that science does not know the exact age of the Earth or the Universe, but it is absolutely certain, beyond ANY shadow of a doubt that it is NOT just 6 - 10000 years old!
There is even evidence that joseph smith thought the moon had people living on it — in 1892 a mormon article was written which says: «The Inhabitants of the Moon,» recorded Huntington: «As far back as 1837, I know that he [Smith] said the moon was inhabited by men and women the same as this earth, and that they live to a greater age than we do — that they live generally to near the age of a 1000 years.
And don't try to tell me science has already proven the age of the earth.
i am not a Rubio fan, but i would have to agree, the age of the earth (nor us coming to know it) has anything to do with the deficit we are in at this point in time!
How many of you fools could quote the age of the Earth before reading this article or before doing a search?
I don't have to reject computers to reject an absolute age of the earth - it is only those who really don't understand that time is meaningless as there is no absolute time.
When testing the age of the earth, how do you explain that scientists were a couple million years off on 10 year old rock samples from mt. st. hellens?
Age of the earth is up for debate and the scriptures do not make claim on the age of the earth only people outside of Age of the earth is up for debate and the scriptures do not make claim on the age of the earth only people outside of age of the earth only people outside of it.
A pure theocracy, such as the prophets had envisioned and foretold, a state of affairs contemplated by Jesus himself and described in his prayer: «Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven» — this was to take the place of «the present evil age
Those who, as you say «put their faith in science» are doing nothing of the sort — there is no act of faith involved — on the contrary the evidence presented (such as in the case of the age of the Earth or the Universe) stands or falls strictly on its scientific merit: «Faith» is irrelevant.
Note also that the work translated as «day» can also be translated as «age», and does not always refer to a 24 hour period (one rotation of the earth on it's axis).
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