Sentences with phrase «age of the pet»

In some cases, they are related to the advancing age of your pet.
If you are thinking about adopting a pet, one factor to take into consideration is what age of pet you would like to add to your family.
We stress the importance of preventative care exams on all types of pets because of the more rapid aging of pets compared to humans.
We stress the importance of preventive care examination on all types of pets because of the more rapid aging of pets compared to humans.
Other vaccinations outlined in the chart above are usually not needed or recommended in most ages of pets for either lack of efficacy or safety reasons.
The approximate age of the pet in which you are interested is estimated using our experience and the advice of our veterinarians.
Each manufacturer will conveniently place an age range on their product depicting what the ideal age of pet is that should be consuming that specific product.
What ages of pets can be enrolled and what discounts they offer.
The diagnosis of canine parvovirus is frequently made by age of pet (usually under 6 months of age), symptoms exhibited, and physical exam.
A common scenario encountered in the UAE is the pet bought from the pet shop that comes to the veterinary clinic with a «completed» vaccination record but when examined we find that the age in the vaccination book is not appropriate with the actual age of the pet infront of us.
However, most individuals choose to leave more, depending on the anticipated health and age of your pets at the time they may enter the Pet Survivor Program.
The majority of our dogs and cats are between the ages of 7 years old and 12 years old, though we are happy to see an increase in the average age of our pets being adopted out each and every year for 5 years in a row.
In the golden age of pet humanization, American pet owners are willing to sacrifice their bank accounts for the well - being of their furry family members.
Mid-to-late pregnancy or the advanced age of your pet can also cause your pet's blood fibrinogen levels to rise.
Scout's Honor Rescue thus uses reasonable efforts to approximate an appropriate age, but makes no affirmative representation that the approximate age is the actual age of the pet.
Even if the policy appears to cover 100 % of some costs, check the fine print as the age of your pet may reduce the amount you are covered for.
It's about dealing with customers in this age of pet parenting, which is just so involved.
The age of your pet also informs the effort that goes into managing your companion's fur.
Dealing with the death of a dog is difficult for any owner — no matter the age of your pet.
If you and your vet decide surgery is the best treatment for your ferret, you must consider a number of factors, including the age of the pet, the cost of surgery, the presence of concurrent disease, and the possible spread of disease.
We have many programs designed to provide needed services for all ages of pets, with financial considerations in mind for the owner.
No matter the age of your pet, CBD supplements can promote health and wellness.
This means that no matter the age of your pet, CBD can support their endocannabinoid system and its efforts to promote the maintenance of homeostasis within the body.
* Frequency of these depends on lifestyle and age of pet.
You need to check the age of the pets, and accordingly, you should buy foods for them.
You should also consider the age of your pet.
FACT: The cost of spaying or neutering depends on the sex, size, and age of the pet, your veterinarian's fees and other variables.
(Ophthalmologists will tell you that this is actually a problem called lenticular sclerosis and not true cataracts, but most people call them cataracts) The age of a pet can be guessed quite accurately by the degree of cloudiness of its lenses.
Packaging details highlight this information along with the proper dosage, weight, and age of pets that each product treats.
Great for all skin types and all ages of pets.
The age of your pet is also a factor that will determine if braces will work or not.
No matter the age of your pet, start the New Year off right by committing to boost his or her health for not only this year, but also many years to come.
Wellness exams are recommended yearly and are taylored to the age of the pet.
Remember that pricing can vary depending on the age of your pet, where you live, your dog's breed, etc..
We perform the lateral suture technique on a regular basis with great success on all sizes and ages of pets.
Depending on the age of your pet and any symptoms or problems that may be apparent, different tests may be ordered.
Pricing is based on the age of your pet.
Please contact our Veterinary Clinic if you have any questions regarding the age of your pet.
The length of time varies according to the breed and age of the pet.
Depending upon the age of your pet, blood tests or other diagnostics may be recommended as part of regular wellness care and disease prevention.
Diaphragmatic — Can occur in any age of pet; some pets are born with these types of hernias, others develop them after an injury.
The prognosis after diagnosis of osteoarthritis varies and depends upon the joint involved, size and breed of the pet, and age of the pet.
To search for animals that are up for adoption in Ohio using Petfinder, visit the Petfinder the website and enter information on the search tool such as the preferred location, type of breed, gender and age of the pet.
It is vital to know about the aging of the pet.
The ages of pets they cover.
Depending upon the age of your pet, blood tests and other diagnostics may be recommended as part of regular wellness care and disease prevention.
The best diets are the ones that are geared for the age of your pet.
FACT: The cost of spaying or neutering depends on the sex, size, and age of the pet, your veterinarian's fees, and a number of other variables.
Many factors are taken into consideration when your application is evaluated, such as total income, number of household members, rent / mortgage, assistance programs, age of pet, etc..
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