Sentences with phrase «age of the sample»

The average ages of the sample of first through sixth grade students ranged from 6 to 12.5 years.
The precise ages of the samples were determined by measuring uranium and thorium isotope ratios, an analysis done with the help of Jess F. Adkins, a professor at the California Institute of Technology and a co-author of the study.
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In these frequentist coverage tests, for each integral percentage point of probability the proportion of cases where the true calendar age of the sample falls below the upper limit given by the method involved for a one - sided interval extending to that percentage point is computed.
In whatever range the true calendar age of the sample lies, both the objective Bayesian method using a noninformative Jeffreys» prior and the non-Bayesian SRLR method provide excellent probability matching — almost perfect frequentist coverage.
Mean age of the sample was 19.9 years, with a standard deviation de 1.31.
Because of well - known problems in calibrating dates from 3,500 years ago, he knew the lab would be unable to pin down the exact calendar age of the samples, but the uncalibrated measured age of the cattle bones closely matched the latest equivalent dates for the cataclysm on Thera.
They documented the viability of the technique with this article, which compared the ages of samples of known age with the ages as determined by their radiocarbon content.
Professor Higham said: «Previous radiocarbon dates have often underestimated the age of samples from sites associated with Neanderthals because the organic matter was contaminated with modern particles.
The findings were met by a torrent of criticism, mostly focused on the age of the samples and on whether they had been contaminated by people who entered the cave later.
By measuring how much of the original element remains, scientists can determine the age of a sample.
One reason is that mudstone is a sedimentary rock — formed in layers over a span of millions of years from material that eroded off of the crater walls — and thus the age of the sample drilled by Curiosity really represents the combined age of those bits and pieces.
The team also took core samples of mud from 1 to 2 meters below the seafloor and analyzed ancient pollen to determine the age of the samples.
By placing samples in a mass spectrometer and counting the concentration of carbon - 14 atoms remaining, researchers can estimate the age of the samples.)
Researchers have to show that the age of the samples, and the preservation techniques used on them, have not affected the DNA, RNA and proteins the samples contain.
They used newly refined techniques to determine the age of a sample of FAN from the lunar rock collection at the NASA Johnson Space Center.
Researchers conducted geochemical analysis of the samples to determine their makeup and also ran carbon dating tests to determine the age of the samples.
Staffers run electro - conductivity tests to establish the age of the samples, zapping the ice with 1,000 volts of current every millimeter to measure its electrical resistance.
That makes no assumptions at all about the age of the sample, merely the result of the C14 reading and a spread of values around that caused by measurement (and other) errors.
Although Timko and colleagues highlight both genetic components and the burden associated with having a chronically depressed parent in adulthood, the age of this sample was relatively young (mean age = 34) in comparison to age ranges typically thought to encompass midlife.
Half of the studies used the Strange Situation Procedure (SSP, Ainsworth et al. 1978), but with different coding systems according to the age of the sample.
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