Sentences with phrase «age of the universe»

«What we'd really like is to know how common galaxies of different masses were at different ages of the universe,» he says.
Among the scientific community there is virtually zero disagreement on the relative age of the universe, the earth, and the theory of evolution.
And life has not been evolving for the supposed entire age of the universe.
It is also likely to find new stars and phenomena, and astronomers suggest the telescope provides the best chance yet of working out the true age of the universe.
In his regular column on the «13.7» blog (which number refers to the estimated age of the universe in billions of years), Frank describes his own response to the wonders of nature, the physical world, and of just «being human».
Alternative explanations posit these anomalously massive black holes grew and merged in throngs of stars called globular clusters, but that process can easily require more time than the current age of the universe.
3) knowing the speed of light is the universal constant, we can judge age of universe from how long it took those beams of light to reach our planet.
If God is, as Christians insist, omnipotent, «is, always was and always will be» all at the same time, then the 15 billion year age of the universe is but a blink of His eye.
Compare e.g. the article Galaxy's light pushes back dark ages of the universe with New record for Universe's most distant object; both talk about the same object and the same study, but nevertheless the first reports a distance of 15.5 billion light years, whereas the second says 13.6 billion light years!
The Genesis account gives no indication as to the actual age of the universe.
Gliese 581 is a red dwarf star, which means its expected lifetime is far longer than our Sun's: it could well last hundreds of billions of years, which is much longer than the present age of the universe.
Actually, the generally accepted age of the universe is 13.7 billion years old.
WMAP finally revealed the exact age of the universe: 13.7 billion years.
The finite age of the universe also solves Olbers's paradox, even if we lived in a static universe.
«The growth of these structures from the early ages of the universe until today agrees with what our models predict, showing that we can describe cosmic evolution very well.»
The dark ages of the universe comprised neutral helium, hydrogen, dark matter and normal matter.
u «This [age of the universe] is flatly inconsistent with the ages of Galactic globular clusters, estimated to be about 13 — 17 Gyr [billion years].
If scientists find, as one might expect, even more distant stars and galaxies with heavy elements, problems with the claimed age of the universe will no longer be the secret of a few evolutionists.8
However, red dwarfs take trillions of years to consume their fuel, far longer than the 13.8 - billion - year - old age of the universe, so no red dwarfs have yet become white dwarfs.
There's got to be, goes the argument, very may planets on which life has developed over the vast age of the universe; And of those, some at least, must have progressed to the point where they would be capable of exploring or messaging the rest of us.
That uniformity would prevent gravity from forming galaxies and black holes, even over the supposed age of the universe.33 However, black holes would easily form soon after the creation of all matter in a much smaller, lumpier universe.
Contrary to your insinuations, I think just about everyone who graduates from high school knows the Earth is about 4.5 billion years old, and that the estimated age of the universe is on the order of 13 billion years.
The two black holes close together gradually over time as their orbits degrade as energy is lost generating gravitational waves, but the process can take longer than the current age of the universe.
THE new record - holder for the most precise timekeeper could tick off the 13.7 - billion - year age of the universe to within 4 seconds.
The next step, he says, will be to go for confirmation by surveying many more galaxies — perhaps as many as 100 million — at different distances, meaning at different ages of the universe, to see if the effects produced by this first round remain consistent.
================== @momoya» By only using the bible without any science facts, how does it show the true age of the universe / world?»
Now that people are more aware of how this scheme works it might be a different story, just as how more people are now aware of how the Bible was actually written and the actual age of the universe to actually accept it as completely factual and as any kind of evidence for a god.
For a 1012 - kilogram one, it is 1010 years — about the present age of the universe.
The subsequent creation of hydrogen and helium led to the dark ages of the universe, but something happened that caused hydrogen to heat up — the process known as ionization where superheated gases obtain a positive or negative charge — and usher the visible universe era.
Cosmological reflections about the age of the universe or the transition from one state of the universe to another state, or questions about what happened before the Big Bang do not contribute to an affirmation or a denial of the universe's being created.
The age of the universe, and 3.
The age of the universe is based on red shift and cosmic background radiation.
Moreover, this is every bit about evolution as it is about the age of the universe.
He has the age of the universe wrong and how long man has been on earth wrong, and I'm going to go through that extra effort to correct a few typos?
It is possible for human beings to comprehend the age of the universe as more or less three times the age of our Earth.
Our lives are so short compared to the age of the universe, we need an eternal purpose to give our lives meaning... So, the only way I see to do that is to serve the purpose of something eternal, namely God.
And your goofiness about changing the age of the universe as scientific knowledge increases (well duh!!)
sounds religious to me (yes, im talking about the scientist that tells you we know the age of the universe..
The first estimates of the age of the universe based on its rate of expansion gave about a billion years, which was inconsistent with the known ages of the oldest rocks and of stars.
Why would anyone want to worship a god that lies to them, and if he would lie about the age of the universe then whose to say that everything else in the Bible isn't god lying as well.
The bible doesn't meld with the age of the universe, so it's extremely unlikely that if there is a god factor involved (yet to be shown with any evidence) that it would be the vindictive god of the bible.

Phrases with «age of the universe»

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