Sentences with phrase «age old debate»

The age old debate of boys vs girls is back again people.
Love this set of three Thanksgiving dish towels turned napkins that will have guests discussing the age old debate of light or dark, dressing or stuffing, whole or jellied cranberries!
That's right, the age old debate of splurge or save.
Right now, we at Elite ask the Pamela Anderson's and Jennifer Aniston's of the world to stand up and answer the age old debate; do men want a good girl Laurel Thatcher Ulrich, writer, historian and university professor at Harvard University, penned an article about little - studied Puritan funeral services.
One of the age old debates about investment retirement accounts is whether it is better to have your money in an account where you contribute pre-tax money (ie 401k plan or Traditional Roth) or in post-tax accounts such as a Roth IRA.
There is an age old debate that exists in the mortgage industry.
The age old debate between Capitalists and Socialists about the merits is a healthy one for our society to continue to have.
The age old debate rages on..
Inspired by the upcoming Meet the Breeds event, the world's largest showcase of cats and dogs, the American Kennel Club and the Cat Fanciers» Association joined forces this summer to put an end to the age old debate over whether dogs or cats are more beloved.
Inspired by the upcoming Meet the BreedsTM event, the world's largest showcase of cats and dogs, the American Kennel Club ® (AKC) and the CFA have joined forces to put an end to the age old debate: «Are you a dog or cat person?»
Support of the Theory that Reward is a Necessary part of Punishment The theory of punishment versus reward has been an age old debate and will most likely remain so.
In my region, a new mine and a wood technology plant are currently reinvigorating the age old debate of money now or greater, but less tangible, value later?
Christopher: I say it's an age old debate.
There's no settlement to the age old debate of who's a better driver, men or women.
The age old debates about what type of life insurance to buy and at what age a person should definitely have life insurance will go on long beyond me.
The age old debate of consoles versus PCs is a silly one, and getting staler every year.
This is an age old debate that has kept people coming up with various reasons to support their argument of whether to include or eliminate the «hobbies» section from the resume.
The age old debate.
However, if your goal is to own your properties outright (the age old debate on BP - to leverage or not to leverage), then I guess in 29 months you will be purchasing your next property.
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