Sentences with phrase «age you are when»

While it may sound as if full retirement age is when you'll qualify for your maximum benefit, waiting until age 70 will actually give you more.
and do you stay the age you are when you die?
I despaired that he was saying things like this at the same age I was when I read it.
Kelly Kelly is No. 19, the same age she was when she debuted in WWE's version of ECW.
The hardest part of this age is when they are newly potty trained.
That age is when baby begins to understand and learn how to process his or her world.
no matter what form or what age you are when you consume it, medicine does not always taste nice.
One Great Way to Affirm Your Daughter by Michelle Watson, PhD, LPC I forget what age I was when I... Read More»
This age is when the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends introduction.
Around six months of age is when babies are ready for introduction to solid food.
The best age is when you are ready and decided to have a baby.
I was just a bit younger than the age she was when she wrote it - so the language and the way she spoke was familiar, but her experiences and life couldn't have been more different.
That's interesting, that theory that you stay at the mental age you were when your mother passed away.
" - World's Best Free Personals For Dating and Chat» - it's the title of the site.The most important text on the main page - «discuss dating in the webdate forums», «What age were you when you lost your virginity?»
Your preferred animated or fad that came out when you were 5 or 6 decades of age was when he was just completing institution.
Based upon this rule, the only time that a man can date a woman his own age is when hes 14 years old (because half of 14 is seven, and seven plus seven is 14).
As an added bonus, there is the fact that many fans of the fantasy adventures now have children around the same age they were when taking to them.
Could I see myself driving my two sons, the oldest of whom is about the age I was when Mom had her» 88, in the 2016 Maxima?
That's the age I was when I lost my parents and my unborn baby sister to a charging beer truck at the intersection of Broadway and Eastern Avenue.
And no wonder so many writers are compelled to fill in those perceived blanks for readers the same age they were when first exposed to the work.
The interview stated that her height and weight were that of a nine - year - old, the age she was when she received the Ashley treatment.
We have three daughters, and one of them is just past the age I was when these events took place, and I must say I feel a certain relief that nothing similar has shadowed any of their days; but I also know that you never stop worrying that it will.
Therefore, it is considered best for individuals who believe they will have reason to rely on death benefits for their family no matter what age they are when they pass away.
Middle age is when people begin to slow down on their resolution making.
At 50 years old, you are much closer to retirement age than you are to the age you were when you first started out.
To analyze IRA withdrawal trends and how sustainable they are to last throughout retirement, the most salient age is when the owners reach the RMD age (generally age 70-1/2).
Middle age is when you should be finishing paying off any remaining debts and tucking away like crazy for retirement.
For Havanese, the time when a puppy is new born to a few weeks of age is when the colours tend to be most intense and the patterns are most easily discernible.
But if you did not have your pet neutered by this time, or if you adopted an older animal that was not fixed, there are still health and behavior benefits that your dog will enjoy no matter what age they are when they are neutered.
Actually, I'll let you into a secret: it isn't about what age you are when you visit these towns.
I'm not sure exactly what my age was when Henry Geldzahler did that show at the Met, New York Painting and Sculpture: 1940 - 1970, I have the catalogue still.
So the internet is 23 years old, the same age you were when you began your 2nd year of law school.
The lower you age is when you start shopping for coverage, the less you are likely to pay regarding coverage.
Keep in mind that rates for whole life coverage are usually based on the age you are when you secure it, so the younger you are when you apply, the lower your rate may be.
No matter what age you are when getting life insurance, always make sure to work with an independent life insurance agency with access to ALL of the top companies.
The younger your age is when you begin a policy, the higher the amount you will eventually receive at its maturity.
The dollar amount of your Social Security payments depends on how much you earned while working and what age you are when you sign up to receive your benefits.
Underwriters will take into account not only the age you are when you're applying (like they do with everyone), but also the age at which you were diagnosed with diabetes.
But it is important to realize that with a properly designed whole life insurance policy, your policy's performance will still make it a great option no matter what age you are when applying for coverage.
Around this age is when most couples begin family planning, talking about kids, buying a home, and other huge life events.
These numbers illustrate just how important health and age are when you are looking to purchase life insurance in your 40's.

Not exact matches

On top of that, as with other online ads, they are ephemeral, disappearing when you refresh the window, unlike a billboard that sits in the same spot by the highway for ages.
The headline finding was that the working memory performance of both age groups improved when walking at their chosen speed compared with when sitting or walking at a fixed speed set by the researchers.
I've never been a woman, so I can't speak from experience, but when I was younger the women I knew seemed to fear aging, which they claimed was worse for them.
The youngest successful founders were those who had received funding from New York City - based venture capital firms, although even then their average age was 38.7 — old enough to have been Mark Zuckerberg's parent when he started Facebook from his dorm room at 19.
Of course, when a chemically aged battery is replaced with a new one, iPhone performance returns to normal when operated in standard conditions.
When those are damaged — by disease, injury, or aging — hearing loss can occur, and until now that was typically viewed as irreversible.
When it comes to high - growth super-successful startups, the average age is even older.
Here are my 2016 predictions when it comes to the Age of the Emoji:
First up on the entrepreneurial agenda, actually, was creating an all - ages nightclub in Los Angeles when they were home from college over the summers.
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