Sentences with phrase «agent sell a book»

The sales agents sold books first to those closest to themselves and then engaged a broader audience of customers one - on - one.
The best way for me to illustrate this point for you is to explain how top literary agents sell books to publishers (because that's the process you need to model).
The best way for me to illustrate this point is to explain how top literary agents sell books to publishers (because that's the process you need to model).
I am also going to assume, as 95 % of all mid-list writers, there is an agent in the mix and agent sells the book.
The best way for me to illustrate this point is to show you how top literary agents sell books to publishers... because that's the process you need to model.
When an agent sells your book, most of the time it's 1.5 — 2 years before you'll see it in print.
It is the vehicle by which aspiring non-fiction authors and their agents sell their book ideas to editors.
Once you've written, edited, revised and polished your book, once you've signed with an agent, once your agent sells your book to a publisher — then you get to start another career.
Writers write books; agents sell those books to publishers; publishers make the books available to the market.
Real agents sell your books to publishers that pay you advances and royalties.
Apple would become the agent selling the books, taking a 30 percent commission on each sale, just as it does with its App Store.
And so, really, the advantages on the creative side on how soon your book comes out... when they find out, wow if my agent sells my book today, my book won't be out for 12 to 24 months.

Not exact matches

The Vancouver real estate agent typically booked at least 10 showings a week for the properties he sells in the city.
But if you're trying to sell a story or a book to a publisher / agent, let me assure you, the work doesn't even begin until you've finished writing the story.
«An insider's look at how Christian books are agented, acquired, packaged, branded, and sold in today's marketplace.»
Once you know the secrets in this book you may find yourself still able to enjoy life — and even thrive — while going... View Details Chemotherapy and Biotherapy Guidelines and Recommendations for Practice by Martha Polovich (Author), MiKeala Olsen (Author), Kris Lefebvre (Author) Order your copy of the fourth edition of the best - selling resource used by more than 101,000 healthcare professionals since 2009 and keep up - to - date on the latest chemotherapy, biotherapy, and targeted agents.
That could be beneficial, not so much if / when you're trying to get a literary agent, but if / when you're trying to sell books.
Good vs. Bad Communicators: A small number of agents offer representation via email but don't offer to get on the phone for a meet - and - greet... and / or you never hear from them after that until if / when they sell your book.
Established book agents are a lot less likely to persevere with your book if they aren't able to sell it immediately.
However, authors of such books can certainly make themselves more attractive to literary agents and publishers by bolstering their platform, since having influence and a large following is one indicator of an author's ability to get exposure and sell books.
Literary agents have to write query letters too, because that's how they sell books.
She represents a broad array of fiction and nonfiction — books for both children and adults, and instructs frequently on topics such as literary agents, getting published, e-publishing, successful writing techniques, selling & pitching your book, and more.
Jill Marsal: We really look at the author - agent relationship as a long - term partnership where we would like to help grow and develop an author's career rather than just sell a book.
That means your agent might have editors on staff that can help you improve your manuscript, increasing the chance of your book being sold (and for more money).
As it moved into full - blown editing and book development, Amazon Publishing was hearing from more and more agents with manuscripts to sell, he says.
New book agents looking for clients are still trying to get established, and they need to sell books to earn respect and build relationships.
Hear straight from an agent's perspective what is selling, what isn't, as well as picture book writing dos and don'ts.
In other words, the sole purpose of a query letter is to «sell» or «promote» your finished book (or book idea) to literary agents.
Literary agents are commission - based salespeople who are expected to work for free until if / when they sell your book.
I think we'll have to look at the way the remuneration of agents is handled... we see the rise of the lawyer - agent coming in and taking fee for books that are probably quite easy to sell... retainers, tapered commission, an a la carte menu for authors where agent will do some of their books, not all of their books.
So to explain this «Agents Must Sell Books» myth clearly, I need to back up just a touch and run through some history to get to why this myth even exists and then move on into how to fight it.
New literary agents looking for clients will sometimes even guide you through additional rewrites on your book after failing to sell it, if they really believe in you and the project.
Terry — Rick Daley of Public Query Slushpile has just gone through a year with an agent who couldn't sell his book — it's happening more often than not these days.
Sure, a big advance and publishing contract sound great, but finding an agent, selling the book, and waiting for it to be published can take years.
You can still submit your book, and if an agent cares enough about the idea or story, they may edit it for free, and sell it to a publisher, and the publisher may support it and market it.
And since agents and most publishers don't have the slightest idea what will sell and what won't sell, there is no magic formula for success other than having people read your books.
Michelle Brower: I'm a very editorial agent, but I don't really look at it as a separate service: it's just what I do in order to make a book better so that it will sell for more money.
But even with the place of agents in publishing fading fast, in the last 20 years the biggest myth that has blown up into a damaging myth is that you need an agent to sell a book.
If your book agent wants to represent you for more than a year, he or she needs to earn it... by making a real effort to try and sell your book during year one.
Here are the blog posts and pages related to writing books, selling rights to your books, getting a literary agent, and other topics relevant to aspiring and established book authors.
By the way, that's what top literary agents do to sell books.
As we've written a number of times at GigaOM, the traditional book - publishing business continues to be disrupted, with some self - published authors such as Amanda Hocking making millions of dollars without using a traditional agent or publisher, by selling their own books through Amazon's (s amzn) Kindle platform.
In the mean time, I've burned my Excel spread sheet of Doom chronicling my agent and publisher rejections and will continue to sell books directly to readers!
Needing an agent to sell a book in 2013 is, of course, complete hogwash.
But in those rejections, there's hope for the indie writer — if you can develop your own platform and show that you've sold a few thousand copies of your self - published book, it's very likely that you will catch an agent or publisher's attention.
This means you'll pay 30 % in agent fees: 15 % to this agency, and 15 % to the agency that actually sells your books.
It's easier for an agent to sell a new author with three finished books.
How do you sell a book to a traditional publishing house without an agent?
Agents and / or publishers KNOW based on your numbers that you'll be able to help sell a lot of books.
Unlike businesses that agonize about quality or value, Amazon doesn't care if your book or e-book is good or bad or if it sells for fifty bucks or zero bucks, because like stock brokers and real estate agents they get paid no matter what.
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