Sentences with phrase «aggravate vata»

However, prolonged use may aggravate Vata dosha.
For example, juice fasts aggravate Vata, raw food fasts aggravate Vata and colonic irrigation deeply aggravates Vata.
But most approaches recommend dietary (and other) techniques that actually significantly aggravate Vata and cause our Agni / digestive fire to become more unbalanced.
In addition, too much cold raw food will aggravate Vata Dosha, which governs the nervous system.
Dehydration from heat, long plane flights, alcohol or caffeine can aggravate vata and lead to headaches, aching muscles and digestive disruption.
Dietary modifications can help in a big way: avoid dry fruits, apples, melons, potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants, beef, and peas, as these all aggravate vata further.
Anxiety is associated with aggravated vata, which can become elevated due to caffeine, stress, disrupted routines, cold weather and dry cold food and drinks.
Systemic Signs: Systemic symptoms which are exhibited due to aggravated vata are Giddiness, burning experience in eyes, excess thirst, pain which is pricking in nature, stomach colic, malaise, trouble in breathing, fever, indigestion and discomfort in joints.

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Avoid ice water as it will aggravate the already dominant Vata dosha.
Vata pain is usually aggravated by movement.
And any change, especially significant changes in the environment, will aggravate «Vata».
Those with Vata aggravated arthritis may find that their joints may pop and crack because they are dry.
Get to know which foods are vata aggravating and avoid them.
Ama is «colored» by whatever dosha is out of balance: thus there is Vata - aggravated ama, Pitta - aggravated ama and Kapha - aggravated ama.
When people make choices in diet, life - style and daily routine that do not support their fundamental mind / body type, one or two doshas, Vata, Pitta or Kapha, can become aggravated.
It's not only the caffeine that can mess with this types already variable energy and fragile adrenal system, but also coffees bitter and dry qualities, which are both highly Vata aggravating.
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