Sentences with phrase «aggressive targets risk»

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Economic data has also come back on the radar of investors who are contending with the potential for inflation to hit the Fed's 2 % target range, raising the risk of the central bank leaning toward a more aggressive hiking trajectory.
Static 529 accounts enable investors to target a specific risk level, such as «growth» or «aggressive growth,» or create an individual portfolio that tracks underlying mutual funds, exchange - traded funds or other investments, according to
And there is simply no realistic risk that feeding children school meals compliant with even the most aggressive of targets (430 mg per meal in, K - 5; 470 mg, 6 - 8; 470 mg; 500 mg, 9 - 12, for school year 2022/23) is going to push them substantially below what the IOM continues to say is a safe level:
«This study demonstrates that targeted fusion - guided biopsy could significantly enhance our ability to identify patients with high - risk prostate cancers that need more aggressive treatment,» says lead author Mohummad Minhaj Siddiqui, MD, assistant professor of surgery at the University of Maryland School of Medicine and director of urologic robotic surgery at the University of Maryland Marlene and Stewart Greenebaum Cancer Center.
UCLA researchers found that conventional «blind» biopsy failed to reveal the true extent of presumed low - risk prostate cancers, and that when targeted biopsy was used, more than a third of these men had more aggressive cancers than they thought.
In the era of personalized cancer therapy, patients with TNBC remain at considerably higher risk of relapse and death than patients with other breast cancer subtypes, due to the aggressive nature of TNBC and the lack of newer targeted therapies for the disease.
If validated in larger studies, this breakthrough could mean that it may be possible to identify those at the highest risk of their breast cancer spreading, with more aggressive treatments targeted specifically to them, while those at low risk could be spared treatments that may not benefit them, as well as the subsequent side - effects.
An active physician, teacher and clinical researcher, Cohn works with other investigators locally and worldwide studying the biologic underpinnings of clinically aggressive, high - risk neuroblastoma in order to develop more effective, targeted treatments.
A 90 % allocation to stocks is very aggressive, so the Target Retirement 2020 or Target Retirement 2025 funds with stock allocations of about 65 % and 75 % respectively would be appropriate for investors with moderately high risk tolerance.
The target - risk options include: Aggressive, Moderately Aggressive, Growth, Moderate, Moderately Conservative, and Conservative.
She developed programs and partnerships that transferred cats and kittens at high risk for euthanasia resulting in a 79 % reduction and implemented targeted, aggressive TNR programs which lead to in a 45 % drop in cat intake at Manatee County Animal Services over five years.
Sadly, the governor directed Ecology to target the rule to the outdated and completely inadequate emissions reductions determined in 2008, even though his agency recently admitted those standards «should be adjusted to reflect the current science [and] need to be more aggressive in order for Washington to do its part to address climate risks and to align our limits with other jurisdictions that are taking responsibility to address these risks
The program targets elementary school children (ages 6 to 10) who are at high risk for early development of conduct problems, including substance use (i.e., who display early aggressive, disruptive, or nonconformist behaviors).
Effective daycare - kindergarten interventions must target the known active risk mechanisms that contribute to the maintenance of aggressive behaviour, especially addressing children's self - regulatory behaviours and parents» behaviours.
Targeted or indicated prevention programs seek to identify children with elevated risk for aggressive behaviour and to alter their developmental trajectories by addressing malleable risk factors.
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