Sentences with phrase «aging cell components»

Autophagy is the process by which cells capture large dysfunctional proteins, aging cell components, and invading pathogens into packages to be disposed of (7).

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Some scientists think that aging is caused by a nasty byproduct of metabolism that beats up the components of cells, much like combustion wears down engines.
Age - related hearing loss can involve multiple components, such as the disappearance of sensory cells in the inner ear.
As we age, the nitric oxide meant to cause dilation is increasingly destroyed by reactive oxygen species such as superoxide, which are produced by many components of our body's own cells, including organelles called mitochondria.
Professor Nizetic, calling for further research into the components of the disturbed cascade he and his team have revealed said; «We hope that further research might lead to clues for the design of new therapeutic approaches tackling developmental delay, mental retardation, ageing and regeneration of brain cells, and Alzheimer's disease.
Second, in components of the medullary 5 - HT system that contain 5 - HT cell bodies (ie, PGCL, gigantocellularis, and intermediate reticular zone), there was a significant age × diagnosis interaction with decreased receptor binding with increasing age in SIDS cases but no change in controls (Figure 2A).
The team analyzed the frequency of different types of immune cells in blood collected from 110 one year - old study participants, the presence of immune - stimulatory components in the subjects» house dust and asked whether any of the factors correlated with an increased of asthma at age seven.
By studying the stem cells in two types of tissue, namely skin, muscle, and in liver, in young (three months old) and aged (18 to 22 months old) mice every four hours, «we observed that the core components of the circadian clock had no changes in their rhythm with age».
Researchers discovered that fluoride perturbed the white blood cells» components and function by stimulating their production of superoxide when at rest, thus releasing superoxides into the blood stream, damaging tissues and depleting energy reserves, processes associated with accelerated aging.
See, muscles can become smaller and weaker with age (a process known as sarcopenia), and evidence suggests that a key part of the decline occurs in this mitochondria, a component of muscle cells that is the ultimate powerhouse — the primary engine of energy production.
Your mitochondria, appropriately nicknamed «the powerhouse of your cells,» deteriorate with age due to ongoing exposure to toxins, which accelerate the destruction of cellular components.
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