Sentences with phrase «aging levee»

The increasing fragility of the aging levee system, and more people building in low - lying areas susceptible to flooding.
Rising sea - levels — particularly when combined with storm events — are just one of several factors that could endanger the integrity of the Delta's 1,100 miles of earthen levees, which protect the state's water supply and the region's agricultural, transportation, and energy systems from flooding and saltwater intrusion.35 Earthquakes, land subsidence, and floods present serious threats to the aging levees as well.

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The first landscape hotel in Europe is situated in the farmyard of Burtigarden farm at Alstad in Valldal, on a steep, natural levee in between birch, osp, pine and age - old boulders.
For the U.S. and the world, Katrina was a surprise as the world saw the failure of complete evacuation, the collapse of the levees, the inadequate rescue operations, the subsequent outmigration, and the plight of those remaining in the city, with the burden falling heaviest on the African - American, poor, aged, and infirm members of the population.
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