Sentences with word «agnosia»

Agnosia is a condition where a person has trouble recognizing or understanding certain things that their senses pick up. It can affect their ability to identify people, objects, or sounds, even though their senses are working properly. Full definition
John had a condition known as visual agnosia, a phrase coined by Sigmund Freud meaning «lack of visual knowledge.»
In effect, you suffer from a temporary form of agnosia for her.
We found that with repeated coaxing, Sally would start reaching for the pen on the left, but when we came back after a few hours the mirror agnosia returned.
No more agnosia, no more Chinese whispers, no more disregarding of commentaries.
An even more unusual condition is known as facial agnosia.
You can also get a feel for agnosia by thinking of what happens when you listen to a foreign tongue.
Mirror agnosia is unlikely to be a deficit that is restricted to mirrors.
You would have profound visual agnosia.
We have dubbed this new neurological disorder (or «sign») mirror agnosia.
Prosopagnosia (prosopon for face, agnosia for not knowing) is a disorder that affects as much as 2 % of the general population, but estimates vary.
Moreover, Dr. P.'s strange «visual agnosia» is a thoroughly Kantian affliction.
The Church can not be «a different kind of economic space» when most Christians are suffering from visual agnosia, an inability to recognize familiar objects.
In this variant of agnosia the patient has some difficulty identifying common objects but more profound agnosia for food and appropriate «sex objects.»
Agnosias have become particularly interesting to neuroscientists in the past decade or so, as advances in brain scanning techniques have allowed them to close in on what's going on in the brain.
BP's problems are just one example of a group of disorders known collectively as visual agnosias, usually caused by some kind of brain damage.
Blindness ranges from the physiological, with no sensation of light and colour (congenitally or from injury or disease) to various mind blindnesses, such as agnosia, when light, colour, movement and form are perceived but the object seen lacks meaning.
Would repeated training sessions, spread over several days, finally correct her mirror agnosia?
Damage may result in an inability to recognize faces, surroundings or objects (visual agnosia).
These disabilities include such intriguing conditions as aphasia (loss of speech and language comprehension), agnosia (the inability to identify objects) and prosopagnosia (the inability to recognize faces).
Takaiwa A, Yamashita K, Nomura T, Shida K, Taniwaki T. [A case of carbon monoxide poisoning by explosion of coal mine presenting as visual agnosia: re-evaluation after 40 years].
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